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John Roskam and the IPA run Australia : Comments
By Mark Buckley, published 26/3/2020One would expect that the leader of one of Australia's major political parties, the Liberal Party, would have thanked them politely for their advice, and then proceeded to do exactly as his party wanted.
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Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 26 March 2020 8:33:39 AM
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The hotlink in the article is broken; someone misedited it, putting http before the https rather than instead.
The correct link is Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:00:22 AM
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"John Roskam and the IPA run Australia"? If only that were true!
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:15:35 AM
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You forgot to mention he stopped the drownings caused by Labour and the illegal boat trade that allowed about 70000 illegals into the country. Abbotphobia is still alive. You mention cancelling the idiotic carbon tax as a bad thing. Feel free to give your own money towards these global fraudsters. This would probably rank as one of the most pathetic articles ever on olo. I suspect the abc might even want to use bits of it for their propaganda.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:18:57 AM
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runner, his method of stopping them included towing one boat out to sea where nobody on it was ever seen or heard from again (presumably they all drowned). Do you really think that was acceptable?
If you want to stop people drowning at sea, why not provide them with a safe alternative? Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:33:41 AM
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Abbott, definitely the worst and most useless "pseudo" PM Australia has ever has or ever could have.
The IPA are indeed a dangerous mob of denying fascists Posted by ateday, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:35:35 AM
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Today, IPA's Daniel Wild wonders why the Ruby Princess cruise ship was allowed to disembark some 2,700 passengers last Thursday in Sydney, 130 of whom have tested positive for the coronavirus.
The IPA would probably not have allowed that amazing bungle to occur had they really been running the country, or at least NSW, as Mr. Buckley claims they are. But then, anyone could do a better job of running NSW than poor Gladys is. BTW: could someone tell Mr.Buckley that Tony Abbott is no longer a person of interest; he is yesterday's man, not even in politics, replaced by an independent Lefty, then by a Liberal party Lefty. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:50:38 AM
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If you want to stop people drowning at sea, why not provide them with a safe alternative?
Aidan, How about a suggestion for an alternative that doesn't require leaving their countries in the first place ? I suggest those who think like you should avail themselves to go there & prevent people from becoming refugees so they won't need to board boats & other countries won't need to lock them away. Posted by individual, Thursday, 26 March 2020 10:10:52 AM
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Oh Aiden so you suggest having open borders now? The virtue signalling Jacinda does not agree with you.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 March 2020 10:32:14 AM
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What won't, full of it, control freak, power Junkies, [no names no pack drill,] do to get, wield and retain power? And bugger my poor bugger country! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 26 March 2020 11:35:49 AM
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Not open borders, runner, just approachable borders. Obviously there will have to be severe temporary restrictions due to COVID19, but I'm referring to the medium to long term situation.
As fr virtue signalling... isn't it better to signal virtue than signal vice? _______________________________________________________________________________________ >How about a suggestion for an alternative that doesn't require leaving their countries in the first place ? That would of course be far preferable, but how could it be made to work? Countries have sovereignty. We can't control their laws, nor how they're enforced (or not enforced) let alone the illegal actions that those in power take to hang on to it. I'd be in favour of strengthening the UN to help prevent the problems, though I'm not claiming it would be very effective in doing so. But ISTR you oppose even doing that? Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 26 March 2020 12:42:50 PM
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Don't rely on the UN. The UN will support open borders.
Don't look anywhere else for a solution. Why do think everyone says; "We should adopt the Australian Solution." I have never heard that anyone has evidence that Australia deliberatly or indeed accidentally sank a illegal immigrant boat. Even so many more drowned in the Med. Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 26 March 2020 1:31:07 PM
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individual says: "How about a suggestion for an alternative that doesn't require leaving their countries in the first place".
Good comment. We have the capacity - or we did before China gave us their virus - to aid people in our region; but they are not the ones wanting to come here illegally. Those who want to enter our country illegally are not from our region, and we need to do nothing to offer them options. All aid should also benefit Australia, and should go to our region to combat Chinese incursions and their shonky 'aid', which is really all about putting poor countries in the red so that territory can be taken over by the Chinese Communist Party. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 26 March 2020 2:11:21 PM
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This has to be one of the most facile and misguided analysis published in On-Line Opinion.
“He had defeated Malcolm Turnbull, who was seen as a gentleman, an urbane and distinguished lawyer, who had decided to provide, pro bono, some adult supervision for the country.” He may have been seen as that by the Left when elected PM but surely the behaviour of Malcom Turnbull since being voted out in a spill he called surely has demonstrated how misguided that view was. As to Abbott being the world’s worst Health Minister I beg to differ. There have been 12 Health Ministers in the past 20 years. Someone I know who a consultant to the Ministry of Health (and a Labor supporter) and worked with many of them said of Tony that he always read his briefs, always asked intelligent questions, and (best of all) actually made decisions. Indeed this person said (through gritted teeth) that Tony was easily the best Health Minister Australia has had. On-Line Opinion published the following article by me ten years ago: Who has the higher 'emotional intelligence', Julia or Tony? My opinion still holds. Posted by EQ, Thursday, 26 March 2020 2:15:39 PM
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thanks EQ
bucko shows how hatred of anything or anyone decent just blinds people despite their intelligence level. No doubt if in America he would fit in very well with the lying liberal media. Posted by runner, Thursday, 26 March 2020 3:02:33 PM
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My query is, what would Mark Buckley know about what is & is not good for this Nation ?
I mean a "Writer" ? Well, as a "writer" one would think he'd boast of his experience in all matters he writes about. Has anyone read of them? All he appears to be champion in is attack anything that is not Left ? Right ? Posted by individual, Thursday, 26 March 2020 3:15:30 PM
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I'd be in favour of strengthening the UN
Aidan, For that to happen, we need COVID-19 go through that organisation first & then pull the plug to drain that particular swamp. If the UN could be made to do what it is supposed to do for the billions given, then I think more than half of the problems of the World could be solved overnight. Posted by individual, Thursday, 26 March 2020 9:01:25 PM
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Don't ever let anyone tell you that the LNP, MPs, corporates and think tanks ever kowtow to foreign interests, especially UK and/or US against Australian interests.
The IPA is part of the Koch's Atlas Network, as is the AIP: 'The Atlas Network (formerly known as the Atlas Economic Research Foundation) was founded in 1981 by Antony Fisher. A "Johnny Appleseed" of antiregulation groups ..... ....Atlas Network is an "associate" member of the State Policy Network, a web of right-wing “think tanks” in every state across the country.' Another group in the same Koch orbit are ALEC American Legislative Exchange Council, a 'bill mill' which produces model legislation and policy 'wish lists' 'ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials to approve “model” bills.' Nothing like good old Australian 'sovereignty'..... Posted by Andras Smith, Tuesday, 31 March 2020 5:22:09 AM
No more so than to remind us underlings of the psychiatric predispositions of political necessity for election, namely psychopathy.
Psychopaths lack human empathy. That was on full display with Abbots blindingly callous persuit of Pauline Hanson, to the last rattling chain in her prison cell. Unjustifiably as it turned out.