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The Forum > Article Comments > Barr is coming after Biden, Schiff, Clinton and the mass media > Comments

Barr is coming after Biden, Schiff, Clinton and the mass media : Comments

By David Singer, published 11/10/2019

Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, Hillary Clinton and the mass media seem set to be steamrolled by Attorney General Bill Barr using a treaty none of them is prepared to even acknowledge exists.

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Alan you have proved to all you are the fool, no evidence to back up your ridiculous assertions. Facts matter, ad hominem attacks don’t!

When you grow up, respond accordingly.
Posted by Galen, Saturday, 12 October 2019 11:38:10 AM
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Galen and Mhaze

. As you both attest and belabour, facts matter as opposed to the usual rubbish and abuse you trot out. I for one have more faith in the CIA's ability to gather and process the necessary intelligence to lay all the knowable facts on the table, not concoctions elicited with virtual blackmail of another country's President!?

When we say evidence, it has to be credible evidence, not the usual rumour-mongering, supposition, bogus links etc, and the now customary, Trump initiated mudslinging that some folk think is their smoking-gun evidence.

My bet is, this President will have his day in court but only after he's returned to the status of just another joe average citizen and when a democratic President is successfully elected, as seems in prospect?

As republicans desert after Trump's shame-filled cynical betrayal of the Kurd! And as he is now selling?

Or attempting to with an indifferent and callous, attempted history lesson. It's not history that matters, but our HOURERABLE actions today!

And therefore can't be saved by a, five minutes to midnight, for all the other stuff, by a Presidential pardon by the vice president, just after he Mr Trump, resigns from office!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 13 October 2019 11:08:01 AM
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Alan, no facts, again!

So let me get your thoughts correct, you trust the CIA. You think the President of Ukraine has Trump by the short and curlies as well as your monotonous rants the same can be said of Putin.

News flash zero, the CIA has about as much credibility as your fact free posts, i.e. none.
Two supposed enemies, Russia and Ukraine both have Trump under their control, even more interesting!

Zero facts, credibility, cognitive dissonance. Try again.
Posted by Galen, Sunday, 13 October 2019 10:50:19 PM
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The reason traitors Biden, Schiff, Clinton and the enemies of the people the mass media is the Deep State prevents the US government from investigating them. The solution is for an enabling act to allow Trump to detain and perform terminal enhanced interrogation on all enemies of the people as determined by the great wisdom of our pussy grabber-in-chief.
Posted by 124c4u, Monday, 14 October 2019 9:12:44 AM
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Alan B. and Galen,

If facts really matter, then you're going to have to go to Kmart, buy a $2 A4 notepad and be prepared to start filling it, spending maybe at least several hours a day.

- That's pretty much what it takes to sift through all these facts -

I haven't been paying too much attention to this stuff lately, but what you need to understand is the US ran the coup on Ukraine, and then used Ukraine to attack Trump.

Biden withheld money from Ukraine, now Trump's done the same.
I'm not sure that Trumps necessary doing it to attack Biden, but to get to the bottom of what went on previously in his opponents attacking him with the Russia collusion narrative.

Everytime Trumps accusers scream wrongdoing, they're just trying to cover up what they themselves were doing.
Trumps really only doing to them what they already did to him anyway.

If you want a short video that is a decent place to start watch this, but be warned it's heavy going, be prepared to start using your computer to look things up.

October 12th, 2019 Follow Fiona Hill’s Chemonics Payouts To Kolomoisky and Moustafa
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 15 October 2019 3:30:24 PM
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Oh and the plot is getting thicker now...

"The person who is the ringleader is Fiona Hill"

October 14th, 2019 Fiona Hill Tied To Christopher Steele Dossier Group

* And FYI I mentioned Fiona Hill on the forum over a year ago.

There's a whole list of different people in this 'Russia Working Group'.
I can't find a link to it easily, but if you go back a year in the investigation with this video you'll see him zoom to that list of co-conspirators at the end of the video.

September 17th, 2018 Welcome To SpyGate2 - The Fiona Hill Era Begins

I've been telling you all for nearly 3 years, since Trump was a lowly candidate;
If you want to get the inside info and be ahead of all the mainstream media narrative;
Then go to Georges channel, and you'll be way ahead of anyone else.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 16 October 2019 2:07:45 AM
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