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The Forum > Article Comments > Why Treasury migration forecasts matter, and why they’re unconscionably high > Comments

Why Treasury migration forecasts matter, and why they’re unconscionably high : Comments

By Stephen Saunders, published 29/8/2019

Once only since federation has Australia surpassed 270,000 in net migration. Before 2007, even 200,000 was unknown.

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"Australia’s economy is addicted to immigration, requiring ever-increasing infusions of new people to stave off an inevitable collapse." (Salvatore Babones, October 2018).

"High immigration is hiding the economy's long-running weakness,'' says Lefty (note well) reporter, Ross Gittins.

And all the while wages are stagnating, and everyone already living in Australia is getting poorer, while lazy, incompetent politicians keep on inviting odds and sods to come here, willy nilly.

Both political parties are in lockstep on destructive immigration; both parties refuse to put it to the people who are suffering from their madness. Stop voting Labor/LNP until they pull up the drawbridge.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 29 August 2019 9:38:11 AM
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I can't take climate change proposals seriously while net migration remains at these kinds of levels. Why should I bother to do anything to curtail my own carbon footprint when the government is going to swamp out any small contribution I could make with hundreds of thousands of extra people?
Posted by SilverInCanberra, Thursday, 29 August 2019 9:53:12 AM
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It's because our economy has nothing to support it of actual substantive sustainable substance, we only have migration and the false demand that creates to anchor the economy on.

We bring people here, let them sink or swim. and those that swim, by creating their own entrepreneurial enterprise through blood, sweat, tears and sacrifice. Become the new generation of taxpayers that support our social welfare budget and the army of public servants, around one-third of the total workforce, with their enterprise and endeavour!

Without which there'd be no social budget nor overpaid, fat-cat public servants!?

Often in the face of public service, pedantic obstructionism? Thus we have an economy captured by Chinese dependence and gradually becoming more and more Asian until surely, we will become, the poor southern state of our Chinese masters?

Why? Because our so-called leader are like rabbits caught in the headlight too timid to do anything more than lick boots!? And have made a virtue of dithering and waiting for someone else to do something.

Thus we have the highest power prices in the world and the most unaffordable housing. And because of a stubborn refusal to adopt nuclear power and the storage of nuclear waste. which is really massively unspent fuel that could power an industrial renaissance. And used wisely, drought-proof the nation. Can't is not part of the paradigm, just bloody-minded won't!

Don't just do something, stand there!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 29 August 2019 10:09:36 AM
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We just don't need more people right now. We need to train up those we have and massively downsize a hugely bloated public service.

We have a trade-dependent economy that's barely ours! And solely because of determined political intransigence.

We need to become a nation that once again makes things if we are to support more people! And those people need to come from culturally compatible nations.

And can't be culturally combative, corrosive sh!te stirring clowns

. And that still leaves a world of folk who will fit in like our Italian and Greek migrants, whose kids have embraced our cultural norms and social mores as if they were always their own as have our Vietnamese migrants.

I won't say all of our Middle Eastern migrants are problematic, just those that form enclaves, standoff and refuse to assimilate or adopt our cultural norms and social mores! Create unrest and disharmony wherever they go? Enough already!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 29 August 2019 10:39:17 AM
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The more important metric must be per capita GDP which I understand is flat or declining which I don't see in the article. The people that want to open the floodgates are already in leafy inner suburbs so perhaps they presume new arrivals will do the same. For example Oxfam tell us more refugees will make us all rich. That was after WW2 not now. Our leaders are living in the past.

We'll need more water, more services, more trees and more low carbon energy all of which are slower arriving than people. I speculate that if Hong Kong gets nasty we will have a flood of migration applications. Bob Hawke allowed Chinese students to stay after Tiananmen. I understand already 25% of foreign students seek permanent residence. Is that factored into any population policy?
Posted by Taswegian, Thursday, 29 August 2019 1:39:26 PM
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meanwhile we murder about 100000 unborn babies a year usually at tax payer expense. Go figure! We have learn't nothing from Europe.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 29 August 2019 2:34:35 PM
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runner, where do you get your numbers from?

And just who the hell are you to sit in judgement on others who may have no other genuine choice. You plainly know SFA about the medical or economic circumstances of the mother's often forced to terminate by deadbeat dads, who refuse to accept their share of responsibility. And you cannot know the medical status of the incubator, who for all you know may desperately want her baby!?

Finally, how many babies are born stillborn, live just a few minutes outside the womb, or just aren't viable!?

Who are you to decide who should have a legal termination? God?

Or do you prefer that desperate women and girls are left with no other choice but a return to the days of backyard butchers! Because genius, it cannot be neither, but either or!

Simply put you have no right to judge these women and girls! You are not God? And the topic was and remains migration! But then what the topic was or is has never mattered to a fundamental fanatic like you has it!? At the end of the day, all the pro-life activism won't prevent abortions, which will still occur.

And those that are somehow prevented, may well result in the brutalisation of unwanted children! And down to non-empathetic, pedantic, absolutist activists like you.

Almost as if it was your boot crashing into those little ribs, head, neck, spine and what have you as regular as clockwork. And left wishing they had been terminated!

You've obviously never starved or missed out on educational opportunities that you may have been suited to? And therefore are emotionally unable to connect with or put yourself in the shoes of the poor and downtrodden or disadvantaged!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 29 August 2019 4:46:18 PM
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settle down Alan B, your atrocious attempts to justify out and out evil does you no good.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 29 August 2019 5:13:06 PM
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meanwhile we murder about 100000 unborn babies a year usually at tax payer expense.
And, if we adapt your philosophy, we'll have millions of little babies & kids starving to death because the likes of you simply don't feel good about making tough decisions. No, much better to have millions suffer rather than admit your religious but flawed beliefs. Show me where it says we must let little babies die in agony because the runners of this world won't approve of God providing humans with the ability to abort in order to prevent such misery.
Have you bothered to read Dr Hans Hass's letter to the women of the world ? I'm sure that if we can't control fellow humans, the least we can do is to prevent more little victims. To me that is more humane than your way !
Posted by individual, Friday, 30 August 2019 9:13:48 AM
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if you are not smart enough to know that their is plenty of food on this earth then I doubt whether you are capable of reasoning. Your dogma of overpopulation if flawed. Your secular religion has certainly blinded you and hardened your heart if it was ever soft.
Posted by runner, Friday, 30 August 2019 10:45:03 AM
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Ok, then why is your idealist view not working ? In fact it hasn't worked in the past 5000 years !
So, suddenly you think you can do something about all this misery by letting millions more babies enter this dirty, cruel world & have them suffer ?
How much or what do you actually do to help these poor babies ? You think calling murder non-stop is going to stop the non-stop suffering ? Do you get a kick out of that ? God wants us to do good not say good & do nothing !
Posted by individual, Friday, 30 August 2019 1:55:40 PM
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Good piece.

The Coalition's latest migrants-to-the-bush policy is a con job, as was their 'cut' in immigration numbers. As Stephen Saunders points out, they've actually ramped up immigration! During a period of stagnant wages and labour market weakness!

Here's ScoMo back in 2011 on the population debate and plans to send migrants to the regions:

TONY JONES: Can you have a debate on population without a debate on immigration numbers?

SCOTT MORRISON: Well of course you can’t…

Two thirds of the increase in population is coming through immigration and so if that’s not part of the debate then I don’t know what these guys are going on about. You’ve gotta focus on the things that you can address. Now they can talk about all these other issues, they’re all really important, but those things are not going to solve themselves in the next term of government. What you can do in the next term of government is ease the pressure on those problems by throttling back, and if this Government’s not prepared to throttle back then they are trying to put one over the Australian people…

We’ve also made it clear that we’re not comfortable with the 36 million [population] projection…

The Government says it is not about immigration and they want to put out this false hope that they can move all these people around the country differently. Well those who are coming into the country, less than 10 per cent of them currently go out and settle in regional areas and rural areas. So to hold out some false hope that this problem’s going to be solved because a Population Minister is going to fantastically move people around like has never been done before in our history, is I think unfair to the Australian people to suggest that that is realistic option, certainly in the short or medium term. Long term I think there are still real doubts. The history of settlement over centuries means that people will come and gravitate to areas where there is population…

Obviously Treasury captured ScoMo's brain at some point.
Posted by FrankU, Saturday, 7 September 2019 4:33:38 AM
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