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The Forum > Article Comments > Why should she get over it? Naomi Wolf vs sexual harassment > Comments

Why should she get over it? Naomi Wolf vs sexual harassment : Comments

By Leanne McRae, published 23/3/2004

Leanne McRae advises Naomi Wolf to get over her victim complex

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Get over it! What! That takes time. I know. Last year I was harassed by a lecturer. On reflection it began when he gave me 95% for an essay and offered help to turn it into a journal article. Every time I would seek guidelines he would avoid giving them to me which made me try harder to get them. I asked him to be my supervisor for my thesis because I was so impressed with the marks he gave me. After an exam he asked me out for a drink and told me that he was having trouble marking me and would mark me harder because of our 'friendship'. I subsequently topped the class. If I mentioned that I was disappointed with a mark it, would be increased. When I expressed interest in a subject he would create a class. When I turned up I was the only attendee. He gave me plants when I told him I liked gardening and told me I could use his office 'anytime'. He told me he heard my voice in my essays and would ask me up to his office to look at a tree outside his window that had big heart shaped leaves. When I asked for help he said in a low voice 'I will give you whatever you want'. I did not respond to any of his advances.
Posted by peonie, Tuesday, 2 May 2006 3:48:10 PM
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Once I drove him to his car and he sat still for about 30 seconds until I said 'Ok XXX see you tomorrow'. I was in tears all semester to friends and family because it was apparent that all his 'gifts' of time and attention and high marks had a price tag attached. Did he get mean? Yes. Eventually every time I mentioned my partners name he would walk out on me (if we were meeting re my thesis), he started to shame me in front of other students, he expressed anger at my originality of sources for essays (where did you get them from?). He wanted to dominate and control my university education. When I approached other academics for help he would terminate conversations when he found out. He would not respond to questions on the topic I was doing and eventually he asked me to his house when his wife was away. Throughout this I asked to meet his wife, which I did, I sought 6 months of counselling and I leaned heavily on my partner and friends for suggestions to extricate myself. When I broke ties with him he offered for me to do an exam at home and offered me the opportunity to contribute 5 entries in a book he was writing. I turned down the entries offer and did the exam at home to avoid seeing him. I went to the head of dept who organised another supervisor for me. I don't know what is going on behind the scenes except to say, he still has his job. All my university friends are compromised - if they support me they may have trouble moving through the dept so they don't want to know. I only told a few people and the response was supportive through to I don't want to know anything. So
Posted by peonie, Tuesday, 2 May 2006 3:49:07 PM
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Ridiculous - all the feminism crap means normal girls like me get tarnished with the same brush as short haired, doc-martin wearing girls that frankly prefer other girls to men anyway. So what he made advances, maybe he thought you were easy, the truth is that me and my friends will go to a club and jokingly come onto men although (usually the really ugly or fat ones). They don't wake up in the morning and cry sexual harrassment because it just isn't. Naomi Wolf is a total moron, I am learning about anorexia for my psychology degree and she harps on about men wanting voiceless, sexless, weak women - well you know what, that's just not true. Maybe it's the ugly women in this world having the problems but as an attractive and strong women (definitely not one of these neo feminists though), I have never met a man who didn't love my strong opinions. She said the fear of womens fat, is actually a fear of womens power - thats ridiculous, it's a fear of the FAT. To promote the idea that it is ok to be fat is incredibly irresponsible, they burn billions of gallons more fuel on planes (causing damage to the environment), it costs billions of pounds for the health service and it's damn unpleasant to sit next to a fat person on the train.
Posted by Allegra, Sunday, 1 April 2007 9:45:47 PM
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