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Fitz Files Fail : Comments
By Spencer Gear, published 25/11/2019Dear Fitz, dishonouring a Christian woman proclaiming biblical Christianity is a disgrace.
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Posted by elizabeth4, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 7:32:41 AM
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Dear Spencer Gear (the author), . You wrote : « She [Margaret Court] presents God's view of marriage between a man and a woman and not between two people of the same sex … Jesus confirmed the Genesis teaching in Matthew 19:4-6. A man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife » . Nobody knows what “God’s view” is – of anything – Spencer. Let’s not forget that God is still just a hypothesis that we are all free to believe or not. Some people believe they have had visions of God. Some believe he has spoken to them. That is not the case of Matthew whom you quote. Nobody knows for sure who the Matthew of the bible was. Nowhere does he claim to have been an eyewitness to the events that he describes. According to the historians, the gospel attributed to him seems to have been composed around the year 85 A.D., i.e., more than half a century after the death of Jesus. The traditional ascription of the gospel to Matthew, the tax collector who became an apostle (one of the 12 chief disciples of Jesus), raises many questions. Why is the same tax collector named Levy son-of-Alphaeus in Mark 2:14 ? Where did a tax collector on the margin of Jewish religious life get such an extensive education to produce this very “Jewish” gospel ? Why did an apostle and companion of Jesus (if that is who he was) not make any mention or give the slightest hint of having been personally involved in the events of Jesus’ life ? Why did he rely on Mark and other sources rather than his own personal experience and memory ? Those questions remain unanswered. Yet, many people, like yourself, Spencer, who believe in the god hypothesis, base their belief on narratives such as that of the mysterious and controversial Matthew. According to the bible, God made man and woman. No mention of transgenders. Who made them and why ? There are about 850,000 transgenders in Australia (3.4% of the population) : . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 8:16:10 AM
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That's an excellent link to how Muslims, following the Quran, receive capital punishment for their behaviour: When you post links like this that begin with https://www, please change to http://www so we can use a direct link to the website. It seems to be a feature of the software used on this website that this action is needed. I recommend leading Christian apologist, Dr William Lane Craig's assessment, 'A Christian Perspective on Homosexuality' at: Posted by OzSpen, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 11:35:16 AM
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Banjo P,
<<Nobody knows what “God’s view” is – of anything – Spencer. Let’s not forget that God is still just a hypothesis that we are all free to believe or not.>> What a preposterous statement that is your untested opinion. <<Those questions [about Matthew] remain unanswered. Yet, many people, like yourself, Spencer, who believe in the god hypothesis, base their belief on narratives such as that of the mysterious and controversial Matthew.>> That is bunk. In my 1,600 book library, I have a number of scholarly books that deal with this issue. You are the one imposing your view on the biblical text. I know which one I'll pursue and it won't be Banjo P's presuppositions. <<According to the bible, God made man and woman. No mention of transgenders. Who made them and why ? There are about 850,000 transgenders in Australia (3.4% of the population) >> It doesn't seem to cross your mind that God got it right and sinful humanity got it wrong. Since when did Roy Morgan research determine the truth of homosexuality and transgenders. It doesn't. God's command to you, Banjo, and me is: "Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you" (Psalm 86:11). Rather than going to Roy Morgan research to determine the truth about sexuality, I recommend you seek this wisdom and knowledge: "Fear of the LORD is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment" (Proverbs 9:10). Posted by OzSpen, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 1:08:54 PM
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3.4 per cent trandgender? Sounds more like a planned parenthood target. Or do we throw in those practicing homosexuality as transgender.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 1:37:41 PM
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Dear OzSpen, . Referring to my comment that « nobody knows what “God’s view” is – of anything – Spencer. Let’s not forget that God is still just a hypothesis that we are all free to believe or not », you declared : « What a preposterous statement that is your untested opinion » You are right in thinking it is my opinion, OzSpen, but you are wrong in thinking it needs to be tested. The rule in such matters, as I am sure you are aware, is “affaimanti non neganti incumbit” (the burden of proof lies on him who affirms, not on one who denies. I do not claim there is a god. My opinion does not need to be tested. It is the opinion of those who claim there is a god that needs to be tested. That said, OzSpen, please be assured that I do not expect any “proof” from you. We have had this discussion on a previous thread – an extremely long discussion. Whenever I ask for evidence to back up your claims, you provide (faith-based) citations from the bible or quotations from evangelical theologists and scholars. As I indicated before, those are your beliefs and your religious affiliations, OzSpen. They are not facts or evidence of facts. Despite that difficulty, I respect your beliefs, but please do not expect me to share them. My mind always remains open on the question of the god hypothesis in the event that some objective element may come to light sometime in the future. I hope this clarifies matters for you. . Dear Runner, . Thanks for your comment. Yes, I should have said "transgenders and LGBTs". Sorry about that. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 26 November 2019 9:04:51 PM
How about comparing this:
with Margaret Court's support for male-female marriages.