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Not acting on climate crisis is at our peril : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 23/8/2019

The scientific evidence is overwhelming, and denying that climate change is already upon us, especially as the president and his party does, flies in the face of the indisputably dire consequences.

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Hey Alon.

Saying that "climate change is real and visible for all to see" is a fatuous statement with no basis in fact. I just looked out my front door and it is just another cold, windy August day in Sydney, exactly what is to be expected.

Michael Manne was just another obscure scientist from the relatively unimportant science of Climatology, who realised that scaring entire countries with a global warming scam would do a load of good for his obscure science and his own self aggrandisement. He invented the infamous "hockey stick" graph which conveniently forgot to include the Medieval Warm Period, a warm period 2 degrees hotter than today. The scam was to make everybody think that global warming today is unique and not a regularly recurring event.

And the best climate prediction to date is that the world is overdue for a (usually regular as clockwork) 10,000 year global cooling. The fact that the planet has not warmed since 1998 could be a portent to a cooling catastrophe to come. So if burning coal supposedly raises temperatures, let's hope that this is right and we can set fire to every coal field to prevent us freezing to death. Global cooling is a lot more of a serious problem than global warming.

The global warming scam is serious because it is trashing the legacy of science as an impartial source of information to be trusted. President Eisenhower warned against socialised scientists using the moral authority of science to dictate policies to government. That is exactly what has happened, and you, Alon, are part o the problem.

Australians in particular have had a gutful of climate change alarmists and that is the primary reason why Shorten and Labor lost the "unlosable" election. The Labor elite are living so high up in the clouds in their ivory towers that they can not even see the people on the ground, far below. Their own voters are angry about electricity prices and a "Labor" Party more interested in a fanciful ideology which will deindustrialise their country, than ensuring their future prosperity.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 23 August 2019 9:18:38 AM
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There is no climate 'crisis'; there is only natural climate change, which can be endured if people stop pissing their pants or deliberately trying to scare the naive.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 23 August 2019 10:13:53 AM
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blah blah been hearing the lying narrative for over 50 years. Was not long ago an ice age was forecast. Takes such blind faith to believe this nonsense. Teach people to pick up rubbish and not litter if you want to preach to others and don't try disguising your Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Posted by runner, Friday, 23 August 2019 10:28:32 AM
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Don’t worry a few blackouts this summer will concentrate people on why the most expensive, impractical and unreliable has been touted as what we need!
If this is the emergency we are told it is then no car or aeroplane travel for any MP, member of a political party first. Same rules for housing, just you and the wife one bedroom dwelling legislated. Add in public servants and let’s really organis a sparser, cheaper and frugal lifestyle. Just for our leaders to lead us by example!
Posted by JBowyer, Friday, 23 August 2019 10:30:36 AM
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Dear LEGO, ttbn, runner, JBowyer,

I'm sure your fellow creation scientist Bazz would be happy if you take a look a the Cook article he cited.

Here is the FULL CITATION:

Cook, J., et al. 'Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature', Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 2013.

Cut and paste it into your search engine
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 11:01:13 AM
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This topic is so overdone it has turned to charcoal, and so now at least it can be used to make electricity.
The argument for and against are both full of facts, but no one can extrapolate the "truth" from it all.
The only truth that has not changed or wavered over the millennia is the fact that the Earth goes in cycles, and that is both a fact and the truth.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 23 August 2019 11:42:52 AM
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The only ones who are remonstrating about the overwhelming consensus amongst the scientific community that humans are responsible for the rapidly increasing global warming and its consequential climate change over the past 260 years are the creation scientists like Bazz, mhaze, runner, Hasbeen, etc.

People outside the creation science movement accept what the scientific community has been saying about the planet becoming warmer due to the increasing use of fossil fuels. It's only the creation science mob that keep trying to make it look like its an issue that cannot be resolved.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 12:12:29 PM
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This post is complete nonsense. Those who believe such tripe are gullible and ignorant. They should start by understanding the power of the propaganda machine. Here’s a good start:

Holtzbrinck & Bertelsmann: Agents Of German Climate Imperialism

Next they should provide evidence to show that any global warming we might get this century would be net harmful – i.e. the total impacts of all impact sectors would be negative. Note: avoid selection bias.

In short, they will find that global warming is beneficial and global cooling is harmful.
Posted by Peter Lang, Friday, 23 August 2019 12:33:46 PM
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Dear Peter Lang,

I see you side with the creation scientists.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 12:40:28 PM
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To Mr Opinion.

it is said (without proof) that 97% of climate scientists consider Human Induced Global warming to be valid, and you think that this proves your case?

99% of ABC journalists claim that the ABC is not biased, and the other 1% had better keep their mouths shut if they want to keep their jobs in the next job cut back.

Think that is not valid?

Ever heard of Climategate? You know, the East Anglia Climate Research Institute guys who are living in an area where the Romans grew grapes 2000 years ago during the Roman Warm Period. Here is one of the leaked Emails from the bosses.

"If you think that Siaers is in the greenhouse skeptics camp, then, if we could find documentary evidence of this, we could go through official AGU channels to get him ousted."

Got that, Mr Opinion? If you are a climate scientist and you are a skeptic they will sack you. Who is going to hire a sacked climate scientist? No scientific research unit asking for public money will ever hire him again. He would end up selling encyclopedias, door to door.

Time for you to abandon this HIGW sinking ship, Mr Opinion, and pretend that you were one of the smart ones who always knew that Human Induced climate change is a hoax.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 23 August 2019 12:57:07 PM
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Alon, your whole argument fell apart with the statement that the seas
are rising. They are NOT rising.
Temperatures have been rising since the end of the Maunder Minimum.
That is not something I have seen disputed.
Then why is it so ?
Because it coincided with a period of lower maximum sunspot counts
and lower minimum sunspot counts.
Lower sunspot counts causes lower magnetic fields around earth and
therefore less interference to the path of cosmic rays.
More cosmic rays means more cloud cover and more reflected heat from the earth resulting in lower temperatures.

As the sunspot count cycle grew larger in amplitude the average
temperature rose. The smaller 11 year cycle is imposed on the longer
sun activity cycle and no doubt leads to some confusion.
That is what this alternate theory tells us.
I believe it has more fundamental connection to what we experience
than the CO2 theory which has some real difficulties.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 August 2019 1:43:19 PM
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Dear LEGO,

You are a true believer in creation science. May God bless your soul.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Friday, 23 August 2019 1:44:05 PM
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Correction; this line should read;
Lower sunspot counts causes weaker magnetic fields around earth and
therefore less interference to the path of cosmic rays.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 23 August 2019 1:47:22 PM
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To Mr Wrong Opinion.

I don't believe in Creation at all, dummy.

How does your thinking go? "All people who do not believe in HIGW must be Creationists." Gee, that is real deep thinking you got there MO.

I stopped accepting HIGW when one fine day I simply googled "CO2 levels and climate" and noted that for the last 600 million years, CO2 levels and climate had almost no causal affect on each other. There were times when CO2 was very high and global temps very high, and vice versa.

The only causal relationship with global temps and CO2 is when CO2 is in extremely low concentrations, as it is today. That is because the world's oceans hold 50 times more absorbed CO2 than the atmosphere, and cold water holds more than warm water. So when oceans warm, they release CO2, and when they cool, they absorb it.

However, I don't want to over tax your vestigial brain with concepts which are probably way beyond your ability to synapse your neurones.
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 23 August 2019 2:25:00 PM
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Another bit of real science debunking ‘AGW’ and all the other propaganda about human induced climate change:-

In a research paper published in Nature Communications on 9 February 2018, the research abstract stated…
‘…we present analysis of shoreline change in all 101 islands in the Pacific atoll nation of Tuvalu. Using remotely sensed data, change is analysed over the past four decades…Results highlight a net increase in land area in Tuvalu of 73.5 ha (2.9%), despite sea-level rise, and land area increase in eight of nine atolls. Island change has lacked uniformity with 74% increasing and 27% decreasing in size. Results challenge perceptions of island loss…

So Mr Opinion, please explain!
Posted by Galen, Friday, 23 August 2019 5:06:13 PM
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Isn't in the Middle East where most non-manufacturing man-made pollution is created ?
Any figures on that Alon ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 23 August 2019 5:40:08 PM
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Read this link, interesting !
Posted by individual, Friday, 23 August 2019 5:44:04 PM
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Individual that is where I got my previous post tit bit from.

Alon, science is not settled by consensus! It is settled by testing, review, retesting etc until a solid result can be held, or until new evidence is discovered which then goes through the same process.

Example, for the past two hundred years or so archaeologists and other related scientific fields have held to the scientific conclusion modern man, the birth of agriculture, mathematics etc etc, commenced in the ‘Cradle of Civilisation’ around what was then know as Mesopotamia and the Tigris/Euphrates river regions circa 6000 odd years ago (roughly 4,500BCE).

Then, approximately 20 odd years ago, and only more recently understood, was the discovery of Gobekli Tebi an archaeological site which for some unknown reason was deliberately covered over to preserve it intact after appropriately 1000 to 1500 years of use, a very bizarre discovery. To add to the mystery, it has now been scientifically confirmed the site was constructed at least 13,000 years ago.

The area is massive and only about 5% of the site has been fully revealed to date. Included in the discoveries are stone carving of animals, humans and other fascinating items. The site also includes megalithic stone carvings arranged in such a manner confirming the builders knowledge of mathematics, astronomy, and other astounding evidence. All of this evidence now scientifically confirmed, proving a group of people lost to history was wandering the planet 7,000 years before the scientifically confirmed birth of civilisation!

Science is never settled, it is continually updated as new facts come to hand. AGW is the same Alon, don’t always believe the science it sometimes gets changed.
Posted by Galen, Saturday, 24 August 2019 12:41:51 AM
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What about wars for Israel?
How many bombs are dropping / will drop / have dropped for Israeli foreign policy?
Why don't you fix that first before you lecture us on how we should live in our own countries?
In fact even then you should zip your lip.

And why is it Jews always try to hold some higher position of moral authority or co-opt or hide behind social issues to lecture us on how things should be?

Stop trying to steer the future.
Stop trying to indoctrinate foreign citizens to become climate retards;
(I'm not sure we have mental institution capacity of housing and caring for these poor lost souls)
Stop meddling in the affairs of foreign nations.

Your lecturing us is hardly much different than the Brits dumping opium into China.

- It's not your job to micromanage the planet -

Don't you have enough on your own plate that you need to worry about whats on everyone else's as well?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 24 August 2019 3:30:48 AM
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Science is never settled, it is continually updated as new facts come to hand.
With the above sentence you're actually referring to real Science, not the pseudo intellectual quoting & pasting & guessing by half-baked wannabe academics.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 24 August 2019 7:37:09 AM
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Fact! Our planet's climate is normally controlled by the great nuclear furnace in the sky. And when it waxes (most active phase) the joint warms and when it wanes (least active phase) it cools. The latter waning phase has proceeded every cooling period and ice age. It's almost as if the sun had a 100,000-year-long pulse?

And runner correctly identified that an ice age was predicted back in the mid-seventies, given it was back then that our sun went into a waning phase(NASA)

Google NASA and take butchers at photographic evidence of our sun to see what it looks like during its period of lowest, waning phase, activity. A typical fried egg look.

Simply put and as identified by that genius, runner. One cannot have a normal cyclical phase and record-breaking heat events simultaneously!

An obsessed runner's and other genius responses? Too simply jettison and disregard the evidence of a normal cyclical waning phase! Why? Because that would mean we and the planet would be compelled to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels! No other rational reason flies!

In their tiny collective mind, they cannot conceive that we can have record-breaking heatwaves, the worst droughts in living memory, and one in one hundred year flood events every couple of years somewhere on our planet! I mean, it's just one planet and all the extreme weather events on it are connected/have the same fundamental inescapable cause!

And we can decarbonate our economy and indeed have the world follow our rationalist's example, by using the brains that we were born with to use it as a heaven-sent opportunity to also and simultaneously, quite massively turbocharge our economy and turn our arid desert wasteland into virtual gardens of Eden.

Something that a religious runner and his (anti-Christ) cohort clearly don't want!? Given their extremely vociferous opposition to decarbonising and therefore quite massively turbocharging the economy! And with it create huge (cooperative capitalism) entrepreneurial wealth creation and good Samaritan opportunities!TBC
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 24 August 2019 11:02:46 AM
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Hey Bazz,

I found the article

Cook, J., et al. 'Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature', Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 2013.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Saturday, 24 August 2019 2:41:33 PM
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Sir Richard Brampton tells a story about how he invited a highly placed official from the flat earth society for a flight in his low orbit spacecraft. Anyhow the invitation was accepted and the passenger was almost glued to the vision port. Upon landing, Sir Richard enquired of his passenger, "what do you think now"?

Whereupon the highly placed, flat earth society official replied and here I paraphrase. " The special effects were out of the world and the graphics were extremely realistic"!

And underlines the fact that where the inescapable evidence conflicts with what some CHOOSE to believe, The incontrovertible evidence is simply jettisoned/ disregarded in favour of inculcated belief! And when it comes to global warming when all the inescapable evidence shows, we should be well into a cooling period.

Yet living through numerous record-breaking heatwaves, extreme weather events, the lack of for the first time in living memory of summer sea ice off the Alaskan coast and record ice melts/shrinkage. None of which should be happening during said waning phase of the sun! Tells us something is very out of wack and we humans are causing it!

Defeatist say this is just normal cyclical weather variations and nothing we can do about it! And completely wrong on both counts and without tanking the economy. Just the very opposite! And massively so! I kid you not! TBC
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 25 August 2019 10:56:46 AM
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Addressing manmade climate change requires first, an acceptance of the incontrovertible evidence of our own eyes!

Too hard?

Then when we've done that, map out a workable plan that addresses it and in a manner that does not damage, but rather massively boosts and turbocharges our economy!

Still with me?

And by embracing, safe, clean cheaper than coal thorium and nuclear energy!

The only thing that made carbon-free nuclear energy an unacceptable risk was and remains the pressure conventional solid-fueled,l water-cooled reactors must necessarily operate under!

Some 150 atmospheres!

And to underline how much pressure that is, requires pressure reactor vessels made of a single piece of 7-inch thick single pour, solid steel and made in just one place in the world! Japan.

Only by embracing carbon-free nuclear energy can we replace coal as our reliable, dispatchable, affordable power. And in order for this to happen, government here and around the world must both own and operate it, If only to end the prevarication and decades of delay that would allow us to cross a tipping point beyond which there's no return!

With nuclear energy harnessed and at our disposal, we can draw down the carbon in the atmosphere by Vacuuming carbon from seawater via simple vacuum towers. And then using a well-known process combine it with hydrogen to create endlessly sustainably synthetic fuel. Which will buy us some time as we and the world transition to a fully electrified economy

At less total cost of currently imported refined foreign fuel!

Interestingly, as we extract CO2 directly from seawater it absorbs similar quantities from the atmosphere. Instead of burning down rainforest to increase food and fibre production, nuclear energy will allow us to irrigate vast desert wasteland and revegetate those with orchards and carbon-absorbing cash yielding crops.

There is no downside to this, just win-win all round if we can do it for ourselves! And keep the debt-laden, tax-avoiding, price gouging, profit repatriating foreigner out of the equation! Via cooperative capitalism!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 25 August 2019 11:31:18 AM
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We can't stop climate change in the long term but we could reduce pollution that makes climate change worse in the short term.
How ? Stop breeding like rabbits ! Introduce sterilising food if it doesn't work voluntarily !
Posted by individual, Monday, 26 August 2019 4:10:25 AM
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Dear individual,

Which particular peoples would you nominate for sterilisation?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 26 August 2019 8:27:37 AM
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Mr O,

I would have thought the decision was obvious.
You would start with ALL the politicians and associated scumbags like lobbyists.
Then you would add all those who bought and privatised public assets that were once Govt owned, and return them to the Govt.
Any further people who are known to be in cahoots or very close to Govt ministers or high ranking Govt officials.
Then of course we cannot forget the "natural" misfits of life, and so include all the genetically and medically flawed.
And so as not to disappoint those who are confused about who they are and what they are and claim to be living a life of "hell", we must therefore allow the inclusion of the LGBTTQQIAAP .......etc and so on.
I Know there are plenty more undesirables that are not up to the standards expected by society and nature, or the greater more aware of us.
But this is just a start up list that people can build on with their own suggestions.
To succeed in such an endeavour, one must be ruthless, focused and committed, if they truly wish to see the outcome they seek.
It's obviously not for the more subjective, weak minded, emotionally challenged, or socially inclined of the population.
Culling of anything has not been popular, even a farmer laments the need to kill/cull his herd, for the "greater good".
He has to set aside any emotions or subjectivity and "man up" and think pragmatically and objectively.
So Mr O, I believe this is a good start to your question.
There are still many more, like those who conspire to world domination and one world govt.
But this will do to kick start your campaign.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 26 August 2019 9:49:06 AM
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Are you aware that what you just said is neo-Nazism? I suppose you are also working on a Final Solution!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Monday, 26 August 2019 10:25:54 AM
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Mr O,

well there you go.
Did not know that, but good to see there was a good side to the Nazi's.
As far as a "Final Solution" goes, NO I'm not, but if you are in need of one to complete your "master plan", I am more than ready to prepare you one.
Seriously Mr O, you can see that even though it would rid us of the scum in and around our lives, it would be an impossible task without strong will and determination.
Not unlike the "Illuminati" and their "world Domination" plans or their "World Government" plans, or their "One World Order" plans.
While we merely talk and joke about it, they are and have been actively putting their plans into practice.
This next world war is part of their "Master Plan".
We are starting to feel the preface to it now.
Who knows Mr 'T' is probably in on it, like ALL previous POTUS.
The info is out there for those who are genuinely concerned or interested.
I'm only repeating what I have found out there in the big wide world, so if you think I'm losing it, I'm not, but maybe others are, if all that they say is untrue.
So far these stories have checked out, well most of them, I cannot check them all for various reasons.
Anyway, Mr O, good thought
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 26 August 2019 10:50:40 AM
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Which particular peoples would you nominate for sterilisation?
Mr Opinion,
you're not even capable of asking a relevant question. Didn't you read my post ?
Posted by individual, Monday, 26 August 2019 5:22:28 PM
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As a person who worked around psychiatric hospitals I can assure you that although patients with low IQ's are not sterilised today, they are still given contraceptives (I don't know if it is compulsory, voluntary, or simply mixed in without the patients knowledge in other medication)

Which amounts to almost the same thing.
Posted by LEGO, Monday, 26 August 2019 6:57:01 PM
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Which amounts to almost the same thing.
So, in your opinion, is that right or wrong an approach ? I can't recall how many times I have posted this link but here it is again. Human fertility is leading us to self-destruction ! AND, it turbo-charges GW.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 7:35:37 AM
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Dear individual,

I thought you were a dyed-in-the-wool denialist but from what you have just stated it looks like you acknowledge anthropogenic global warming.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 8:48:55 AM
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there is no doubt at all that if we don't act on the stupidity of the warmist religion we will continue to destroy our industries, lower living standards and have more people die as a result of not been able to pay power to heat and cool. China and India will continuwe to laugh at us as does the so called leaders of Islands that are supposed to be disappearing (at least in their fanciful minds).
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 9:28:48 AM
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Dear runner,

Sometimes it's hard to make out if you are ON or OFF your medication.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 9:42:04 AM
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just a follow-on from the suggestion that the sea is rising.
Certain parts of the world are in fact sinking, so don't be misled by those using the rising sea levels myth to sway you.
Personally I don't care what numbers and stats are I refuse to believe that if the melting of the ice caps actually eventuates, that the sea levels will rise by 60 or 70 metres?
I give it 60 or 70mm, at best, but I say that in the belief that GW is not the devil it is touted to be.
Posted by ALTRAV, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 9:50:43 AM
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It's common knowledge among the scientific community that the mean sea level would rise 60-70 metres if all of the world's ice locked up in glaciers, ice sheets, etc., was to melt. It's only people outside of the scientific community who are saying this won't happen.

Bazz has suggested we read an article viz Cook, J., et al. 'Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature', Environmental Research Letters 8 (2), 2013, that shows what 99% of the scientific community think about anthropogenic global warming. If you can't trust Bazz then who can you trust?
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 10:26:48 AM
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mean sea level would rise 60-70 metres
Mr Opinion,
Well, that would actually curb GW because all those at sea level situated mass transport facilities would be unusable. After all, it's the mass travel industry that is causing the bulk of air pollution.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 27 August 2019 6:39:18 PM
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