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Don't mention the K word : Comments

By Sasha Uzunov, published 17/10/2019

Playing the Kurdish card by the US has been strategically useful in taking down the Saddam Hussein regime in 2003 and in combating ISIS in Syria.

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Here is indomitable proof, the whole Middle East debacle is run on a full tank of "monkey brain"; and proof positive, Trump has made a wise decision to pull the pin.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 17 October 2019 8:30:12 AM
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Hi Dan,

So, that's how it works, does it ? The Yanks start something, then piss off when the going gets a bit tough ? They raise the hopes of people who have been suffering oppression, get them to sacrifice their lives against both Saddam and ISIS, then shoots through ?

The 'art of the deal', ay ? So the blood of how many Kurds will be on Trump's hands ? What an utter mongrel.

And so now Russia is the mediating power in the Middle East while Iran will come to control all the territory from Afghanistan up to the borders of Israel. The influence of the US is confined to the corrupt and incompetent Saudis. What an achievement.

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 17 October 2019 9:17:26 AM
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Nobody is claiming the Christian and or Muslim Kurds are angels! They have a history of centuries of war and dispossession of their homeland.

The land they fight for is was and remains their annexed homeland. The Turkish Blue Mosque in Istanbul was once a vast Orthodox Christian cathedral! Taken by the invading Muslims as they annexed territory. And in a history nearly as old as Israel's.

Yes, there has been unrelenting resistance, wars and bloodletting by all sides in the conflict!

However, there had been a peace treaty, some Kurd autonomy and self-determination. So much so that the Kurd gave up the fight with weapons and sent their political party into the electoral contest!

And were so successful, they threaten Erdogan's very tenuous hold on power. So, then there was the alleged bombing by alleged Kurd freedom fighters/alleged terrorists!

And an outcome that benefitted Erdogan's reelection prospects enormously! Rumours abound that Erdogan was involved and the principal planner of the bombing?

[ And history would seem to support that analysis and strongly suggests a man who will do or say anything to cling to power!?]

And a huge benefit to him politically as he has tried by various means to further entrench himself as the new Emporer of a new Ottoman empire and the centre of the Muslim world with him presiding over a new Muslim caliphate?

Nobody is claiming the Kurd are angels! But clearly not the devils Erdogan and others are trying to paint them as!

At another time in history, other megalomaniacs found it very convenient to prey on and blame ethenic minorities for a whole host of economic woes and the gullible public, Germans Turks and more recently, American rednecks have to a generic man, swallowed this BS!

Isn't it quite amazing how history tends to repeat itself all-around an increasingly troubled world!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 17 October 2019 9:34:14 AM
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Trump is keeping another of his election promises. And don't the dishonest people who vote for dishonest politicians hate it! Honesty and integrity is anathema to them.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 17 October 2019 9:35:12 AM
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A promise to leave allies of the US in the lurch ? What an utter stinking turd Trump is. What he will do to protect his Istanbul Trump Twin Towers.

The Kurds seem to have rarely ever been aggressive towards any other population in their five thousand years in (more or less) that region:

As for the Kurds not flying in great numbers to Normandy in 1944, they WERE involved in fighting against the fascist coup in Iraq in 1941 and liberating the country late that year.

You know, a few months before the US got involved in the Second World War.

Utterly untrustworthy 'allies'.

So who's next ?

Posted by Loudmouth, Thursday, 17 October 2019 10:16:39 AM
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Uncle Joe

I'll retire you from the war office. Your now emotionally involved in difficult outcomes of war.

Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 17 October 2019 12:33:42 PM
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