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Racism, gand capitalism in conflict: the expanding global crisis : Comments

By Ken Macnab, published 3/4/2020

The ‘nation-state’ is ..... a ‘major impediment to the democratic potential of any country’

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Armchair Critic- Thanks for your comments.

The left don't appear to value family.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 7 April 2020 5:13:39 AM
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I've heard it said that anthropologists know that everyone is racist. But they don't seem to go as far as to say that there is anything wrong with that.

I guess it depends on what you value.

Ayn Rand implied if you can convince people to be guilty about their money then the looters and moochers will gather around to relieve them of their guilt. In the end it won't help the looters and moochers. To live requires one to produce, stealing or begging others resources ends in death. The military is required to protect the borders. Red tape can impede survival.

Mr Opinion- Implies he understands the Liberal Arts- and Engineering apparently- though perhaps a generic form.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 7 April 2020 5:51:09 AM
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Canem Malum,

You are quite correct. I have three Arts degrees and have studied all the Arts things like history, anthropology, sociology, archaeology, philosophy, etc. I also have an engineering degree, which I have always regretted doing - a waste of time and money and not necessary to get a job in the engineering trade.

If you want to know what anthropologists think then I suggest you do an Arts degree and maybe become an anthropologist yourself. Getting an Arts degree is one of life's great pleasures. I use my training in the Arts things like history, anthropology, sociology, archaeology, philosophy, etc., every day to help me understand the world I live in.

It is one thing to have a vocational degree like engineering, accountancy, medicine, etc., to get a job but it is another thing to have an Arts degree which teaches one what it is to be a human being.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 7 April 2020 8:12:25 AM
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Mr Opinion through the chair- I have had enough exposure to modern Liberal Arts professors and academics to know that I don't trust their perspective- let alone to pay them for their instruction. Liz Coleman has an interesting contrarian perspective on Post Modern Deconstructivism. She has a dim view of those that seek to use Argumentum Ad Baculum to disenfranchise the masses of their right to their own beliefs. As Stalin said "why should we let people think, ideas are more dangerous than guns, and we don't let people have guns". Political Correctness seems to conveniently play to Communist ideology. Patrick Deneen also has an interesting perspective on liberalism vs classical liberal arts. I have enjoyed the perspective of various luminaries including Aristotle, Plato, Kuhn, Popper, Locke, Mill, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, etc, etc. I wish there was more time. As Lauren Southern and Will Hunting loosely say there's no point in going to university for something I can get from source material- and propping up academics that seek to undermine my community and family through communism and liberalism. The view of many is that just because someone has a degree doesn't mean they are educated- they do a regime of course material designed to bring about a broad understanding of the subject matter. There seem to be a number of ways in which the university system has been subverted. Perhaps people such as Peter Singer have denigrated the standing of unversities to such an extent that they are no longer trusted to fulfill their function.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 7 April 2020 3:08:21 PM
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Oh no. Another Artz grad, dancing with the fairies at the bottom of the garden, has worked out how to Save the World. The new Five Deadly Sins, which have replaced the old Seven Deadly Sins, that must be consigned to purgatory by our "progressive" woke blokes are, (wait for it, wait for it) Racism (of course), Inequality (imagine that? Never heard that one before), Nationalism, Capitalism, and National Borders. Get rid of these evil concepts and the entire human race will rise into the sunlit uplands of socialism. All it takes is another five year plan. And when that fails, then another, and another, and another, and another.

Heard it all before. Socialism is just like multiculturalism. How many times does it need to fail before the supposedly intelligent academic caste ignite some neuronal activity in their sclerotic brains, and figure it out that it does not work, it has never worked, and it will never work?

As an example our friend Ken Macnab shows how racist it is to blame China for the coronavirus. This penchant of the educated left to lick the boots of every totalitarian regime is indicative to me of how this class of people have wet dreams of ruling the world and lording it over the plebs and suburbanites. Totalitarianism has great appeal to people who see themselves as the ones who will rise to the top level. The only problem for academics is that in totalitarian societies, it is the psychopaths who always shoot and stab their way to the top. And it is the academics who go to the firing squads first, after the great proletarian revolution succeeds in putting the psychopaths in power.

Get it through your head, Ken, that China is now a militaristic nationalist socialist totalitarian state. I thought that academics like you were against such political entities? The feudal Lords and Barons ruling the Chinese Communist Party are directly responsible for this present virus now plaguing the world. And calling it the "Chinese virus" is entirely appropriate. Although I personally would prefer to call it the CCP virus.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 8 April 2020 4:39:40 PM
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