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Greed and fear reign in Oz : Comments

By Malcolm King, published 27/3/2020

This is a story about the behaviour of the 'quiet majority' who of late, have adopted the malignant and selfish values of corporate Australia.

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I rarely agree with Malcolm but he does make some good points this time.
Posted by ateday, Friday, 27 March 2020 9:20:38 AM
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Good old Malcolm King: starts off by denigrating most Australians - the quiet majority, Morrison's people, but expects to be listened to. We are all "malignant" and "selfish". Then he gets stuck into business, and refers to taxpayers as "victims".

Who are you 'agin' Malcolm: the quiet majority - ordinary Aussies - or business? You call business "bastards", but they are bastards we couldn't survive without; and it's the government that is throwing taxpayers' money around. Big, bad business can't just help themselves to it.

Black swans are the norm in Australia, by the way. The term black swan event was coined by a foreigner unused to black swans. Let's keep it local.

After caning business, King does get back to the "pea brain" (such love for his fellow Australians) hoi polloi, lambasting them for panic buying and hoarding. But, are panickers and hoarders in the majority? It is always the few who bugger it up for the majority in Australia. And at present, they are being fired up by a panicking government and a mob of 'experts', as well as the media - all of them telling us we will all be 'rooned', and how it's getting worse all the time; rising grafts and frantic TV presenters night after night. Then, there is the certain group that is stripping the shelves for profit and export to a nameless country. Mustn't talk about that, though; blame the Aussie.

We've all heard the old cliche, 'with friends like that we don't need enemies'. But, I'm not sure that people like Malcolm King and the rest of his lefty media colleagues could ever be called our friends.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 27 March 2020 10:03:08 AM
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Why not? It's been a good example and preferred by our ruling masters, as they patently profited from allowing it to move in, elbow decent Australian icons, with the usual, out of the way pipsqueak.

The local corner store that we need right now! sacrificed, for big money shopping centres where instead of half a dozen, reasonably separated at any one time, getting service, we push in, in the hundreds, like tinned sardines! SOCIAL DISTANCING ANYONE!?

At every turn, it has been obvious that foreigners with deep pockets have been allowed to move in, buy what they couldn't conquer? And means all those Anzacs that paid the ultimate sacrifice! Did so in vain!

When a new enemy arrived, our first response was to try and protect privilege and wealth, given real action would see some of these forced to close completely for a couple of weeks.

Instead, we are slamming shut stable doors well after the horse has bolted all while doing a marketing campaign about what wonderful compassionate, Christian leaders we are? As we go to vote?

Me? Done already and on my Pat Malone as an early bird! But then what we should be doing to avoid election day crushes! And take care of our fellow Aussies!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 27 March 2020 11:20:19 AM
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For better or worse the "quiet people" or the so called silent majority are very much like a unconscious herd of sheep. They have been programmed, even brain washed into being faithful consumers by TV. To go to work, eat junk food and watch TV. To stay "tuned" for the latest news or the advertised product/entertainment to be excited about, and to dutifully purchase it.

In another sense our modern (unlimited) consumer society, which is not in any sense a real culture, is like a gigantic Cargo Cult or religion, with the giant shopping malls being the bright shiny temples/cathedrals where the faithful consumers go to buy their bright/shiny/colorful cargo which somehow, as if out of nowhere always magically manifests at the local temple/cathedral.

Advertising in all of its forms , but especially TV, being the now 24/7 equivalent of the church bells calling the people to the Cathedral to pray or feast upon the very worldly host (consumer product).

And of course the faithful consumers are never ever asked to even begin to question the hugely enormous amount of environmental destruction, and the equally enormous amount of human blood sweat and tears that it takes to produce their bright shiny cargo (plunder),

And of course, quite naturally, the faithful consumers get very frustrated and angry if their (unlimited) consumerist fantasy land gets interrupted.

Which is not to dismiss the very real hardships and problems that almost everyone is confronted with via the Coronavirus melt down - and not just here in the land of Oz.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 27 March 2020 1:15:14 PM
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Greed and fear reign in Oz
No sane person would dispute that statement !
Posted by individual, Friday, 27 March 2020 1:27:34 PM
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I saw a very encouraging incident in Hornsby today at the chemist.
After a long wait this elderly gent only had cash to pay with. EFPOS ONLY.
A lady standing by offered to pay for him with her card and refused his
offer of the $10 note he had.
He tucked it into her carry bag.
So all is not lost !
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 27 March 2020 2:43:39 PM
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'We are living in the Age of Greed and Fear and no one is immune.'

demonstrated clearly by the salaries of those pushing Marxist doctrines on the abc and in unis. Hard to surpass that sort of greed mixed with virtue signalling.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 March 2020 3:26:27 PM
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Dear runner,

Well this bloke will not go hungry will he?

Nor this bloke;

What say you in defence of your faith's practitioners?
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 27 March 2020 3:39:00 PM
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As someone said 'even a broken clock is right twice a day' !
Posted by individual, Friday, 27 March 2020 3:45:57 PM
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That rules SteeleRedux out then ... he has never been right , on here , to date !
Posted by Aspley, Friday, 27 March 2020 5:29:00 PM
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'What say you in defence of your faith's practitioners?'

Well Steelie they can answer for themselves. As for the way they used or misused money they will answer to God themselves. I suppose the difference is that these men have got their money from people who have freely given while the gw cultist have scammed tax payer money.
Posted by runner, Friday, 27 March 2020 5:43:00 PM
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Dear Aspley,

This is what you have written;

“That rules SteeleRedux out then ... he has never been right , on here , to date ! “

Well that got a laugh.

You have a bloody cheek. I really can't fathom how anyone could be so utterly gormless.

This is what you said earlier his month;

“Your statement that " The last three cases in Victoria all came from the US. It may well end up being the world's primary 'infector' if they don't shape up.' is weird , extreme and downright silly.”

The USA is now the leading nation for infections recently outstripping even China. How embarrassingly wrong you were. Well mate I was right then and I am right now, you are utterly clueless and really need to put a sock in it pronto.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 27 March 2020 7:38:26 PM
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Quite a "spray" Malcolm.

Better an Adeladian pissing into the tent (and missing badly) than pissing out.

First condemn all businesses then all people.

Well I'll have you know Malcolm "Fraser" King that I bought TOILET ROLLS

today in a pack of 10 at 11.30am precisely. No oldies were looking or queuing at 6am for my pleasure. Ample 10 packs were on the shelf for all to clutch in their pathetic little hands.

I, like many cunninglinguists, live out in the Provinces. Not your pathetic middle sized city.

As I clutched the pack of 10 to my ample breasts I looked around. "Is this real? Am I on Candid Camera or close circuit TV? No!"

You may call me concieted Malcolm BUTT I've placed my TOILET ROLLS on the dining table for my cloying family to admire for 4 hours.

Said Toilet Rolls are:

"Sorbent: Always soft - Always strong"

"Since 1952"

"Silky White" Racist I'm not.

"10 Embossed Rolls. 180 Sheets (or is that Sh-ts?)"

"100 x 105 mm"

And, being a thorough throne sitter, I looked at the back, Malcolm Baby, which reads: "Back in 1952, we proudly transformed the outhouse routine from an unpleasant chore into something a little more enjoyable." etc. etc.

So eat you heart out Malcolm babe.

I've got your TOILET ROLL ration for the next 10 weeks.

Don't come crying to me when your Mum

Can't wipe your Bum.

Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 27 March 2020 8:40:02 PM
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Malcolm is clearly an ignoramus when it comes to matters of economics, as a result this is yet another left whinge whine devoid of facts.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Saturday, 28 March 2020 11:47:57 AM
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The authors comment"Australia is a nation, a fortress built by nature against infection and the hand of war, but unfortunately now, it's a castle where greed and fear reign supreme "

WHAT A HUBRIS SELF-SERVING PIECE. Is this guy descending from royalty, or is he Emperor Mal Turnball. Marie Antoinette, was more sympathetic than this article. Re previous comment on the long ques in hell. I will get prime first class service, like the silver spoon his fed milk to , from one of his proliferate unwashed milking servants! And while I concur about the hoarders, people like him, was the one to bring more slaves in to clean his negatively geared house portfolios.

Re Emperor Mal, he has been very quiet, must have confused COVID virus and a computer virus and his in the Panic room of his penthouse flat somewhere ( New York... hope so, he might getting quarantined on Ellis Island with some big friendly black 'nice' boys using him as their Fag. Naughty thought/inner monolog slip from an old senile tarte.

If any have info on him, would luv to know!
Posted by Alison Jane, Saturday, 28 March 2020 4:03:31 PM
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Greed has, it seems, prevented us being part of a coalition currently trialling already approved antivirals and other medicines that seem to have been successfully tried elsewhere?

And this coalition, part of the morning news.

As always in Oz, we wait for others to do something then follow, maybe? When what we should have done was to just close everything down/shut the borders, after enough time for folks to make reasonable preparations. 2-3 days?

Groceries etc can be delivered, where hoarding could have been prevented? Medical checks can be done online, etc.

And with our borders closed and all incomers quarantined in offshore islands, Our population stopped from wandering by armed forces patrolling! And given that outcome, maybe the footy etc, needn't have been pulled?

Our staged follow the others approach, not take it too seriously/look at everything through a prism of economic and political outcomes first! Gave us what we got instead!

And if we found just one safe and effective combination that stopped the virus replicating, we might have been able to prevent some fatalities.

But our, I'm all right Jack, calloused indifference is all that prevents the production in this country of miracle cancer cure, bismuth 213! And via self-initiated prohibition on MSR thorium!

And only because, greed and fear prevail!

We could have tasked a number of labs with testing various already approved medication/antivirals in the Petrie dish!

And only have shut the economy down for two weeks?

With school holidays moved forward and all annual eave sick leave and long service leave used to avoid the Great Depression style queues we saw!

Almost everything done thus far has been done through the prism of greed and fear and a focus on the next election and its outcome? Otherwise, some very different strong medicine would have been the first cab off the rank and billions could have been saved/allocated more usefully?

As things stand, what we have now, could be the new normal for up to 18 months or longer. Not impressed!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 28 March 2020 6:36:41 PM
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Some folk believe, if we shut down everything for a fortnight, including borders. We won't eliminate the virus and the economic damage would be pointless!

Not true, those who don't currently have the virus will probably go stir crazy having to tolerate forced isolation and dawn to dusk curfews. Those now affected will be removed and placed in isolation wards and perhaps on ventilators etc.

Those so affected given they survive, will have some level of immunity and be no longer contagious! Those that don't will be dead and cremated!?

A total and enforced two-week shutdown would come with some economic consequences! But worth it if we inside closed quarantined borders are no longer at risk!

And life as we know it able to be normalised again! Albeit via far more stringent absolutely enforced with force if necessary, iron-fisted border control!

And has to include the islands in the Torres Strait, given how porous that border is known to be!

And should the usual flouting continue, treated as if they are offshore arrivals if they come to the mainland!

Reinfection is only possible via a human agency and if we ensure all those agencies are subject to offshore island quarantine orders, the virus will remain a denied access outcome!

And the economy boosted via cooperative capitalism and entrepreneurship. We need to become as self-sufficient as possible for a long as we do not have an effective, safe vaccine.

In the interim, we need to trial any and all know antivirals in the Petrie dish to see what inhibits this virus? Some of which might be malaria drugs used in combination with other already approved, if retasked, antiviral medication or even some food preservatives.

Impacted businesses could be offered hecs style loans that only kick in after certain income levels are breached, within a reasonable time frame say 5 years, max? Then allowed to fail if they cannot recover by then?

We have two choices, the above or an economic downturn that could make the Great Depression look like a Sunday school picnic!

Take care and stay safe.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 29 March 2020 9:53:48 AM
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