The Forum > Article Comments > Australia’s failings an opportunity for China as it signs PNG fisheries deal > Comments
Australia’s failings an opportunity for China as it signs PNG fisheries deal : Comments
By Jeffrey Wall, published 7/7/2020As China works vigorously to increase its influence in the region, it is stepping up its efforts to undermine Australia's influence in Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific, and Australia is unprepared to counter Beijing's push.
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Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 7:31:42 AM
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PNG will soon be on the receiving end of one of China's principal exports: environmental degradation.
But PNG can always profit by leasing naval ports to China. And when Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Fiji see the money that can be made they too can start leasing naval ports to China. And when they run out of naval ports to lease to China they can sell it land for army and air force bases. There'll be a lot of wealthy big men in Melanesia before long. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 8:53:33 AM
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What we have to realise is that PNG is just a practice run for the CCP in preparation for its assault on Australia. We also have to realise that our deadhead government is not going to do anything about it.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 9:43:04 AM
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The authors tone of "its all Australia's fault/missed opportunity" is shameful and incorrect. I have watched and listened to colleagues in many fields of expertise try to assist PNG. They invariably give up in despair. PNG is not a normal population due to tribalism, corruption and a lack of drive. Maybe China might (in fact will) try to tame PNG and maybe it might find their approach to domination might meet its first real challenge....
Posted by Alison Jane, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 9:49:21 AM
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I disagree with you there. I think Scott Morrison et al have come to realise they have been playing into China's hands over the past 30 years. They thought they could profit from China while at the same time containing it. But China has no intentions of being contained. Much like Germany under Hitler had no intention of being contained in its quest for Lebensraum. China sees SE Asia and Oceania (including Australia) as its own Lebensraum. To understand what is going to happen to us in the not too distant future we need to understand and analyse China's intentions in terms of its expanding nation-statism. Scott Morrison might just go down in the history books as the prime minister who had to surrender his country to China. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 9:57:16 AM
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When we witness a government response to Chines aggression in Hong Kong right now, I shudder.
In fact I shudder at most responsive acts of the Australian government. Australian governments have neutered themselves with rank hypocritical acts of kowtowing to China. One major convenience towards easy government, is flogging off the farm. This includes anything and everything, even if nailed down, such as domestic housing. I don't want to hear from now on, such exhibitions of hypocrisy, through criticism of our close neighbors penchant to follow suit. What a sick joke they are. For three years in a row, Australian governments wasted precious resources of parliamentary time in vain discussions among themselves, outdoing each other with debates on the madness of gay marriage. Already the gear-up to import the poor little dispossessed Chinese from Hong Kong, is showing signs of going down the same path. Quite frankly, I hope China simply romps in to our neighbourhood and buys it all out, as it does in Australia with complete government support and total approval, listening to no criticism of its actions from those on the ground who will suffer from the stupid of it. Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 9:59:01 AM
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Alison Jane
Your lost in space mate! Your ho hum excusing of Australian government cowardice, rank hypocrisy and greed, is pathetic. So you say PNG corruption is worse than Australian government corruption. No it's not! The difference is entirely in its level of sophistication. That is the only difference! Dan Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 10:16:16 AM
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diver dan,
You need to keep in mind that Alison Jane is in the pro-China camp. She has vested interests in a China-Australia compact so you won't win any arguments with her. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 10:27:13 AM
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Mr. Opinion,
Do you really trust a government that only just now "wakes up" to what many, many people - not just people like us, but professionals at the game - have known for years? These clowns actually thought that that allowing the CCP into the WTO would change them. It did. They have become even worse. AJ, Right. PNG wasn't ready for independence. It is still not ready for independence. Racism? Well, tough. Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 11:01:54 AM
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One thing for sure their dalliance with China has definitely come back to bite them on the bum. How long have I been trying to warn people about the Chinese. How many Chinese agents and PLA operatives live in Sydney and Melbourne? Maybe we can pop in and have a cup of afternoon tea with them - won't that be lovely! Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 11:39:44 AM
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I Agree with Chris!
Moreover, where we can influence anyone in the Pacific region? It has to be with two things as gifts from the lucky country as gifts that just keep on giving for decades. Those gifts would be Shipping container-sized, MSR thorium and destination dialysis desalination modules! To provide two things. The world's cleanest, cheapest, safest energy, the world's most affordable desalinated potable water and with the latter cost-effective broad-scale irrigation should they choose that option. Moreover, energy that cheap would enable many industrial options, i.e., recycling, (steel aluminium) Also e.g., Hydrocarbons created from seawater. And with that, endlessly available fuels, fertilisers and a range of also endlessly sustainable plastic products and plastics so durable as to allow a small craft building industry? Furniture, packaging, etc? And or plastic septic systems that as the locally invented, two tank, closed cycle, smell free, system, would produce all the cooking gas any family would ever need, indefinitely. Our goal should be to create indigenous self-reliance with no strings attached, even as China seeks almost the opposite? Then as the one paying the piper? Seeks to call the tune? I think we should allow a hugely indebted China to overreach herself to an enormous economic downturn. And then face her people, civil rebellion and bloodbath reprisals against the communist party! In the interim, let's not succumb to the economic blackmail that PNG are trying on? That if they do deals with communist China, then they can kiss our current aid budget goodbye! If the want a fishing industry? Let's not have it in already hugely over-harvested oceans! But rather as onshore fish farms! And we could help with that as facilitators and customers. However, if they want it the other way? Those Chinese fishing fleets could dock in their Darwin harbour? And offload there. Thereby, bypassing PNG completely? And when the cost of the fuel outweighs the fishing returns? As it will in already over-fished oceans? What then of a less than well thought through plan? Even as those fishing fleets turn out to be gunboats pursuit gunboat diplomacy? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 7 July 2020 12:55:04 PM
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PNG, like us, are still suffering from that idiot Whitlam. It was his idea to give PNG it's independence at least 25 years, & probably 50 years before it was ready for it.
A prime example was a day when I was asked to drive out from Rabaul New Britain to check out a noisy boor pump at a mission copra plantation & school, 15K out of town. On the way I passed a truck loaded with sacks of copra on the harbor side of the road. Two boys, [PNG plantation workers}, were sitting on top of the load gazing out over the harbor. At the mission I found the pump boy had been adding water to the pump sump as it used it's oil. He knew he had to fill the thing to the mark, but the boss had let the oil run out. The boy could not ask the boss for more oil, as such things were above his station. The boss was a new chum from Australia, who had no idea the boys would not ask for more oil when needed. It was lucky it was only the pump wrecked. The tractor boy needed oil, as did the power house boy, & it's expensive big generator. With the new boss now a little wiser about the ways of PNG, I drove back to town 4 hours later. I was only slightly surprised to see the same 2 boys still sitting on the same truck beside the road, still gazing out over the same harbor. That was typical of PNG at independence, & probably still is Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 1:16:07 PM
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Off Topic:
A Western entity has encouraged me to do an analysis of the EDEN-MONARO (E-M) By-Election result and to share it with you, using less formal wording. SUMMARY Main takeaways are that Labor won on an increased (two party preferred (TPP)) majority. But Labor only won on preferences - most significantly from the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (SFFP). Main reason for that is SFFP voters being dissatisfied with Government's Bushfire performance – especially ScoMo’s holiday. IN DETAIL It is not surprising Labor won because in this situation. If the Libs won it would have be the first Fed Gov win beating an Opposition held seat candidate, in a by-election, for 100 years. Looking at: - Labor only won due to preferences. Most significantly/oddly from the SFFP. Libs would have won if they negotiated the usual preference deal with SFFP. A significant number of SFFP voters have likely been burned out, or very threatened, by the bushfires (holidaying ScoMo's main mistake). - Labor won with just over 2,000 FEWER First Preference votes than the Libs - Labor won on a margin of less than 1% (ie. 0.41% or 766 TPP votes - so far - as postal votes still being counted). Labor won E-M in 2019 by an even slimmer margin, only 0.15% TPP - The Lib candidate speaks/presents well. She needed more media airtime to display that during the campaign. All seems a case, in E-M, of Labor going more to the centre-right (virtually no left-union concerns in E-M, as only significant union activity seems to the nurses) and ScoMo government going to a COVID stimulus centre-left major policy (which may have picked up some young JobKeeper and JobSeeker votes). So could be said Albo is popular, but only just. Shorten may snatch leadership back in time for 2022 Election. Or Shorten may wait for Albo to lose 2022 Election then Shorten takes the helm again as Labor leader. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 1:59:31 PM
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Off Topic Again with Eden-Monaro's 2019 TPP margin corrected: A Western entity has encouraged me to do an analysis of the EDEN-MONARO (E-M) By-Election result and to share it with you, using less formal wording. SUMMARY Main takeaways are that Labor are winning by a decreased (two party preferred (TPP)) majority. But Labor are only won on preferences - most significantly from the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party (SFFP). Main reason for that is SFFP voters being dissatisfied with Government's Bushfire performance – especially ScoMo’s holiday. IN DETAIL It is not surprising Labor won because in this situation. If the Libs won it would have been the first Fed Gov win beating an Opposition held seat candidate, in a by-election, for 100 years. Looking at: - Labor only won due to preferences. Most significantly/oddly from the SFFP. Libs would have won if they negotiated the usual preference deal with SFFP. A significant number of SFFP voters have likely been burned out, or very threatened, by the bushfires (holidaying ScoMo's main mistake). - Labor won with just over 2,000 FEWER First Preference votes than the Libs - Labor won on a margin of less than 1% (ie. 0.41% or 766 TPP votes - so far - as postal votes still being counted). Labor won E-M in 2019 by a slightly larger margin, of 0.85% TPP - The Lib candidate speaks/presents well. She needed more media airtime to display that during the campaign. All seems a case, in E-M, of Labor going more to the centre-right (virtually no left-union concerns in E-M, as only significant union activity seems to the nurses) and ScoMo government going to a COVID stimulus centre-left major policy (which may have picked up some young JobKeeper and JobSeeker votes). So could be said Albo is popular, but only just and by a decreased projected majority. Shorten may snatch leadership back in time for 2022 Election of may wait for Albo to lose 2022 Election then Shorten takes the helm again as Labor leader. Pete Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 2:14:10 PM
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*..Alison Jane is in the pro-China camp...* She is not alone of course. The whole of Government is with her. And like all good liers, the lie is fed out in bite sized pieces. The biggest lie of course is one chinaman is different from another. Great lie. The latest formulation being fed out, is the bad Chinese are communists. No...bad Chinese are simply Chinese per se. But the propaganda machine is wound up and the tap to the caldron of lies is open. Good Chinese are those from Hong Kong. Bad Chinese? Bad Chinese are those with an allegiance to the communist party. How to tell the difference? Ask them for a truthful answer. The public are not the fool for having the lie fed to them: The fools are the gormless believievers of the obvious lie fed to them from the propaganda machine. And from further into the evil smelling cauldron, we have the bite sized pieces disguised with the flavour of salvation. Save the persecuted from Hong Kong. What that means of course will be, save the wealthy cashed up Chinese from Hong Kong, who will naturally prop up the values in the pathetically wharped and manipulated housing market: The balance being the poor communist sympathisers, we don't want them. My view is, leave them all there to face the wrath of the communist dictators, who happen to be the rightful owners and rulers of Hong Kong in the new Chinese age. Plantagenet: Yes it is off topic, and is actually irrelevant to most Australians. Dan Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 2:42:23 PM
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Hi diver dan
Do you ALSO suspect: 1. The Federal Coalition Government want to allow in a greater number of Hong Kong Chinese to come here and become Australian citizens BECAUSE they are most likely to express their thanks and have the class-wealth orientation to vote for the Federal Coalition Government in elections? AND 2. Likewise, did not Labor (eg Keating 1983-1991) stack Western Sydney state and federal seats with south Lebanon Christian and Muslim immigrants because they were more likely to express their thanks by voting Labor? Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 4:28:41 PM
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wow, it is heating up now. Posted by Chris Lewis, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 5:02:05 PM
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It is sad about Hong Kong. But we don't want more foreigners taking the jobs that Aussie kids could get.
As it is, Chinese (and Indians) dominate the selective and private schools in Sydney. And those schools get large Federal subsidies. Hard to say what might work with China when they seem to have limitless resources and we 're in a depression, thanks to a virus that started in.......China Posted by Waverley, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 5:55:39 PM
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foreigners taking the jobs that Aussie kids could get.
Waverley, Don't fool yourself into thinking Aussie kids are interested. If they really were, they'd be doing the work already ! Much easier for them to go to Centrelink & spend their money on $800 tatoos & nose rings ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 6:33:47 PM
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Right Plantagenet.
I won't argue against the crudeness behind immigration motivations. You failed to acknowledge the primary usefulness of wealthy immigrants who are entirely used as a skewing leaver with a primary purpose of manipulating the housing market, particularly at the top end of the market, which is the location, location end. No guesses who gain the greatest benefit from that golden handshake. Also, as well pointed out above, not forgetting the dogs breakfast for private schools, subsidised by tax contributions from the lower end population, those without the benefit of off shore tax havens et al. Keating and Hawke were the most devistating event Australian workers ever suffered. On their shift, away went Australian industry to Asia. You couldn't be more derogatory towards those traitors then myself. No bite. And as for your off topic analysis of Eden Monaro by election, I reiterate; who really gives a tinkers damn about them or their decrepit political Parties. Certainly not this little black duck! There are no "sides" in Au politics. It is rulers and plebeians. Who knows, maybe a Chinese takeover would be actually a good thing. I can't see how a cigarette paper would fit between what we excuse as democratic, and the Chinese Communist party. Same mentality. Dan Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 7:21:47 PM
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Come on Dan, you know as well as I do than the lower end population do not pay any tax. After all the subsidies & hand outs they receive more than they ever pay.
The last figures I saw were the top 10% of PAYE people pay 45% of the income tax, & the next 40% pay the rest. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 7 July 2020 10:08:20 PM
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Seriously, it is a bit of a worryu when one cannot see clear differences between Aust's political system and the model run by the CCP
Posted by Chris Lewis, Wednesday, 8 July 2020 8:00:41 AM
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differences between Aust's political system and the model run by the CCP
Chris lewis, It's distinct now but wait till Labor gets in again it'll be like the QLGA is now ! Posted by individual, Wednesday, 8 July 2020 5:47:10 PM
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I wonder how many Chinese fishing boats will be a cover for Chinese spies monitoring activities around our coastline.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 8 July 2020 6:32:09 PM
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I would agree that the centre-left is much softer on foreign affairs. Still, one must live in hope and urge other players to make sure matter does not fade away. In these times, I hope the Coalition stays in power. That way a tougher stance towards the CCP is likely, including military spending. I agree that more foreign aid is needed, but Australia cannot compete with the CCP which does what it likes with China's wealth. Posted by Chris Lewis, Thursday, 9 July 2020 6:29:27 AM
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Hasbeen, wanem you pela? PNG em i bagarup pinis. Sadly successive Australian governments have used PNG locals as a cheap source of labour whether mining the mainland or constructing & running the Manus Island Detention Centre. Back in the day you may have known a bloke by the name of Colin Jenkinson who ran the copra plantation on Pak Island. As kids we used to visit from Lombrum on school holidays. Uncle Col had been involved in a vehicle accident in Australia before moving to PNG and had a glass eye. On one occasion we kids went out with him inspecting the copra production at various villages around Pak Is. Col took out his glass eye, putting it on a coconut stump, saying to Fly the local head man: "Fly dispela eye lukim you pela behin time, mi stapim here 2 hours..." Off we go to do another trip around the island. Some time later in the day we come back to where Fly is, evidently he had not moved a muscle, transfixed on the glass eye that sat on the stump of a coconut tree. Manus Island itself was and still should be, the jewel in the RAN's Pacific strategic plan, as it was for the Americans during WW2. If a Jindalee Radar Unit had been set up and maintained in a similar fashion to the Colonial Germans who set up one of Marconi's Radio stations at Seeadler Harbour, we would have a distinct edge today regarding Chinese expansion into the Pacific. See: › manus-maketh-man
Sadly, the situation we see today is a populace completely jacked off with The Australian government, Australians and anything to do with us. Lukim you wantok. Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 13 July 2020 11:49:50 AM
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Hi Albie
For the benefit of the OLO majority (like me) who are restricted to English, could you please translate your PNG Tok Pisin phrases, above, into English? :) Pete Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 13 July 2020 12:52:28 PM
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Sure Pete, hope you've been well & yes a bit remiss of me, please accept my apologies OLO'ers. Glad you recognised it as Tok Pisin anyways. It goes something like this... Hasbeen, how are you? PNG is stuffed ! & re; 'Fly'..."Fly I'll keep an eye on you here, I'll be back in 2 hours." Lukim yu..."See you later". Ciao !
Posted by Albie Manton in Darwin, Monday, 13 July 2020 4:37:47 PM
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Thanks Albie
The only Tok Pisin phrase I know is the one for "helicopter" = something that spins around up in the Sky (where Jesus lives). Hence "Mixmaster bilong Jesus" Cheers Pete Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 13 July 2020 7:53:07 PM
China, led by the CCP, is merely for China.