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Since when were drag queens for kids? : Comments
By Tim O'Hare, published 15/1/2020But a worrying trend in our political discourse is that leftist outrage is fostered by the national media whilst conservative outrage is dismissed.
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Posted by individual, Saturday, 18 January 2020 7:53:28 AM
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Hey AyameTan,
"I'm an Australian citizen." Ok, fair enough, my apologies. If you're an Australian citizen then you'd know our country is neither socialist or capitalist but a mixture of both, and that's the best. We have public schools and private schools. Public schools are a base level socialist platform for education. Whilst private schools are a capitalist platform for those who want and can afford a better quality service than the base level. We have public hospitals and private hospitals. Public hospitals are a base level socialist platform for healthcare. Whilst private hospitals are a capitalist platform for those who want and can afford a better quality service than the base level. We have public housing and private housing Public housing is a base level socialist platform for housing. Whist private housing is a capitalist platform for those who want and can afford a better quality service than the base level. We have public income (welfare) and private income (employment or business) Public income (welfare) is a base level socialist platform for income. Whist private income (employment or business) is a capitalist platform for those who want a better life than living on welfare. As part of the welfare system, you can even get grants and benefits to start your own business. The base level socialist platforms ensure no is starving, no one is not clothed, no one goes without a standard level of healthcare and education. The only part where our system fails, is that there's not enough public housing to go around. (We have more people immigrating than public housing built) And that there is not a socialist base level system of employment (the job you have when you don't have a job) to pay for all these benefits. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 January 2020 8:04:14 AM
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"And isn't what happens anywhere a concern to everyone? Would you have sat idly by if you knew what was going on in Poland in 1940?"
No it's not, (and yes I'd have stood idly by, unless our own nation was attacked) All it is (what happens anywhere a concern to everyone) is a gang mentality where other citizens of other nations think they can provide peer pressure to override what the citizens who live in a nation have decreed at the ballot box. All it does is play into the hands of rich elites and beurecrats who themselves want to play people off against each other =to dictate the future of a nation rather than allow the citizens themselves to decide. This is globalism. "And why would a gay man join a right-wing, bigoted party" How should I know? I'd assume that maybe he's a gay man who opposes pushing the gay agenda onto kids, wouldn't that make logical sense? "Just like anyone who earns under half a million does if they vote for the LNP." Why would they want to vote for handouts and increased taxes of themselves? "If you understand communism, please describe the difference between communism and capitalism to me." Go read the 10 planks of The Communist Manifesto, and figure it out yourself, I've spent enough time responding atm. Then go read this: "Australia doesn't have sweatshops, but America does." So what does America's domestic policies have to do with us? Isn't this an issue for the American citizens who vote there? "I guess you just sit and watch if your neighbour beats her children." - Probably depends whether she's doing it in front on me or not, stop nitpicking. Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 18 January 2020 8:21:06 AM
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Care to explain Indy.
Paul1405, If you need to have the situation explained then you're either oblivious to the society you live in, you're too young to understand or you're a Public servant ! Posted by individual, Saturday, 18 January 2020 10:26:25 AM
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A cop out Indy, I am 66 years of age, proud to have voted for a Whitlam government that put an end, firstly to the murderous outrages of the warmongering conservative Liberal/Country party regimes. Secondly I am proud to have voted for a government that wanted to introduce social reforms to put and end to the bigoted, racism and inequality in Australia fostered by successive crap Coalition governments.
You say; "many societal changes are detrimental, Yuyutsu, The Whitlam effect is solid prove of that! It's still haunting us 50 years on!" Don't do a cop out, instead provide examples. Is your wholehearted support for 'National Service' based on the fact you yourself would be totally immune from such service. I don't perceive any cheering from you when I bring up the subject of a 'Seniors National Service' to help cope with the $20 billion, and growing, aged pensioners suck out of the system each year. BTW what is your record on past 'National Service' what did you do when you had the opportunity? Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 18 January 2020 12:24:28 PM
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It would depend on the mix of socialism and capitalism. The richest 10% already pay very little tax as a percentage of their wealth. But they're easily spotted and easily robbed on the street. Just saying. An Armani suit sells for a lot, even on the second-hand market. I'm not advocating theft, I'm just stating a fact. You'd have stood idly by while Poland was attacked? Typical conservative. You only care about YOUR OWN civil rights. Fail. Yet another reason why Al Qaeda is better than you. Their victims tend to die instantly. Unlike cancer patients. What do you disagree with about the "gay agenda"? Equality? Tolerance? Acceptance? And end to criminalization of consensual acts between consenting adults? Handouts reduce crime. If no one had to beg for food, fewer people would rob convenience stores. So you only care about your own country. I guess if your neighbor's house was on fire, you'd do nothing unless the flames spread to your house. So if a killer decided to wipe out every other house on your block, you'd do nothing. I hope your last sentence was sarcastic. Anyway, I've devised the perfect plan. XXXX right-wing voters and politicians. SXXXX from right-wing voters and politicians. Pay people to XXXX right-wing voters and politicians. It's self-sustaining and unstoppable. The end goal is to stop right-wing voters and politicians from voting. Posted by AyameTan, Saturday, 18 January 2020 12:56:47 PM
Communism is when stupid people are trying to be capitalists ! Capitalism is when stupid people are trying to be Communist !
Socialism is when when Public servants are of a greater number than blue collar workers.