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Unleashing the White Australia virus : Comments
By Chek Ling, published 22/5/2020It is such a shame that the PM and our Foreign Minister felt the need to goad China.
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Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:06:09 AM
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Take the virus out of the equation. Even so, China is an authoritarian, racist, genocidal regime that engages in slave labour. Dealing with them is like dealing with Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. Add in the virus, and China lied, people died.
The only moral failing of the Australian government was allowing Australia to become dependent on them in the first place. That crosses party lines. Posted by SilverInCanberra, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:28:37 AM
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It is my view as an independent sociologist that the title 'Unleashing the White Australia virus' is totally racist.
Does anybody else see it as racist? I think the author needs to offer an explanation as to why he thinks it necessary to post an obviously racist title. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:51:42 AM
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This article could be from the PRC's Australian Ambassador ...
Posted by Aspley, Friday, 22 May 2020 9:40:21 AM
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Does anybody else see it as racist
Mr Opinion, I felt it was an opportunistic exploitation of racism with hindsight wrongs ! Posted by individual, Friday, 22 May 2020 10:46:37 AM
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".... he continues to encourage Chinese Australians to stand up and take a fearless stance in the national affairs of the homeland of future generations of Chinese Australians". (Chek Ling's self-description).
What was that Mr. Opinion was saying about our 'Chinese future'? The Chinese Communist Party treats Chinese citizens with appalling brutality, killing thousands of them annually, and it thinks that it can treat the rest of the world the same way. We are not allowed to know what ordinary Chinese think, but we know with certainty that the people presuming to speak for them are blatantly aggressive racists who don't even have the ability to hide the fact. Just look at the creature they call a 'diplomat' here in their embassy. He doesn't miss an opportunity to insult and goad us. The "100 year(s) of avaricious greed and remorseless oppression" that is the real thorn in the side of China is when the Chinese ruling class found that the Middle Kingdom was not in the middle of the world, and they will never forgive the West for revealing that to them. The Boxer Rebellion made a good movie, '55 Days At Peking'; recently remastered, it should be compulsory viewing for Western politicians to see how to deal with China now. The White Australia policy is always dragged out when enemies of the West feel the need to whine. It's never even mentioned by most people these days. But, right or wrong, we wouldn't have the problems we do today if the policy was still in place. 'Nice' doesn't work with the Communist Party of China, and people like Big Daddy Xi, as the oppressed Chinese are supposed to think of the latest Red Emperor, Xi Jinping Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 May 2020 11:10:30 AM
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Yeah if only the Tanaka plan had come to enduring fruition, life would've been so much better for all..
(sarc off) Agree, strangely, with Mr O. Straight up racist rant. Bringing a lot of truth out this covid thing. We could call it the Covid Revelation. I'd only agree the carrying on by Morrison and co is dumb. They'll never get true answers and if they did it wouldn't change anything. The Australian false economy was tanking in concert with the CCPs anyway. All they're doing now is making things worse. It's not white supremacy to recognize we need to vomit out the globalism dogma that's killing us Posted by jamo, Friday, 22 May 2020 11:20:22 AM
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Norse feathers, bird's fur and bah humbug shovelled by the shipload!
And typical of a brainwashed fanatic to clam a perfectly polite and reasonable request for an entirely independent, impartial investigation into covid-19, that Scomo was trying to goad china! I'd call it BS or utter crap but that would be too kind! China claimed that the virus had its origins in a Wuhan wet market, which was only shut down for days and since reopened! And exactly what the rational do when this virus created a worldwide pandemic and probably another goal depression! f Scomo's remarks would have could have promoted such a hostile belligerent bellicose reaction! The world will watch and wait and are now forewarned and forearmed as are we! Make no mistake, any illusion that China was a friend with benign intentions has evaporated with their display of infantile petulance/enraged cage ratling! And never ever the response of an administration with nothing to hide! GFY Alan B Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 May 2020 11:24:18 AM
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From Henry Ergas: "China ties: History shows that trade can lead to servitude".
We have a "fraying global order" and an ascendant "brutally authoritarian power (China) determined to throw its weight around". Formally independent economies find their room for manoeuvre increasingly compromised, "as the rising power (China) uses its economic clout to punish them for stepping out of line" We know this, but the gormless Morrison government doesn't, and the Labor opposition is useless, just sitting back, waiting to take over in two years time to make things even worse. We must demand better representation than we have in the dolts now infesting Canberra. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 May 2020 12:20:33 PM
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The White Australia policy is always dragged out when enemies of the West feel the need to whine.
ttbn, So spot-on ! Posted by individual, Friday, 22 May 2020 1:23:02 PM
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The White Australia policy has no relevance to today, especially when Australia is now a very diverse naiton in terms of ethnic background and has accepted many thousands of Chinese (and other Asians.
I am just hoping our jellyback leaders don't back down this time and accept the economic pain. If we can take a cut for a virus, we can surely take it in response to an authoritarian bully. Australia needs to play its role, along with many other nations, to resist the CCP. And no more easy money opportunities for rich Chinese. Our pollies need to show some guts and use their head rather than rely on the CCP. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 22 May 2020 2:02:10 PM
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For anyone interested, please read the post about an awful Chinese geeing-up song glorifying he current Red Emperor and his missus that I put in the Israel and Palestine thread by mistake. It's worth a laugh at least.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 May 2020 2:08:48 PM
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We are a 'diverse' nation only because the White Australia policy was dropped. That's very relevant. Diversity is not an asset in and of itself.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 22 May 2020 2:12:12 PM
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i am glad it was dropped, stuff of neanderthals
Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 22 May 2020 2:38:02 PM
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The White Australia Policy had it roots in international politics and European especially British colonialism.
It was maintained after WW2 in the face of decolonialisation under the UN Charter and the purported threat of invasion from another Asian power and of course as a consequence of the West's attempt to contain Communism viz Korea and Vietnam. It was a lot more than just an act of racial discrimination. For example, I don't like the Chinese race because I see China as a threat to our freedom and way of life. Does that make me a racist, an isolationist-protectionist, or a democratic freedom fighter? There are many sides to this coin. Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 22 May 2020 3:00:50 PM
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Clearly, when you say you don't like the Chinese race, rather than blame the CCP, i believe you would be saying a racist statement.
I despite the CCP, but recognise that many Chinese are good people, including the ones living in Hong Kong which are fighting for democracy and also despise the CCP. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 22 May 2020 3:22:13 PM
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"For example, I don't like the Chinese race because I see China as a threat to our freedom and way of life. Does that make me a racist, an isolationist-protectionist, or a democratic freedom fighter?" Well, actually, a racist, yes. Do you actually know any Chinese ? Australian-born Chinese ? Chinese born in south-east Asian countries ? In Taiwan ? When you occasionally and cautiously venture out into the street, can you distinguish between Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean, Vietnamese, Filipina/Filipino/Burmese, Uighur, Hazara, Central Asian ? Even Polynesian ? I can't, and living in Darwin and NZ, I've known Australian-Chinese since the fifties, Polynesians since the sixties, Vietnamese since the eighties, etc. In Darwin, about 1960, when the salvage companies were starting to cut up and remove the sunken ships in the harbour, ironically Japanese companies, I indelicately asked my best mate (Australian-born, Chinese, now deceased), a champion baseball pitcher, sprinter, long-jumper, if he could tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese. No, he couldn't, he said. Like a real Australian :) Such a lovely bloke, I miss him so much. He used to stay with us after we came down to Adelaide. He sort of taught me to drive. No, Ttbn, I would be so bored sh!tless living in a world with nobody else but people like me. I revel in learning something different and unexpected. I used to sell coffee and tea supplies at the Sunday markets at Gepps Cross; my daughter bought me some Yerba Mate (from Argentina) so I put it out for sale the next week. Lo and behold, a young Argentinian couple strolled past and bought it. I stocked up, but nobody bought it ever afterwards. I recall a young Muslim couple going past, arguing. The bloke walked off, and the young woman, exasperated, exclaimed, "Allah !" The world is fascinating ! Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Friday, 22 May 2020 4:21:37 PM
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Nope, don't like it.
An example of pro-Chinese Aussie-Marxist-educated intellectual armed with cherry-picked facts to make themselves seem smart, but who fail completely on the level of common sense. Chinese-Australian named 'Chek Ling' uses the term 'White Australia Virus' and then tries to scold me about racism and what my government can and cant do or say. Screw you Chek Ling. Maybe you've got your nose out of joint with a term other Aussies use 'China-virus', and as a result want to create a little controversy by using the headline 'White Australia Virus' to draw attention to your crappy article and account for hurt feelings. 2 wrongs don't make a right you childish hypocrite. Eeven uses an argument about changing headlines (Donald Horne "Australia for the White Man") to push this leftist-brainwashed virtue-signalling crapfest. You should change YOUR headline mate. Here's something they obviously didn't teach you at University. They didn't teach you this because it suits their purposes for you to be a stupid muppet. Democracy means we don't just have the option of criticising our own governments. No. It doesn't just mean we have a right to criticise our own governments. No. Under Democracy ITS ESSENTIAL that we criticise the actions of our governments and leaders, and remove them when their not acting in our best interests. That's how it works, idiot. I'm sorry if you need to act like a Chinese 5th column because your family back home maybe thrown in internment camps if you say the wrong thing. We have every right to want answers about the origins of COVID-19. For the record, I've been unwilling to blame China without evidence. I think there's just as much chance the US was culpable. They were contracting bio-research out to China. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 22 May 2020 5:31:41 PM
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But I'll tell you what Chek Ling: China quickly stopped flights from Wuhan to other Chinese provinces to protect itself. But when Australia tried to close our borders it was China who USED the WHO's slow pace to name the crisis a pandemic as a pretext to jump up and down and try to keep OUR borders open. They didn't have our best interests. You say you're Chinese Australian. Are you primarily Chinese or primarily Australian? I'm a white Australian. Can I become Chinese? Screw your racist crap, doesn't make sense anyway. I watched this video the other day about how a Chinese Grandmother filled her baby granddaughter with sewing needles in the hope it would die so they could have a male child under the 'One Child Policy'. China's got way more problems and you should be on your soapbox back there trying to tell them what they're doing wrong instead. You wouldn't do that in China, NO, because they'd lock you up. - Communist policies obviously breed mental sickness - And don't you dare whinge about Pauline and 'being swamped by Asians', I'll tell you why. If we ever go to war against China, The first place we're going to have to drop bombs on is our own capital, Sydney. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 22 May 2020 5:33:55 PM
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China has just announced it would seem, that it now intends to use its own coal and iron ore. Local commentators claim they need our iron ore. Lots of wishful thinking by the usual money faced appeasers/vested interests.
If we don't use this as an opportunity to massively diversify our exports/markets and tell Bejing, GFY! We never ever will! We were mad and lead by the insane to ever believe we could trust this totalitarian regime, whose only interest in us, was, is and remains our resources We could cave in to the economic blackmail and say, yesum masser! Right away masser, how high masser? Of course masser. And let them cherry-pick what commodities they buy based on what? They're offended by these upstarts who don't know their rightful place as the white trash of Asia! How dare we have an independent opinion! Time to get busy to build self-reliance and total independence I believe all the iron ore and coal we sell to them should instead be turned into steel using the locally invented one step smelting and the world's cheapest energy. For the arc furnaces and maximised automation. Then turn that steel and aluminium into other manufactured production, utilising all the above and cooperative enterprise to ensure nobody can undercut us. And we need to start building a nuclear-powered fleet to ensure we can also earn and keep all the side profits that bulk freight forwarding returns. We can do it! All that is missing is the testicular fortitude and political will! Easier to roll over and beg for a tummy rub! A Darwin port anyone? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 22 May 2020 5:42:44 PM
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white Australia or whatever. Those early settlers were far less treacherous, far more honest, far more hard working and were decent enough to know that to work for the public service or the public purse was for them to serve the public. Compare them today with the spineless self serving public servants who are totally overpaid and nod to every degenerate groupthink idea that deviant Hollywood or your abc makes fashionable. Give me those demonised 'evil' white Australia proponents compared with the deep swamp we have today. They would never have sold out to the Chinese communist barbarians. Strange someone as unarticulate as Pauline Hanson now shows how corrupt and dishonest many of her opponents have been after warning of the Chinese Government for 20 years or more.
Posted by runner, Friday, 22 May 2020 5:47:36 PM
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+1 what runner said
Posted by jamo, Friday, 22 May 2020 5:59:39 PM
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Our pollies need to show some guts and use their head rather than rely on the CCP.
Chris lewis, And, don't forget that the pollies would get more done if so many voters were with them instead of against purely for ideological mentality ! Posted by individual, Friday, 22 May 2020 6:54:33 PM
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And, meanwhile the focus is totally off Islam !
Posted by individual, Friday, 22 May 2020 6:55:45 PM
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Australia has free-trade agreements around the world.
Then "review" those country's "debt" level owed to China - and for what purpose, as opposed to repaying such debt - without losing their assets if payment not forthcoming. It's an interesting we should all conduct, not excluding our Government with Asian Pacific Nations. Posted by SAINTS, Friday, 22 May 2020 7:40:45 PM
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'Our capital, Sydney' - epic brain-fart there.
Ah well, better to admit it before someone else points it out... Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:07:01 PM
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I'm not aware that either our PM or our Foreign
Minister has "goaded" China in any way. However, China for Australia is a problem. Australia has for so long lived in a region - and to a certain extent - a whole world shaped by our government's powerful allies - Britain and America. We're not used to dealing with powerful states that are not our allies. We find ourselves dealing with a country like China. In the past business and national security did not really intersect. Now they do. This creates a need for new habits, for dialogue among stakeholders with very different perspectives. Australia must calmly hold its ground with China. However it also need to listen to advisors who understand the cultural differences and can offer advice in how to interact appropriately. Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:08:22 PM
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Sound Calm perspective Foxy.. Some of the preceding comments reflect a lack of the long game an perspective. China is aggressive and anyone who believes that old curtesy of ensuring we must ensure they "save face" is living in the world of La La Land. Time to row up People of the 'western world', Chai-na is on the move and we are mere collateral damage, as is Hong Kong!
Posted by Alison Jane, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:38:18 PM
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Cultural differences" ….. mmmmm China "coughs" - infects the World with a virus that decimates the World's economy. China knew about virus in "October" via shutting down Lab for two weeks. Taiwan alerted WHO in December as to "virus", however as Taiwan is "not a recognised country by WHO/China - alert not passed on. Seriously - I can go on. If China were "honest" - it could have prevented 95% of infections being carried world wide. Of course, they will not admit to this failure - and it's time for the world to investigate further. Posted by SAINTS, Friday, 22 May 2020 8:40:41 PM
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Clearly, when you say you don't like the Chinese race, rather than blame the CCP, i believe you would be saying a racist statement.
I despite the CCP, but recognise that many Chinese are good people, including the ones living in Hong Kong which are fighting for democracy and also despise the CCP. Posted by Chris Lewis, Friday, 22 May 2020 3:22:13 PM This interesting view comes up periodically- the leadership is not the people. There are a number of assumptions that are attached to this concept. I remember hearing Sadam Hussein said something like even dictatorships need to listen to the people otherwise they won't be leaders for long. The flip side of this is that democracies can also perhaps act like dictatorships sometimes. Eg. Law without a mandate. Presumably leadership should be "of the people". There is some indication that government becomes more dictatorial the larger it becomes- China has one of the largest populations in the world- maybe it needs a dictatorial government to be stable. In that case perhaps the way to reduce dictatorship is to reduce the people. A different example- In the Phillipines Marcos, Aquino, Estrada all accused of stealing money over about thirty years- but the amounts decreased over time by orders of magnitude- perhaps the institutions changed- perhaps an under recognized element of their leadership. It's not just issues with the government that are the issues but also the bureaucracy and vested interests. Forcing them to change based on some arbitrary supposedly universal principle is a form of tyranny itself. To do so would distort things in ways we don't understand- and perhaps are impossible to understand. See Chaos Theory. At some point you have to say that the problem is endemic and the people are incompatible with us- maybe we are in a sense racists- all people on both sides are all racists perhaps- they are all self interested- perhaps a certain amount of self interest at different levels of the hierarchy is a prerequisite for life- we aren't saying that they should be killed- but don't interfere with us Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 23 May 2020 4:01:52 AM
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I think it is really funny how a Chinese, who are arguably the most racist people on planet earth, so racist that they could teach the German National Socialists a thing or two about racism, lecture Australians on racism. But I suppose that the author of this article knows that young Australians have been so brainwashed by their left wing teachers to equate a white skin with guilt over the sort of racism that every other race and culture exhibit, that he can get some mileage out of his ridiculous reasoning.
The problem with people like this author, who hails from a totalitarian country where all information is screened and sanitised, is that they think that westerners are just as ignorant and naive as their own people when it comes to accepting propaganda. But the problem, Chek Ling, is that many western people are not as stupid as you think we are, and we can see right through your laughable rhetoric. Justifying your beloved homelands bullying behaviour by claiming that poor little China is just repaying the west for a "century of humiliation" does not cut it. Japan's military committed unspeakable crimes on Allied servicemen and women seventy years ago when like China, it was under the boot of a dictatorship. But we westerners do not blame the Japanese of today in democratic Japan for what their grandparents or great grandparents were ordered to do during WW2, so don't try that crap on us. China, or more specifically, the Chinese "Communist" Party is entirely to blame for this catastrophe that has been inflicted upon the world. We westerners are very forgiving people, because such a virtue is based upon our shared Christian heritage. But any felon who commits a crime is not going to be forgiven by his victims if he denies self evident culpability, and instead resorts to bullying, intimidation, destruction of evidence, and outright blackmail to deny his culpability. But I realise that you had to write what you wrote. Your family in China would be for the gulags and the organ trade if you spoke the truth. Posted by LEGO, Saturday, 23 May 2020 6:31:26 AM
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Dear Alison Jane,
Thank You for your kind words. Over two centuries ago, Napoleon commented that China was "a sleeping giant, and when she wakes, she will shake the world." Much the same could be said today. China is determinedly socialist and authoritarian. Given its size and politics what it does is of great significance to us all. Our government needs to look after our interests. And not allow itself to be dominated. What is concerning from observation is that China is slowly and gradually moving into our country - judging from the number of migrants, tourists, students, property developers - both commercial and residential, and trade. Adding up all these facts - it appears to be a slow take over. Which can be compared to colonisation by European powers on all the continents around the globe. Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 May 2020 10:16:59 AM
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Probably the best thing to come out of this virus is the exposure to anyone with a quarter of a brain what a brutal, ugly regime the Communist Chinese party are.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 23 May 2020 10:28:23 AM
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Some of the nicest most decent folk I know are Chinese and Japanese.
Australia had its share of ratbags, some of who engaged in the massacres of Aboriginals! The communists in China are a minority and are responsible for brainwashing those they can and butchering or imprisoning those they cant. The Tiananmen Square massacre never occurred, e.g. Similarly, not all the Japanese wanted to go to war with the west, remember they were our allies during WW1 So we need to understand that the Chin-ia virus was no such thing! Wuhan is not all of Chi-ia and neither is Bejing Albeit, one would believe A.J. thinks otherwise? As do a tiny cohort of white supremacists/New Nazis in our midst, who always see these things as opportunities to sow rebellion and or dissent! And use it to jockey for (divide and rule) power for themselves? And as counterproductive as is possible and at a time when we should be standing shoulder to shoulder facing down the new bully on the block. Remember WW11 when the Chinese were our wartime ally and paid for it with millions of lives!? Was that really so long ago? And is what Bejing/the communist minority does and says have the approval/agreement of the whole of Chin-ia? And does a local activist or a bellicose belligerent "diplomat", speak for all of them as they stir the pot and get us engaged in racial hatred, to then justify in their minds what comes next? GFY Bejing! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 May 2020 10:46:37 AM
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Foxy et al.
And how long has Mr Opinion been warning you all about China? I still like Jared Diamond's definition of the Chinese as an "invasive species". Or as my wife calls them: "parasites". My apologies for telling the truth in a racist sort of way (something I think Ricky Gervais might say - but without the expletives). But we also need to tread carefully, as historian Niall Ferguson showed in his docufilm on China a decade ago. If China's economy starts going into a downward spiral (which I think it is already doing in the wake of the Wuhan virus pandemic) then its people will start calling on the CCP to fix things with aggression against its neighbours to get the wealth and progress it can no longer produce itself. Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 23 May 2020 11:03:30 AM
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'Australia had its share of ratbags, some of who engaged in the massacres of Aboriginals!'
nice one Alan. You can guarantee if the Japs or Chinese arrived here their would be no aboriginals left here or black arm band rewriters of history. Posted by runner, Saturday, 23 May 2020 11:05:50 AM
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Foxy. Well argued rational discourse! We appear to be, as John Howard was fond of saying, warm and comfortable!
As is indeed a frog being brought very slowly to the boil in a bowl of water! Or Wuhan soup? Except this time, the virus was like a dash of ice water that got the frog, i.e., us, hopping mad an out of that (beggar's) bowl! Albeit a very small minority of billionaires, want us to hop right back in and get all warm and comfortable again, as profits will for them, always be more important than people! No names no pack drill. But big important people! And I know you know who I mean! Similarly, as evidenced by the obscene profits made by big pharma on palliative care. Profits that'd fly out the window if we had and used bismuth 213! Then sent folk in full remission home to live long and prosper as opposed to sending them home to die or line the pockets of various practitioners/industries, trying to make them more comfortable? Take care and stay safe, Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 May 2020 11:22:24 AM
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The defunct White Australia was piffling compared with China's modern day intentions.
The Chinese pursuit of hegemony (something they invented two millennia ago) predisposes them to determine the outcome of territorial and other disputes by threats, intimidation, blackmail and, if necessary, outright use of force. They are now using stages one to three of that method in the matter of trade with Australia. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 23 May 2020 11:23:22 AM
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Yup! Albeit, not without consequences? Seen some archived photographs of dead Chinese Coolies hanging by their pigtail in an Aboriginal larder as they were just hanging around waiting fr their turn in an Aboriginal ( velly nice, Chinese stew witt lots of body) cooking pot? Supposedly some sort of ( this is my body) religious ceremony, to honour the bravest warrior adversaries? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 23 May 2020 11:44:54 AM
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Until recently, one prominent Chinese professor believed chinese were descendants from neanderthals, a seperate race from all of us.
But the....with changed his mind afte genetic testing proved otherwise; they were merely they same as us Posted by Chris Lewis, Saturday, 23 May 2020 12:37:38 PM
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//Until recently, one prominent Chinese professor believed chinese were descendants from neanderthals, a seperate race from all of us.//
They are, but so are Europeans. Posted by Toni Lavis, Saturday, 23 May 2020 12:51:52 PM
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yes, but chinese professor was arguing that chinese did not descend from Africa where science shows that all races can be traced back to Africa.
Posted by Chris Lewis, Saturday, 23 May 2020 3:21:59 PM
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Here is a view from another ethnic Chinese person, Vicky Xiuzhong Xu, analyst at the Australia Strategic Policy Institute, who writes that “Australia must not bow to China but seek wider trade options”.
Australia is far from the only country to suffer Bejing’s “economic coercion” and it is time for Australia to look for ways to work with other like-minded countries to put a stop to it. Domestically, the Chinese Communist Party rules with an iron fist, throwing dissenters into jail on trumped up charges. The regime is now attempting to REPLICATE that formula on the INTERNATIONAL STAGE, “pushing back aggressively on claims that it doesn’t like, and threatening those who make them”. “ …. China sinks deeper into the abyss of authoritarianism”, and we need to diversify interests and export targets, and look to our REAL FRIENDS. The author finishes with this: “As anyone who has dealt with bullies would know, their power over the bullied is always exaggerated”. Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 23 May 2020 5:05:54 PM
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To Alan B.
Japanese are nice people. Germans are nice people. Russians are nice people. Chinese are nice people. But if any of those nice people live under a totalitarian regime which tells those nice people that it is in their collective interests to kill Alan B, Foxy, and your entire families, then those nice people will do just that. There were no "Australians" before January 1st, 1901. So could you please name the "Australians" who participated in "massacres" of aboriginal people and the dates and the locations where these supposed "massacres" occurred? If you can't do that, then you owe the Australian people an apology for spreading libellous propaganda. You may also be in breach of section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act for writing articles guaranteed to cause "offence, hurt, humiliation, and intimidation" of the Australian people. The "Chinese" were miserable as soldiers during WW2 and their only effective military units were the Chinese Air Force, and that only because it was manned by US mercenaries flying US P-40 Kittyhawks The Chinese KMT government actually charged the USA for defending China. President Roosevelt used to call Chiang kai Shek "Cash my Check". The USA gave the Chinese untold military equipment, which the various rival regional warlords simply hoarded for their traditional inter regional civil wars. Some "ally." The only good things to come out of this Wuhan virus is firstly, those who believe in open borders are starting to look like the idiots they are. Secondly, those who engage in reflexive anti Americanism as a way of displaying their social status are beginning to figure out that once again, it is only the USA who has the power to prevent an emerging totalitarian regime from bullying smaller states into getting what it wants. If you hate America, then you are not going to like what is coming down the road if the US falls. China will be the first homosexual superpower since Sparta. China's leaders are not nice guys, so if you hate the USA, you had better brush up on your bootlicking skills. Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 24 May 2020 2:29:43 AM
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The Chinese are arguably, the most racist people on earth. The Chinese believe in evolution, and they agree that all the people on Earth were once Africans, except themselves. The official CCP line is that the Chinese people evolved separately within China, unlike every other race. That is taught as fact in their schools. Hitler would have been sorry he did not think up that one first. The Chinese claim that they have fossil evidence for their claim, which they refuse to be allowed to be examined, because these remains are supposedly too sacred.
The Chinese bought male African slaves from the Arabs on the condition that they were castrated first. They did not want the purity of their unique race sullied by African genes. According to an article in Time magazine, black Africans who are trade representatives, or who are receiving Chinese training within China, are legally forbidden from having Chinese girlfriends. So nothing much except the castration has changed. Similarly, black Africans living in China today are actually being blamed for the CCP virus. Africans are being evicted from their homes and flung out in the streets. Others are prevented from entering shops or restaurants. Could you imagine the firestorm of abuse from the anti USA crowd if that was happening today in the US? But as usual, China gets a free pass from the always outraged, leftist, Social Justice Warriors. A bit of a stink arose in Australia when a Chinese author from China published a book in Australia and in China called "The Year the Dragon Came." The book was a compilation of stories recounting the experiences of 15 different Chinese families who had immigrated from China to Australia. All 15 stories had the families expressing their contempt towards the Australian people whom they were supposedly aspiring to join as fellow citizens. The most noticeable feature of Chinese racism is the propensity of Chinese to form ghettoes, because Chinese only want to live with Chinese. There are "Chinatowns" in London, Paris, New York, Sydney (which has several) and within every city around the world Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 24 May 2020 3:19:51 AM
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I guess this is the books details... The Year the Dragon Came Paperback – January 1, 1996 by Sang Ye (Author) Product details Series: Uqp Paperbacks Paperback: 204 pages Publisher: University of Queensland (1996) Language: English ISBN-10: 0702227315 ISBN-13: 978-0702227318 Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.5 x 8 inches Shipping Weight: 5.6 ounces Customer Reviews: Be the first to write a review Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #19,696,223 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #379758 in World History (Books) Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 24 May 2020 8:17:02 AM
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It's at the stage that the Australian people no longer trust the two main stream parties- sadly they often don't understand that there is an alternative.
It's important to remember that there are political parties that don't believe in open borders. It requires a bit of thought before voting- and some of the backgrounds are a little colourful- at least the lefty media presents them as colourful. The future is what you make it... or if you prefer "Terminator parlance"... there is no future but what you make Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 24 May 2020 8:27:30 AM
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China has a yellow China Policy so why is it so bad for a White-created Nation to have a white Australia Policy ?
Does China allow non-yellow people to live & own property there as Australia allows non-Whites here ? Posted by individual, Sunday, 24 May 2020 8:35:45 AM
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I believe that a great liberal democracy, especially one that is relatively affluent, should always accept people from around the world. However, a liberal democracy has very right to limit the numbers and to choose what areas they come from for legitimate reasons that go beyond the colour of their skin. Just my opinion. Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 24 May 2020 8:52:42 AM
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Good point. There is nothing more arrogant, exclusive or racist than a Chinese Communist. Undoubtedly, there are individual Chinese who are not that way - Chinese citizens are murdered and imprisoned en masse for defying the Chinese Communist Party - but they are not the Chinese we are dealing with. The Chinese we are dealing with are the very worst sort: the fanatical, nasty, heganomic Communists, with a huge chip on their shoulders, obsessed by the perceived humiliation inflicted on them by the West, who showed them that China was not the centre of Earth and civilisation. As it is impossible to pick good from bad in this inscrutable race, none of them should ever have been allowed into Australia, as far back as the gold rush period. It was these people who were the reason for the White Australia policy: an unfortunate name, settled on by unsophisticated people who didn't know that there were more subtle ways of controlling immigration. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 24 May 2020 10:06:04 AM
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If the schoolyard bully is big and black does that mean we should be afraid of all black folks?
The biggest bully at my school was a big for his age, white guy! The friend that came to my assistance and bloodied the bully's nose was a small black bloke and smaller than me at the time! I stopped judging folk by the colour of their skin since kindy when we were all colours and races! Some of us got along some didn't and I learnt as I grew that racial hatred is something we learn and are not born with, as indeed as are all our prejudices and beliefs! I learned to escape from the worst examples with my nose in this or that book and sometimes by reading out loud. Got a few interested enough to ensure that the story ended without interruption and made me popular. Learned to love books that made the imagination soar and took one to all corners of the globe and among different folk. Read a complete library on one long holiday as a teenager. Fascinated by the series on electromagnetism and magnetism in general. Then energy and how its cost, central to economic well being! TBC Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 24 May 2020 11:04:19 AM
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Following the latest unrest, observers have declared Hong Kong "finished". The CCP will renege on the deal with Britain. As usual they will say that they agreed to the 'one country two systems' idea from a position of weakness. They will now change their minds from a position of strength. What a bunch of thorough going mongrels apologist for China in this country are siding with, as they attack us and everyone else like the mad dogs that they are.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 24 May 2020 11:07:56 AM
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I think we all know what scum the CCP is.
It is now a matter of whether Austalians will accept a dramatic decline in revenue as/if we move away from the mindless reliance upon China. Posted by Chris Lewis, Sunday, 24 May 2020 11:20:01 AM
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Read, Ivy league Professor and economist, Robert Hargraves book, Thorium, cheaper than coal. Robert makes the proven economic case that improving economic outcomes has only ever been the one method of doable population control and reduction outside of totalitarian states and stated sanction culling of humans. With that economic outcome dependant on the cost of both energy and capital! As is our intended recovery! We could do worse right now than invest in our military capability, with a purchase of the shelf of a few nuclear powered nuclear-armed submarines and an aircraft carrier, And get busy busy busy as part of that trade deal building destroyers, frigates and tanks for them and us. Then build large coal to gas plant and the long-overdue gas pipeline. Cancel the export licences of companies who export gas to China and any other raw material they want to cherry-pick from existing trade deals, but only after we taken delivery of a dozen operational subs and have the crews up trained and manning them. And ASAP! If we are to invest in clean coal we need nuclear technology as the affordable heat source to cook all the usable methane out of coal then pipe to wherever we want? Then use it in methane-powered ceramic fuel cells wherever we want that transmission line free, power and for any purpose! Industrial or domestic. This method will produce energy with an 80% fuel to energy efficiency! As oppose to coal-fired of 20% tops or with carbon geosequestration, of 6% tops, where one example was tried! What is gained by cooking out the gas is, elimination of the current 75% transmission line and combined distribution losses of 75%. And an exhaust product from the ceramic fuel cells of mostly pristine water vapour. Because the gas is not actually burned in the cell but undergoes a catalytic assisted chemical conversion. This then is how you do clean coal and with much lower domestic and commercial energy prices even as you quite massively reduce carbon emissions! And ensure we have an economic recovery on steroids! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 24 May 2020 11:49:08 AM
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Political parties in Australia need to enunciate the
values that define them and they must apply these values to issues that concern the wider groups in the community.By addressing these issues they can widen their constituency. This means communicating the values that motivate a party's political approach to the issues of the day, and convincing voters this will improve their lot and improve the fortunes of those they care about. Since most Australians care about their country, it also means showing what this will do for the nation. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 May 2020 12:09:54 PM
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The Australia you are speaking to hasn't been around since 1985. You need to stop living in the past. Half the country can hardly speak sufficient English let alone try to comprehend what you are saying. If you're lucky the new Australians might let you adopt a Chinese name for yourself. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 24 May 2020 12:45:38 PM
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It's either "accept a dramatic decline in revenue" or lose the freedoms our government is no longer capable of protecting. But, MOST of our trade is with other countries. We don't have to continue helping the likes of Andrew Forrest to make billions. We did fine when China was still a poor country; we can do fine again.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 24 May 2020 12:52:47 PM
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We are not dealing with a partner in a relationship of mutual benefit when it comes to normal bilateral trade relations. The CCP has taken a stance using hegemonic threatening behaviour which undermines the fairness and as such our political leaders will need to address this imbalance with a series of elevating trade threats if this behaviour is to be rectified.
Initially this should involve seeking alternative markets which can significantly reduce the trade reliance on China. Secondly, withdraw our reliance on Chinese products by again seeking alternate fair bilateral trade with market’s uninfluenced by communist or other political regimes that are incompatible with western democratic norms. Thirdly, threaten directly the CCP leadership Australia would consider nationalisation of Chinese owned property and business entities within Australia if current and unethical trade actions are not addressed. This would importantly include the Port of Darwin in the first instance given its vital strategic and military location in a region with a growing international sphere of expansive Chinese tensions primarily being adversely influenced by negative and unilateral activities (freedom of navigation in the South China Sea etc). The author should consider Chinese political, economic and social relations with Australia need to be maintained at a level which the people of Australia deem acceptable and no more. Any breach, threat, negative influence must be met with direct and proportional responses which negate and override immoral and unethical Chinese behaviour. Don’t dictate to us, we are your host country and you and your Chinese mates need to understand we make our own rules too and it is you who need to understand this and you and your ilk need to understand and adhere to this without question. Galen Posted by Galen, Sunday, 24 May 2020 1:28:36 PM
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Mr O,
You said that if I'm lucky the new Australians may let me adopt a new Chinese name for myself? Funny you should say that - a close Chinese friend has already given me the name of - "Daiyu." Because of my dark eyes. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 24 May 2020 1:44:46 PM
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"Half the country can hardly speak sufficient English let alone try to comprehend what you are saying." So which half do you 'belong' to ? And does that give you extra rights ? Joe Posted by loudmouth2, Sunday, 24 May 2020 1:53:46 PM
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I don't think too many Australians will ever look at Andrew Forrest the same way again after he virtually shoved Greg Hunt off the podium a few weeks ago so that his CCP mate could deliver a message from Xi. Except of course for the likes of the pro-China camp viz LOUDmouth, etc. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 24 May 2020 2:08:18 PM
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Correction, Transmission line losses 11% and distribution losses 64% and as a total combined, 75%. I worked for a power authority as a science assistant and one of my kids is an electrician. Other than that, have earned a living as both a chemical engineer and an assayer.
And in the latter capacity, handled radioactive materials daily. The antidevelopment brigade, the greens, the fossil fuel industry and big pharma are all in line standing against nuclear power and thorium in particular, for sound financial reasons and those reasons alone, save the fearmongering greens for idealogical antidevelopment reasons. Even now, even if the obstinance costs any chance of any economic recovery of any moment. Except when it starts to cost them in all the ways they in their simpleton ideology, never ever considered? Apart from that, there are those politicians who are owned by this or that vested interest and will promise the world to get elected and or retain power and just kick the energy can down the road and obfuscate as they need to to avoid real reform (tax, energy, cooperative capitalism) for as long as they can. And get back to business as usual and the political bun fight/jockeying for power as the most important thing and way more important than the recovery or political integrity/authenticity! The U.S. has it would seem, lifted their insane ban on thorium R+D!? But not here by our "LEADERS"? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 24 May 2020 5:24:24 PM
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Mr. Opinion,
These days it's hard to know if Australians think about anything much, but I think what Forrest did to Hunt was appallingly ignorant - even treacherous - and his later attempt to justify himself marked him down as yobbo ocker character for all time. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 24 May 2020 5:45:24 PM
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Everyone knows that Forrest knew exactly what he was doing and the reason he did it. Please don't lower yourself by trying to find excuses for what he did. Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 24 May 2020 5:57:07 PM
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Onya ttbn.
To Alan B. I am still waiting for you to give us the names of the Australians who you allege massacred aborigines, and the dates and locations these supposed "massacres" by "Australians" occurred. If you can't do that, then withdraw your monstrous allegation against the your own people, and think twice before making statements based more upon your wishful thinking than facts. I know how you think. As an educated person, you think that you and your educated Brahmin caste are God's gift to the human race. You have decided that nationalism and patriotism are for proles and idiots so you and your lot have invented the concept of Internationalism as your ideal. You are not "Australians" or any other nationality, (unless you find it convenient at any time) but "citizens of the world." To display your class identity, you constantly find fault with your own people, culture, and civilisation. And if you can't find anything wrong with it, you invent it by looking at any historical situation which can be credibly misconstrued by embellishing the facts with sinister motives and gross exaggerations. And all to display your class separation from The Great Unwashed and the middle class establishment. Future historians will marvel at how a certain section of the world's most advanced civilisation, constantly dumped upon that civilisation, causing untold damage to that civilisation, and all to pander to their own inflated ego's Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 4:00:09 AM
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Those who malign the employers of many should prove that they can actually manage on their own without other peoples' contributions.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 7:28:02 AM
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Obviously you're not an individual. When you tell us your thoughts you should open and close your comments with "Baaaa ...... Baaaa". Good individual, good little sheep, Baaaa ......... Baaaa. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 11:55:16 AM
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Mr Opinion,
How many of your socially challenged mates did you have to consult for this marvel of a reply, this mind-blowing degree of intelligence ? Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 1:25:32 PM
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I'll get my answer translated into Sheep and pass it on to you. Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 1:31:40 PM
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Mr Opinion,
No wonder you're progressing so brilliantly in your bumbling ! Seriously, there are too many in frivolous, unproductive employment & the time has come when taxpaying, productive working people no longer feel it right to support the social engineers, the theorisers, untalented artists, boring athletes etc. By all means, those who believe such people should be supported, do it by patronising & paying for their unnecessary activities but do not expect the saturation-fleeced working people to keep forking out for more taxes ! Posted by individual, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 6:05:27 PM
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Do you realise that you referred to your kind as: "the saturation-fleeced working people"? Well, everyone knows now: you are definitely a sheep. We humans call it a Freudian slip. What do you sheep call it? Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 26 May 2020 7:03:03 PM
with regard to the Chinese middle class, the fact it cannot get more political freedom, and probably wont for a very long time if the CCP manages to maintain its iron gip, is a good enough reason for the West to maintain and uphold its own determination to pressure China to reform, despite our own contradictions