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The Forum > Article Comments > Julian Assange and the Imperium's face: day one of the extradition hearings > Comments

Julian Assange and the Imperium's face: day one of the extradition hearings : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 26/2/2020

The entire prosecution against Assange, submitted Fitzgerald, was an abuse of process, constituting a 'political offence' which would bar extradition under the US-UK Extradition Treaty of 2003.

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Assange is a criminal who put a lot of American lives at risk. Life in prison is too good for him.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 8:27:14 AM
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The bail jumping, self exiling criminal Assange, is allegedly facing 175 years of imprisonment!? 175 years?

Those sort of sentences are reserved for the worst crimes and worst criminals. Fortunately, the U.S. shares our innocent until proven guilty system and Assange is guaranteed a fair trial and a defence lawyer.

Assange is not and never was an accredited Journalist, just a criminal computer hacker. Raised by overindulgent parents who failed to instil a moral code/ moral values that passes the pub test?

And would seem to be defended by birds of a feather?

When his right to privacy, a right of others, he routinely abused, was abused, he screamed foul.

I believe the extradition should succeed and Assange tried on proven indisputable facts, given the prosecution can provide the same?

And if those facts send a criminal hacker to jail, it should serve as a warning to hackers the world over.

Finally, quantum computing will put this illegal industry to bed and these grubs forced to get out and earn an honest living/their own money! For mine, that day cannot come too soon!
A man, repeat man, who was innocent? Would not have jumped bail or failed to face his accusers armed with conclusive facts! Instead what we see, is a spoiled brat, "infant terrible", Who is throwing the longest dummy spit when asked to face, THE CONSEQUENCES OF HIS, REPEAT, HIS ACTIONS!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 26 February 2020 8:52:11 AM
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Good to see you two believe in free speech.
Posted by ateday, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 9:54:22 AM
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Binoy mentions "The destruction of legal professional privilege, the principle protecting the confidences of Assange and those of his defence team"

ABC repoted 3 days ago

"Julian Assange and his Australian lawyers were secretly recorded in Ecuador's London embassy"

The camera continues to roll, recording every word of the confidential legal conversation [between Assange and his lawyers]

...[Assange's head lawyer] did not know was he and a handful of other lawyers, were allegedly being targeted in a...deeply illegal surveillance operation possibly run at the request of the US Government.

...the surveillance came to light after Assange was arrested, when former UC Global employees provided a large file of material.

"This consisted of recordings from cameras installed in the embassy and hidden microphones; recordings made with secret microphones placed inside the embassy; hundreds of secret copies of the passports of Mr Assange's visitors; multiple emails exchanged between the company owner and the employees," Martinez said.

...[The Spanish court] is now investigating UC Global and its owner, former Spanish Navy marine David Morales.

"David Morales...sent on several occasions — via email, by phone and verbally — some lists of targets in which we had to pay special attention … they were mainly Mr Assange's lawyers."

...In an email from September 2017, Morales ordered UC Global staff to find out what the walls around Assange's bedroom were made of, and to photograph the embassy's rooms and its furniture.

Then in December, UC Global updated the embassy's camera system, installing audio-capable cameras.

...A month later, and under instructions from Morales, they installed a listening device in the false base of the meeting room's fire extinguisher.

They also installed a microphone in the women's bathroom — a place where Assange would regularly hold sensitive legal meetings.

...Spain's federal examining whether Morales and UC Global are guilty of breaching both Assange's privacy and lawyer-client privilege, as well as crimes relating to misappropriation of funds, bribery, and money laundering..."
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 10:51:19 AM
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Binoy mentions "The destruction of legal professional privilege, the principle protecting the confidences of Assange and those of his defence team"

ABC reported 3 days ago

"Julian Assange and his Australian lawyers were secretly recorded in Ecuador's London embassy"

The camera continues to roll, recording every word of the confidential legal conversation [between Assange and his lawyers]

...[Assange's head lawyer] did not know was he and a handful of other lawyers, were allegedly being targeted in a...deeply illegal surveillance operation possibly run at the request of the US Government.

...the surveillance came to light after Assange was arrested, when former UC Global employees provided a large file of material.

"This consisted of recordings from cameras installed in the embassy and hidden microphones; recordings made with secret microphones placed inside the embassy; hundreds of secret copies of the passports of Mr Assange's visitors; multiple emails exchanged between the company owner and the employees," Martinez said.

...[The Spanish court] is now investigating UC Global and its owner, former Spanish Navy marine David Morales.

"David Morales...sent on several occasions — via email, by phone and verbally — some lists of targets in which we had to pay special attention … they were mainly Mr Assange's lawyers."

...In an email from September 2017, Morales ordered UC Global staff to find out what the walls around Assange's bedroom were made of, and to photograph the embassy's rooms and its furniture.

Then in December, UC Global updated the embassy's camera system, installing audio-capable cameras.

...A month later, and under instructions from Morales, they installed a listening device in the false base of the meeting room's fire extinguisher.

They also installed a microphone in the women's bathroom — a place where Assange would regularly hold sensitive legal meetings.

...Spain's federal examining whether Morales and UC Global are guilty of breaching both Assange's privacy and lawyer-client privilege, as well as crimes relating to misappropriation of funds, bribery, and money laundering..."
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 10:54:05 AM
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This farce is a direct attack on us all. If it succeeds then it will be the end of democracy as we know it.

Here we have a man who exposed war crimes and crimes against humanity being prosecuted by those same criminals, go figure!

Assange was never charged with rape, even both his female accusers attest to these facts. The entire case was made up, there is and was no evidence of any crime. Another lie.

He is a journalist, and he and Wikileaks have won numerous international journalism awards, facts don’t disputing this, another lie.

How can Australian living in the UK be charged by the US for espionage when he is not a US citizen, another lie!

The Guardian and New York Times published the most damning Wikileaks information for which Assange is being prosecuted, another lie, double standard.

The US has admitted there is no evidence any person was harmed as a result of the Wikileaks data release, which he is being persecuted for, another lie!

The entire case against him is based on lies, government embarrassment and a desire to stop the fourth estate from doing what it’s there for.

If you support his prosecution you have drunk the kool aid of falsehoods perpetrated by the MSM and the corrupt sectors within the US/UK, Australian governments who don’t want people exposing their crimes, injustice and continues need for everlasting war against humanity.

If they succeed we minions are doomed to evermore illegal surveillance and the perpetual march toward totalitarianism.
Posted by Galen, Wednesday, 26 February 2020 11:43:08 AM
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