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The Forum > Article Comments > The dire consequences of territorial annexation > Comments

The dire consequences of territorial annexation : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 29/4/2020

The most ominous issue they strongly embraced, however, is the annexation of a substantial swath of Palestinian territories based on Trump's 'Peace to Prosperity' plan.

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Put a clearly corrupt criminal at the helm? And not only is anything possible including a nuclear war with an equally nuclear-armed and more suicidal, Pakisranian opponent? But even more of the same illegal land acquisition and more corruption!?

None of this and with Netanyahu at the helm ends well, but in a predictable nightmare of bloodshed and desert sand turned into glazed glass by atomic heat!

But hey, it'll all be new Jewish territory, Dontcha know!?
Can't be all bad? Let them have at it and get it over!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 29 April 2020 11:03:52 AM
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There were two ways by which Palestinian activists perceive themselves as winning - either driving Israelis into the sea; or exposing them to the world as aggressors and invaders who want to exterminate Palestinians. i.e. as utter bastards.

The first has always been a bit elusive. The second is now being achieved. The one Big Chip that the Israelis always had was to resist both options, and to keep open the possibility of a two-state solution, i.e. a state for Palestinians, no more - and no less - than they were entitled to.

So now, that option has been shelved. As a complete outsider, I venture to suggest that that was a huge mistake.

Posted by loudmouth2, Wednesday, 29 April 2020 1:16:07 PM
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