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Triumphal divisions: Trump's State of the Union address : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 7/2/2020In this year of the presidential elections, President Donald J Trump shows little sign of cowering.
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Posted by Galen, Saturday, 8 February 2020 12:14:54 PM
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"US unemployment is really 23%, stunning really when you consider the implications."
Also complete BS. Look, you can define unemployment any way you want and then come up with any number you want, but its all BS, especially when you do it in only one country. Use the same criteria in other countries and the numbers will come out even worse than this bogus number. "Additionally, 25% of children in the US live below the poverty line" Well again is a its how you define 'poverty'. In cases like this its all about getting the number and then creating a definition that sort-of kinda justifies that number. But bogus it remains. Funny how there's all this unemployment and kids living in abject poverty yet half the planet wants to live there. ('half the planet' is a bogus number but when in Rome....) Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 8 February 2020 4:05:46 PM
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Even the Trump hating NYT recognises that the US economy is going gangbusters. Its seems its only the acute TDS suffers here who struggle with reality. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 8 February 2020 4:28:11 PM
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I am sure millions of them are looking for work.
Galen, How many employers apart from the Public Service do you know that'd waste their money on paying people who can't offer productivity ? And Paul1405 don't come back with one of your insipid quips about old age Pensioners, they've already paid up front unlike your mates who become pensioners at 30 for no valid reason other than some conned up disability ! Posted by individual, Saturday, 8 February 2020 10:13:02 PM
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OK, so Binoy is a representative of a side of politics that is left wing. And, he has personally profited very handsomely from being a high profile member of that left wing caste. His side of politics represents minorities of every conceivable stripe excepting white males. His side also represents illegal immigrants, foreign criminals, the young diplomaed elite, and almost every member of academia and the public service.
There are, therefore, certain expectations that are mandatory for Binoy to follow. 1. He hates Trump. Tick. 2. He will not give Trump any credit for anything, no matter how deserving. Tick. 3. He hates nationalism, as members of his caste regard themselves as Globalists, Internationalists, and "citizens of the world." People who are proud of their country are their social inferiors. Tick. 4. He advocates any program which gives free stuff to his own caste's electoratal supporters. Tick. 5. He sneers at Trump for defending the US borders from illegal immigrants. Of course he does. The more non whites illegal immigrants on the dole or in jail the better for the democratic (or Australian Labor) party. So he gets a big tick there too Posted by LEGO, Sunday, 9 February 2020 7:25:27 AM
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This link explains everything you suspected.,301 Posted by individual, Sunday, 9 February 2020 8:19:38 AM
Additionally, 25% of children in the US live below the poverty line, whether by their parents choice or not, this statistic clearly demonstrates the dire Economic and Social situation in the ‘worlds greatest country’. Hardly a glowing indicator of a ship heading toward that proverbial iceberg eh!