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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia's urban water supply: 'Crisis…. what crisis?' > Comments

Australia's urban water supply: 'Crisis…. what crisis?' : Comments

By Charles Essery, published 30/12/2019

In the 2000-2008 drought desalination plants were the

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Hasbeen, if you pump your dam water into a suitable size tank, say 2000 gallons. Chuck in some lime and epsom salts, the gunk will all settle to the bottom. Use a floating offtake. At Tennant Creek in the 60s our dam water was literally thin mud and this technique produced clear potable water.
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 30 December 2019 10:00:21 PM
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Deionisation dialysis desalination is hardly under development! But already commercialized. In fact, one can buy several off the shelf models now from systems to treat around 400 gallons a day to 4,000 gals.

This is the usual misinformation tactic of green activists who want the human race gone and the enviroment saved as the consequence?

Because for them, trees are far more important than the human race or their fellow man?

Maybe they have a point, given the way the most powerful and wealthy clearly have replaced Jehovah with Mannon as their God?

And will do anything at all in order to serve it?

So maybe our species isn't worth saving?

But back to the topic. Deionisation dialysis desalination is already commercialized and able to be purchased as off-shelf models and will remove more than just salt ions but many others as well including some of those used in fire fighting foam for example?

All the dangers claimed for CARBON FREE nuclear power by these same anti-development nut jobs have been well and truly dealt with!

All that's missing here is the courage of conviction in educated and erudite leaders who just need to forge ahead and ignore the mountains of BS by the anti-nuclear brigade!

How many more lives and homes need to be destroyed or burnt to the ground before our gutless leader will grow a spine and just embrace the only viable affordable solution on the table!

As for the timetable. history shows the shortest build time for a nuclear reactor was just six months! Albeit using a known and field trailed and proven design and all we need do here with nuclear waste or thorium burning MSR!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 31 December 2019 9:15:23 AM
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Yes, there is a salt-rich liqueur from desalination but it can be pumped back to the sea from whence it came or treated with electrolysis to separate out the sodium and chlorine ions both of which have commercial value!

Again the solution would seem to be almost free power, which would be ours if we became an income-earning repository for the world's mountainous nuclear waste stockpile! And given we do just that earn annual billions for supplying said service.

However, before burying it we can burn it in MSR technology to utilize the 95%+ energy quotient still available as yet unspent energy in MSR"s! And we should probably buy a few off the shelf reactors designed to use molten salt and adapt them to use fluoride.

My pick would be the FUJI 350 MW. Adapt it as a prototype and then mass production of that advanced model as a nuclear waste or thorium burner.

Thorium would need to be treated in the blanket of a conventional reactor first to convert it to U233, And use that to make power and miracle cancer cure alpha particle, bismuth 213!

As for all the development and build costs?

Well, we could use the annual billions we'd earn as the world's safest repository for its current nuclear waste stockpile! And use that as mostly ready to use, unspent fuel for that's what it is in MSR technology!

A conventional 350 MW nuclear reactor will require during a thirty-year operational cycle, some 2551 tons of enriched uranium fuel from which it will produce as much as 2550 tons of nuclear waste.

Albeit some of the new breeder reactors may reduce that number to 2545 tons of nuclear waste?

This then is just unspent fuel in MSR! Where just one ton of this material we have already been paid annual billion to store, will fire our MSR for around 25 years! And produce as little as 1% as waste, which is eminently suitable as long life space batteries, that burn up with reentry.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 31 December 2019 9:50:01 AM
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Flooding Lake Erie is a worthy idea! And a fairly simple engineering project utilising nuclear powered ocean-going dredges! And a few explosives, regenerative electric shovels and dump trucks.

Any other power source would mean it'd be entirely unaffordable due to the fuel bill!

Simple tidal operated flood gates and a dual canal system would allow enormous high northern tides to completely fill the lake and several in between as well as continually flush the system with water

Also able to generate some hydropower?

And transport shipping into our current dead centre which could become an income-earning transport hub?

Several desalination plants built alongside would enable new development and arid desert turned into virtual gardens that take full advantage of the next boom, the food boom!

And indeed allow our indigenous populations to become completely independent and self-sustaining economically independent communities! As the first consequence! And include everything from broad acre cotton, fruit tree plantations, to dairy and everything in between!

The cost entirely recovered in due course with the income able to be earned both here and abroad and via the annual billions, we'd still be earning even then as the worlds safest repository for nuclear waste!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 31 December 2019 10:12:47 AM
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How about giving all of those parasites from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc their marching orders?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 31 December 2019 10:18:23 AM
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Thanks for the advice VK3AUU, most of my domestic irrigation & stock watering water is pumped 3 times, which does have a moderate settling effect on the silt.

It is pumped from the river to the dam, for which I have both irrigation & harvesting licences, then again up to a large tank at the house. I add flocculants when I have to use it in the pool, but as my soil PH is about ideal, don’t use chemicals in irrigation water.

The river has been dry for about 10 weeks this year, so a lot of wildlife is using my dam. They stir up the silt making the water much dirtier than usual. A recent couple of inch storm has just a trickle in the river, but a lot of farmers & wild life are going to be in real trouble if we don’t get some decent rain in the near future.

One horse & about 15 kangaroos have eaten out about 14 acres of my place, & between them are drinking a bath tub full of water every 2 days.

Having lived through a few cyclones I never thought I would ever say it, but we need a cyclone right about now.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 31 December 2019 12:29:28 PM
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