The Forum > Article Comments > How abuse of violence orders corrupts our family law system > Comments
How abuse of violence orders corrupts our family law system : Comments
By Augusto Zimmermann, published 13/11/2019Indeed, not everyone who applies for a restraining order is a genuine victim, just as not everyone who is subject to such an order is necessarily a perpetrator.
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what a total mess as we have allowed social engineers to denigrate the covenant of marriage over the last 50 years. We have toxic masculinity and toxic feminism which is as nasty and often violence. Look at the creatures the abc promoted last week and you will get the drift.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 13 November 2019 5:32:58 PM
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Six men murdered ever day may be true, but very few of them by their female partners.
And I stand by the statistic that four women are indeed murdered every day by their partners. Animals/knuckle-dragging Neaderandals The Bureau of statistics and their records pertaining to all homicide crimes will back me up! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 13 November 2019 9:13:26 PM
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Alan B.
You previously said it was 4 women a week. Now it's 4 women a day. Same question I asked Imacentristmoderare. Can you give a source for a stat, so that we know which it is and don't have an exaggeration to make a point. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Thursday, 14 November 2019 2:59:51 AM
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Correction and apologies, Four women a day should be read as four women a week and widely reported on most news service desks!
And the Australian Bureau of stats. One would have to be both blind and deaf not to already have read or seen material that confirms these widely reported stats. Of course, perpetrators of domestic violence, who all too often, are too represented in indigenous communities! Are going to follow their usual practice and challenge the widely reported facts! As evidenced in the foregoing attack the messenger attacks! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 14 November 2019 8:35:23 AM
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To Alan B.
Attack the messenger attacks? I'm not trying to attack you Alan. If you want an example of attacking the messanger look at your first response to in this discussion. It is full of attack. Though whether that's aimed at the author or Dicer Dan ?I don't know. When it comes to facts and figures there are exaggerated figures and there are over used misinformation. Having a figure clarified ensures that it's accurate instead of it being either emotionally exaggerated or politically motivated in it's exaggeration. It's worth at least attempting when in reply to your figure of 4 women a week are killed, Imacenteristmoderate replied with a higher figure for men who are killed. As for women, regardless the figure it's still too high. What I've been able to find for # per week, is several years old. But it states with a reference study that one woman a week is the stat of domestic murder against women. A number that is too high to not ignore or not be concerned. Regarding the article though. If restraining orders are used as a tactic in parent's battles that's a troubling concern. The issue of women in domestic violence is a seperate issue then parents angry with eachother manipulating the courts to not let their ex see his/her children is a concern worth getting attention. It's seperate from the stats of domestic abuse against women. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Friday, 15 November 2019 4:15:59 AM