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The Forum > Article Comments > Aborigines knew it was about management more than climate: an open letter > Comments

Aborigines knew it was about management more than climate: an open letter : Comments

By Vic Jurskis, published 19/11/2019

An open letter to the Prime Minister, Premiers, Chief Ministers and Leaders of the Oppositions on fire management from an experienced forester.

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You think the climate record for Adelaide is 42.5?
Before posting something like that did you even start with the Adelaide climate wiki?
"Hottest temperature: 46.6 °C (115.9 °F), 24 January 2019"

Also, we've known about climate change forever.
This Bell Telephone Company "Science Hour" warned us way back in 1958, only 2 minutes long.

Soylent Green showed us global warming had already leaked into the popular culture by 1973.
Posted by Max Green, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 3:08:03 PM
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<Aborigines knew it was about management more than climate:>

Allow me to be Politically incorrect. "Buls#it." The management part came as a consequence of the Aboriginals forcing out, Rats, Mice, Bandicoots, Goannas & Snakes so they could eat. Usually for a Corroboree. They knew nothing about Climate Change.

It all sound good but that call is all Buls#it. Aboriginals used what ever worked to get food. When the little animals broke cover they banged them with their "banging stick", took them back to their makeshift camp & chucked the whole animal on the coals to cook.

Yes, they contained the fire. I don't ever recall reading about Aboriginals using this method along the East Coast. only in the Dry Savana & Desert Areas of Australia or in the Dry Tropics just before the rainy season.
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 4:06:40 PM
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There is a story about how Aboriginals, now-a-days, read the Weather.

It goes.

The BoM put out an alert that there is going to be "a good rainy season." then later they modify that to "A heavy rainy season." Then still later the modify it again to an "Intense Weather Event." Still later the modify it again to a likelihood of "Severe Cyclones."

A journalist goes to the BoM & asks them why all the changes in the Weather Prediction. The Head of the BoM says, Well, we use Satellite technology. We can look down on the Land & we can see what's going on."

Well, the Journalist is intrigued, & says, How is this done."

The Head of the BoM says, We can see the Aborigines preparing for the rainy season., if they gather some firewood we know that it going to be an average Wet Season. If they gather more we know it going to rain a lot. If we see them gathering lots & lots of firewood we know that there is going to be really bad weather."

The Journalist is fascinated & so he goes to interview the Aborigines & asks them how they know what the weather is going to be like in the coming Season.

One elder steps forward & says, We look up the BoM on the Computer. If they say it's going to rain we go & collect firewood, then if they say it's really gonna rain we collect more firewood & so on."

And, this, people is what call the ultimate "Feedback System." ;-)
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 4:09:25 PM
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I forgot to tick the button
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 4:10:30 PM
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Big Nana and JayB don't get it. Blackfellas lived thru extreme climate change. They didn't worry about it, they got on with day to day management by firestick. Tasmania got separated by rising sea levels. Aborigines survived. Kangaroo Island got separated, Aborigines died out, scrub grew up and high intensity fire regimes ignited by lightning took over. Saying that blackfellas used fire for hunting is like saying that whitefellas use money to buy food a - a pretty narrow view. Mild fire was the mainstay of the economy. It was for maintaining access, food, sanitation, heating, cooking, safety and celebration. Dry storms and extreme weather weren't a problem. You're not politically incorrect, just factually incorrect. Read Firestick Ecology and get an education.
AlanB: Goats can control fuel if you fence them into small paddocks. The reason they're in plagues in the semi-arid zone is that scrub is booming and they eat scrub. They don't control it, they respond to it. In the humid zone there are plagues of deer for the same reason. You've got it exactly arse-about.
Posted by Little, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 5:02:30 PM
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Alan B: he fossil record confirms with an indisputable record, this land was once covered from coast to coast in verdant forest!

So was the Sahara Desert 12000 years ago. That didn't become full desert until about 8000 years ago.

It all has to do with the Tilt of the Earth from 26* to 23*. We are at about 23* now so more sunlight is falling on the Earth from straight on rather than a steeper angle.

The bands of forests & Deserts move up & down as the change of the Tilt of the Earth. Man most likely wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the tilt changing & the Ethiopian Plateau drying out making the people move North, South, East & West. thereby causing the first diversity. "So the Fossil Records say."

Also at times the Sea was much lower & there was a land bridge before that there was an inland Lake around Longreach. "So the Fossil Records say."
Posted by Jayb, Tuesday, 19 November 2019 5:33:57 PM
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