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The Forum > Article Comments > Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler destroy Biden’s presidential hopes > Comments

Pelosi, Schiff and Nadler destroy Biden’s presidential hopes : Comments

By David Singer, published 19/2/2020

Trump's trial offered the opportunity to delve into the activities of the Bidens in Ukraine, while Joe Biden was Vice President and President Obama's point man in Ukraine.

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Sorry, disagree. Joe Biden is master of his own destiny!

If one wants to compete in the best democracy money can buy, then one needs lots of popular crowd support or very deep pockets and those with the deepest pockets providing the greatest threat.

And protected by Thursday voting, chards and manipulated highly suspicious results.

The whole system reeks of endemic corruption and very few politicians are bound by the constitution, or are it would seem, inherently honest or possessed of a fully functioning brain/moral compass?

Nobody in their right mind would now seek to predict outcomes that are by and large decided by folk who average IQ is a tad or two above the ambient temperature?

You know, those folk clever wordsmiths can fool all of the time!?

Just a bit more polished than you David with your self evident, extreme right-wing sentiment
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 19 February 2020 11:18:01 AM
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Biden has gone down the gurgle hole: hip-hip-hooray!
Posted by Daffy Duck, Wednesday, 19 February 2020 4:55:59 PM
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Yep plenty of corrupt Republicans but the Democrats are to busy at virtue signalling that everytime they make an accusation it comes back on them many times over. The Democrats are so desperate to overturn the last election they have used deviants from Hollywood making up lies, lying feminist making up rape claims, fake crimes and a lying left liberal media to demonstrate that make the flawed Republican party and President look like saints. Beautiful to watch.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 19 February 2020 5:32:16 PM
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# Alan B

Appalled by your elitist and shocking comment:
"Nobody in their right mind would now seek to predict outcomes that are by and large decided by folk who average IQ is a tad or two above the ambient temperature?"

Reminds me of Hillary Clinton's infamous remark about the "basket of deplorables"

You should be ashamed.
Posted by david singer, Thursday, 20 February 2020 11:05:57 AM
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Alan B,

No one can dispute that Biden and Warren's presidential campaigns are in the toilet after being the front runners before the Kangaroo impeachment fiasco.

That Trump's approval rating soared afterwards showed how badly the democrats had misjudged the sentiment of the voters.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 20 February 2020 12:38:32 PM
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Biden is distinctly odd. I'd expect him to lose to Trump.

But good news. Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg is ahead of Trump in the polls. See and

But whether Bloomberg passes the “kishke test” (is he good for Israel?) remain's unclear .
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 20 February 2020 9:41:30 PM
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