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The Overton Window : Comments

By Paul Collits, published 9/7/2020

It does not explain everything, but it offers fresh insights into the way our modern, diminished politcs function.

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The following could be true.

"True enough, but such a conclusion is a little underwhelming, and stating the obvious while missing much, such as the political leader's role in leading, not just following, debates. It also assumes much on the part of voters. The ideas of voters may well be ignorant, unthinking, only part-formed, or possibly they don't even have ideas and political preferences. It is a175 rational actor model, and the participants at all levels are often far from rational.

In summary, we all see ourselves as "centrist", sensible, not extreme. We appeal to the notion of the middle of the road, where we comfortably sit, not like "extremists". Both the political left and the right seek to claim the sensible centre as their own, thereby consigning their opponents to the political fringe. A place where you do not want to be. This is the endless play of politics. Appeal to the centre, and a claim to be centrist, are the basic rules of Politics 101".

But, IMO, a centrist path that is as good as it gets. Only in crisis, will the importance of leadership arise. For the mnost part, the liberal democratic system will work with all parts playing their role, hopefully to the best of their ability to encourage a sensible policy mix, including a mix thay the author would not like given his previous commentary.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Thursday, 9 July 2020 8:18:42 AM
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The problem is that people wanting political power - and being a politician is all about power - these days is that they are rubbish human beings who have sprung from a rubbish population who think they have to vote for whatever piece of rubbish the rubbish political parties throw into the ring just before an election. All of these rubbish people do indeed have "contempt for the public", which is exactly what the apathetic, ignorant public deserves. Woeful governments. Woeful oppositions. Currently, both the Australian government and the Australian opposition are spectacularly woeful.

It's hardly worth getting out of bed these days.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 9 July 2020 10:12:26 AM
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Call it for what you like, undemocratic sits right on the mark with me.

This tees in nicely with a remark I made in a post yesterday; the difference between Chinese communist totalitarianism and our own excuse for democracy, would be seperated by the thickness of a cigarette paper.

I personally, only hate politicians, which is mild compared to the total damage to our social structure freely exercised by anarchists bent on destroying it, and backed up by those peeping out of the Overton Windows in Canberra and elsewhere across the plethora of Australian government bureaucracy.

Using history as a pretext, advocating a violent counter attack in the streets against this unruly mob, must be moving closer and closer through sheer urgency of taking them down, before they take down an ordered society.

See if that idea can be squeezed through the Overton window, before it closes entirely to everything conservative.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 9 July 2020 11:57:11 AM
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Thinking within a fixed circle of ideas, (idiotic ideology) limits the questions and if the questions are limited, so also the solutions.

Thus we have greenies, with an obvious vested interest? Trying to sell the idea that renewables are the cheapest form of safe, clean, carbon-free energy. When they are none of the above.

And conservatives who would die in a ditch before they'd embrace sane and vastly more rational, cooperative capitalism.

Even though co-ops were the only free market, private enterprise business model to not only survived the Great Depression mostly intact,but contributed in no small measure to a post-war period of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity!

And although the Great Depression created a hitherto unparalleled debt burden! The post-war prosperity and subsequent tax revenue, made it simply disappear! And our solution this time as well. Just more so!

Other things that would assist that very outcome would be the roll-out of MSR thorium. Very rapid rail as an eastern seaboard VLT, real tax reform manifesting as a flat rate every boy and his dog pays and set at 15%!

The funding and facilitation of employee-owned and operated co-ops and the electrification of our entire transport options, massively assisted by the roll-out of graphene highways, which would end the range limitations of all electric vehicles.

And social housing that eclipses all other examples! If the Vic towers don't tell you it's a must, what will?

Do all that and just underwrite it and our recovery is not only guaranteed, but so also the disappearance of any debt instruments required for its implementation!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 9 July 2020 1:31:08 PM
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Here is a comprehensive window/overview (overton or not) of the collective psychosis that is now destroying what still remains of American culture (such as it was):
Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 9 July 2020 7:47:01 PM
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Daffy Duck.

It's actually you youself out of touch with reality.
Your link to another anti-Trump beat-up, is just that.
The content of these articles is boring and repetitive. There is nothing new of any consequence in your latest contribution, that differs from any other of its type.

What you and your fellow travellers dislike obviously, is the truth.
Now that is funny, since your parade ground rings with the trumpeters of self righteousness, all in perfect tune, impecible lines, in step as precisely as Kremlin guard. Unfortunately for you though, kicking the ball for the opposition goal posts.

We have entered the new age of authoritarian rule, get with it.
Clinton lost the race, she qualifies for second place behind Trump for good reason. As the miraculous ladybug and perfectionist of snide, deceit and lies,

As for Obama, his penchant for boys, hidden till the truth surfaced, (Thanks to Russian hackers according to Hillary), married a transvestite and adopted two children, (poor kids)!
The rainbow flag bearer for gay rights, and too much other anti-culture to be tolerated.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 10 July 2020 8:15:20 AM
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Diver Dan, as you may know, I have held a rather healthy dislike for that halfwit slime, Obummer from the first time I heard him speak.
He is just another snake oil salesman who can talk for hours and say NOTHING!
My reason for responding to your posting is that I have heard these details about Obummer and his so called "family", and I would really like it to be true.
Do you know if the description and details about them are true in any small way, or are they simply a beat-up or fabrication?
I have seen where people have written such stories and even though I want to believe them, I sadly have had to "come back to earth", because there was little to nothing to back up these claims, other than, as I said, the evidence provided by the respective authors.
I found it incredible that someone would try to pull off such a stunt, (if the stories are true) especially in trying to become the most scrutinised person on the planet.
I thought, in this day and age, with all the information tech around us that someone would be so arrogant as to try to pull off a stunt like the one you suggest.
But as I say, I would REALLY like it to be true.
Here's hoping.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 10 July 2020 9:48:51 AM
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What is truth ALTRAV?

One of the deeper philosophical questions.

As beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so is truth.

I'm aware your question relates to a specific. In this case Obamas' gender preferences.

In short there was never a definitive answer to the accusation at the time, but it was an exciting concept. A concept that actually came with a necessity to change the direction and nature of the question.

Is Obama a queer, Or can Obama be trusted with anything at all, if he lives a lie, and chooses to bury the truth which may cause him embarrassment, effecting his credibility as the US presidential leader?

The short answer is also as indefinitive as societies embrace of gender confusion as the norm, the world in which we now live.
The question; is Obama a queer, and is his wife (sic), a transvestite, and are his children adopted?
The accusation was never to my knowledge, refuted by his camp, (my word).

The outcome?
The outcome was exquisite and humorous to the Trump (non) camp.
The truth to the question was irrelevant in the end. The damage done, move on.

Posted by diver dan, Friday, 10 July 2020 11:15:38 AM
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Diver Dan, fair enough, thanks for taking my question seriously.
Oh well, I can only hope that there is some semblance of truth in the accusations.
It would throw such a huge cat amongst the pigeons that it would leave people gobsmacked.
Again, here's hoping.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 10 July 2020 12:58:31 PM
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Yeah!but lockdown is imp because this disease is contagious and government is not interested in spending lot of money in saving people's life in hospitals.
Posted by Hallie, Monday, 13 July 2020 2:31:55 PM
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