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The carbon capture con : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 19/3/2020

The quantities of gases that CCS would need to handle are enormous and capital and operating costs will be horrendous.

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A.J. "But its healthy, provided they don't fall down into insulting, bullying and propaganda so common on the popular social media".

It is a pity that you don't follow your own advice. Your arguments might then be more convincing. Do try and be a little more constructive. Your PH.Ds don't seem to have taught you the value of reasoned argument. Take some advice from a real old bloke.
Posted by VK3AUU, Saturday, 21 March 2020 9:19:39 PM
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Alison Jane,
I see you're avoiding my questions and doubling down on your insults and ad hominems!

I'm not a cultist, I'm a Christian. I certainly don't worship Gaia, but I'm not aware of anyone who ever has (apart from the ancient Greeks of course, but I'm pretty sure no supporters of the Gaia hypothesis believe it to actually be the goddess it was named after). And how many people have you encountered who actually believed Gaia to be God? For me it was just one blogger; everyone else making any sort of equivalence was doing so in a pathetic attempt to denigrate their opponents' positions.

The Gaia hypothesis is just a hypothesis. Or at most, several hypotheses (as there are several different versions of it). It is not scientific theory and never will be. Nor is it anything to do with my position - up until the above paragraph, you're the only one to mention Gaia on this thread.

And I go by the evidence. Whereas you seem to ignore the evidence and fail to understand the theory. The evidence of that is your having to ask me about why CO2 lagged temperature change in the Vostok ice cores.

If your credentials were as claimed, I think you'd realise just how ridiculous your gravy train hypothesis was. And I doubt that you'd take a position that contravened the Razors of both Ockham and Hanlon!

If you're offended when you're called a denialist than you deserve to be offended! You're not merely a sceptic; you make false and absurd accusations about the scientists whose positions you disagree with. Intellectually your position is dishonest and commands disrespect! I don't know what you have to gain but I'm guessing it's a consistent world view. Did someone convince you that taking action on climate change was incompatible with capitalism?

Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 22 March 2020 1:14:26 AM
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I'm no fan of Thatcher (her misunderstanding of economics caused huge problems for Britain, many of which still haven't been overcome) but she was human. People generally aren't entirely good nor entirely bad, and I think her bad policies were based on good intentions. Anyway, wasn't it John Major's government that closed down most of Britain's coal mines, due to coal being cheaper to import from Australia?

BTW I googled your "14 core behavioural attributes of Cults". Found a list of 15 of them. I didn't fit in any of them at all, though you and other denialists would doubtless regard my disdain for your intellectually dishonest position as proof I fitted one of them. That still leaves the other 14 though.

I did read Plass's paper before writing my previous response. It gave me some insight into the state of physics in the mid 20th century, but it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know about the effects of CO2 in the atmosphere. Is that at all surprising? We don't need to read Einstein's papers to know that E=Mc^2.

As for my own credentials, there are two reasons why I'm not going to post them. Firstly, credentials don't prevent your disdain for those with whom you disagree.
Secondly (and more importantly) this isn't about me; it's about the physics.
And that brings us back to the other question you failed to answer: do you doubt the ability of CO2 to absorb and reemit infrared?
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 22 March 2020 1:15:25 AM
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Aiden, "May you god be with you" as The excommunicated catholic brilliant Comedian, namely the late Dave Allen always finished his shows. He had the skills an balls, but only 9.5 fingers to challenge the then oppressive RC cultish norms that ruled the Rep of Ireland in the 1970s... do you realise how dangerous that was?

Watch him and laugh at his irreverent, definitely non-PC humour (it didn't exist then).

I only wrote the last three post to answer your posts. and that's done. You have your Cultish beliefs ( if not accepted and I am "pretend 40 year global experienced scientist" who "claims" these credentials. While you fear exposure of your credentials, relying probably only on your youngster indoctrination from school/university, while relying on that well-funded propaganda factory "SKEPTICAL SCIENCE" Blog site.

Some day you might learn to think outside your square mind, and I reckon you might grow up and also learn that throwing insults ain't smart... MATE.

Take care 'old' chap.
Posted by Alison Jane, Sunday, 22 March 2020 7:34:09 PM
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Ps forgot to say, thank you for replying, that was a polite respectful thing to do, given the recent exchange of posts. Lets hope ChristinaMac1 appreciates it!
Posted by Alison Jane, Sunday, 22 March 2020 7:37:42 PM
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pps to Aiden, the fact that you can't see CC Cultism having ANY of the 14, sorry 15 characteristics of Cultism, says it all... You too must be a denialist! welcome to your self created club!!

Bye-bye and sleep well in your inner-city, cottonwool lined cocoon..... protected from the big-bad-real world outside by a hi-tech security system, and access to a police station nearby, unlike the rest of Australia

We "pig-ignorant" climate realists would never want such cosy, non-sceptical existence..... so you can rest well in your organic, virgin, chemical free duck-down duvet!. Hope its been COVID-19 free certified!
Posted by Alison Jane, Sunday, 22 March 2020 11:28:47 PM
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