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Getting Australia back to work : Comments

By Everald Compton, published 20/4/2020

So, on behalf of older Australians, I want to suggest that this plan be implemented as a matter of urgency and that we be given significant work to do to ensure that recovery is achieved quickly.

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Or you could just tax the corporations and the billionaires, stop all the lurks and perks in big business and all the tax breaks for the well-heeled (especially politicians)and put everybody on a Universal basic income. That way everyone can stay at home and contribute to the economy on their own terms and in their own way. Many will get a tertiary education online, learn and generally become more useful to society. Then and only then will we have that sacred, some might say mythical "level playing field".
Posted by David Leigh, Monday, 20 April 2020 9:28:41 AM
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I don't "bear a great sense of guilt", but I'm not a virtue signaller looking for praise. All the guilt lies with the Chinese Communist Party and, as far as the wrecking of our economy, enthusiastic socialist, Scott Morrison. The CCP with never pay, but Morrison eventually will; the increase in taxes to pay for his disbursement of other people's money will be toe curling.

" … 100 Australians will have died from the virus". Nobody knows that! The toll was 69 yesterday. Two days since there was a new case in South Australia (without the Gestapo's, sorry, the Stasis' help as in other states). The virus is plateauing all over the world.

One cost that has been overlooked, covered up, or just lacking interest, is the 40% increase in domestic violence reports; shelters are choc-a-bloc , and divorce lawyers are run off their feet with enquiries - all due to the massive increase in alcohol consumption of healthy people under what is virtually house arrest.

I don't know who, if anyone, will be able to sort out this mess; I do know it won't be Everald Compton.

What will the penalty be for his permanent ban on hand shaking, hugging and kissing? Public floggings, amputations in the public square? Thankfully Everald is 88 years old and will be ignored. The group between 40 and 60 are going to have to work this one out.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 April 2020 10:18:13 AM
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People could also try & live far less sterile lives so that their immunity can build up. Fine those helicopter parents !
Posted by individual, Monday, 20 April 2020 10:24:33 AM
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On the matter of Morrison chucking other people's money around thinking people will still like him when THEY have to pay it all back, it is hoped that he can restrain himself from giving welfare to Virgin airlines which is 90% FOREIGN OWNED. Let the foreigners pay.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 April 2020 10:30:45 AM
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Because of pollution was it..
Posted by jamo, Monday, 20 April 2020 10:45:38 AM
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Sorry Everald, but you've got the wrong end of the stick here, As much as you like to believe you are so valuable? it's just not your age group, but perhaps all who reach it in time, who are also at risk?

Moreover, it has already claimed some younger folk kids and babies! And may continue to do so for decades. As those with some immunity go on to infect a new cohort as Asymptomatic carriers?

As for getting folks back to work? Doable now in covid-19 free quarantined bubbles. Be those covid-19 free bubbles be suburbs, villages, towns, cities, states or nations. Or multiple states that we can implicitly trust!

And based on a cooperative capitalism formula that worked here and elsewhere during the Great Depression. Cooperative capitalism that manifested as co-ops!

Co-ops were and remain the most productive and efficient business model. And indeed the only free market, private enterprise business model that mostly survived the Great Depression, largely intact.

Those few co-ops that failed during the GD, did so for the same reasons other business models do, i.e., insufficient operating capital or lack of competent management skills. Both of which are remedied by ensuring the capital and mentoring by formerly retired, successful managers like yourself, Everald.

As for what manufacture? Everything and anything where production can be thoroughly automated! Which should be prefered initially.

And simply has to be powered by a nuclear-powered economy to compete with the likes of China and India!

Given we can earn a quid (annual billions) as the world's safest repository for nuclear waste/unspent fuel with most of its available (massive) energy quotient available in new unconventional SMR's, MSR's.

That could be deployed wherever there is demand and a local co-op, willing to build and manage same. And completely financed via the aforementioned, annual billions! And a little help from our own Super!?

What can never ever happen, is a return to business a usual!

Take care and stay safe.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 20 April 2020 11:57:01 AM
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