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The Forum > Article Comments > Are Australia's suburbs ready for post COVID-19 opportunities? > Comments

Are Australia's suburbs ready for post COVID-19 opportunities? : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 13/5/2020

Much speculation falls into the category of what USA President John F Kennedy once described as 'the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought'.

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Opportunities!? For who? The business, as usual, robber baron class that have pushed the price of real estate to the point that most young folk can never ever hope to ever own their own home! A having a humble hovel you can call your own, essential once you're retired!

Manufacturing opportunities perhaps? Could be, if our masters will allow it?


Yes, those foreign investors and the fully imported experts who decide between them what we are allowed to do?

We could resuscitate manufacturing? Except wages are too high!

Wages reflect the cost of basic housing! Plus the extraordinary cost of gold plated, price gouged, foreign-owned or controlled energy.

Then there ae the trade schools or lack thereof! There are some skills in shipbuilding and car manufacture, albeit, we may have exported most of it along with our better ideas and most talented thinkers/innovators/inventors!

As a service-oriented economy, we could encourage more tourists and students! That'll add billions and force up the cost of accommodation Elliott! And provide some nice little opportunities for a plethora of foreign investors? Sometimes without the, for sale asset or real estate, being advertised on the open market?

Such cosy arrangements and opportunities, Elliott!?

Economic sovereignty? What economic sovereignty?

Opportunites!? What? Found something not nailed down, have we!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 13 May 2020 10:28:56 AM
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That one got a smile Alan B. right on the mark.

A glaring problem is our domestic economy swings on ever escalating real estate prices, along with aerial positioned rents, with virtually no controls.

A cohesive society cannot survive like this.

The cost of a $600k mortgage on last inspection, was repayable at $1.900pm.
That is less than most rents.
Why is it not sensible to solve the housing problem by assisting renters into their own properties?

There would be virtually no cost to Governments: Very little need for public housing expenditure, and reducing cost of Government rental assistance schemes, which achieve nothing for the needy.

Posted by diver dan, Wednesday, 13 May 2020 12:29:22 PM
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Opportunities!? It takes 20 years to build an energy-generating reactor? Two years actual build time, the rest due to regulations and objections by often hugely misinformed, modern Luddites, activism!

Even more so here where anything, no matter how safe, is forbidden, before a single sod is turned!

Energy that could cost the average punter, just 2 cents PKWH as in MSR thorium? Would not just take the handbrake off of the economy, but massively turbocharge t!

Couple that to genuine tax reform, say as the entire tax burden shared above a generous threshold at 15% as the unavoidable burden on all earned income/profit earned here!

Co-ops were the only free market, private enterprise, business model that survived the Great Depression largely intact! Post-war Germany and Japan recovered as well as they did, via the widespread relaxation of rules and regulations that had in the past, proved to be special interest roadblocks to progress and productivity. And indeed, recovery!

Just do it and allow the experts and the science to forbid, this or that outcome, as opposed to red and green tape and ill-informed, mischievous, vexatious, special interest roadblocks! If you're elected to govern! Then Govern!

Just crack-on with building a few prototype reactors, allow the experts to decide which one to back and build as a mass-produced finished reactor type.

As they're commissioned and refined, the production of rare medical isotopes and space battery material could lead to several important supply contracts and huge outback medical tourism! As folk with death sentence cancers come here, in their millions, to have their lives/health handed back to them.

And creat myriad new jobs that is so vast around the joint, that the unemployment queues become all but non existent!

And use the newfound prosperity to build our own national shipping fleet to ferry our freight to the world to whomsoever has the wherewithal in cash or kind to pay for it.

And if this new fleet is nuclear powered, able to undercut all other shipping services, given the amount of automation and autonomy that is now already possible!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 13 May 2020 8:27:31 PM
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All Covid restrictions should be removed immediately.
The Covid mass death pandemic is a fake and here is proof.
Or can anyone prove otherwise?
Posted by JF Aus, Wednesday, 13 May 2020 8:28:45 PM
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I agree, the cost of housing drives wages and a lot more as well.
The trouble started back in the 70s when the feminists battered the
government to legislate lending authorities to lend on both incomes for
housing loans.
The result was automatic, the price of houses rose to meet the amount of
money in the market, surprise surprise.
Now of course buyers have to borrow on two incomes whether they want to or not.
I don't think there is anything we can do about it.
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 14 May 2020 5:46:21 PM
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