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The Forum > Article Comments > Top End travels: the Tiwi Islands, the Catholic Church and King Joe of Melville Island > Comments

Top End travels: the Tiwi Islands, the Catholic Church and King Joe of Melville Island : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 30/7/2019

He had all the attributes of the ruthless frontiersman: patriarchy, a tendency to sow his not-so-royal oats, a capacity for a certain work regimen, a firm disciplinarian.

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Binoy Kampmark appears to be a white hating racist who immigrated from India to live among the people he apparently despises, within a society he or his family must have considered better than their Indian one. He has written a hit piece completely misrepresenting the facts about white pioneering settlements in the north of Australia, which he knows will win him kudos with the self flagellating caste of undergraduate misfits, who life comfortable lives largely because of the efforts of their successful parents.

He implies that aboriginal lives prior to white colonisation was all sweetness and light with aborigines living hobbit like existences in their island paradises, before the cruel, white overseers forced them into social and religious slavery.

He mentions the sexual exploitation of aboriginal children, without mentioning the fact that sexual exploitation of women and children was the norm among the tribal tyrannies headed by the Old Men, with female babies being assigned as future wives and concubines after birth to males already a generation or two (or three) older.

He notes the removal of half caste aboriginal children from tribal societies without mentioning that as half caste "yeller fellers" they would have probably been murdered if they were males, or bashed and beaten sex slaves to the tribe if they had been females. And the half castes were probably removed because the whites at the time considered them smarter and probably worth educating. The pure breds were considered hopeless. Which could have been right when you consider that even today, 66% of the NT education budget goes to aboriginals with a 90% failure rate in NASPLAN examinations.

One gets the impression that Binoy simply went on a tourist excursion to Melville Island, was not impressed by the place or it's aboriginal inhabitants, learned a little of the local history, and figured out a way to use it to sneer at white people. If you don't like Australians, Binoy, why the hell are you still here?
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 30 July 2019 9:13:47 AM
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Letter to the Editor

The Australian March 16 2010

When I worked at Kununurra about five years ago, it was common to see a group of young men from Wadeye being escorted by an older man in the town centre. The young men needed the old man because the young men could not speak sufficient English to make themselves understood, and could not write well enough to withdraw money from their bank account. The old man, schooled in a mission school, could do both quite well.

The culture of aversion to school at Wadeye is years old. How come we have another generation being schooled in the same dysfunctional manner?

Chris Squelch, Mount Isa, Queensland.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 30 July 2019 9:16:10 AM
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Never holds back....:-))

Can you add to that Lego?

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 30 July 2019 9:18:26 AM
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pretty well spot on Lego.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 30 July 2019 11:04:27 AM
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It is what it is and nothing can ever turn back the clock and address injustice or infanticide. Be it the Tiwi islands or Ireland alive with black and tans from England doing much the same or English lords taking who and what they pleased in Scotland or the Saxons taking from the Pics.

It has been happening for centuries and all around the globe as the human race multiplied and expanded across Asia and the Americas. Even here there have been successive waves of ethenic migration accompanied by conflict, tribal wars and the most barbaric settlement.

And across sixty thousand years, to the point where 500 or so nations occupied the continent and spoke 500 different languages.

A virtual land of babel where regional conflict and the most obscene barbarity was the order the day, be it regular or from time to time.

Even if in some rare cases, different peoples seemed to have been able to adjust and live in comparative peace, until the diminishing and tiny gene pool demanded replenishment from any available source.

Suggest you stop with the extremely unhelpful sh!t stirring Binroy and trying to put your own special take on history.

Yes, it all happened a long time ago and at the hands of many not that far removed from brutal knuckle-dragging neanderthals, regardless of skin colour! So, what would you like us to do about it!?

Perhaps the Tiwi Islanders could declare war on whitey and exact vengeance and a pound or two of flesh. Perhaps they could just reject everything that came with white settlement and return to the old ways and old days?

Junk their rifles, cars, telephones, TV's, refrigerators, washing machines, water tanks, water pumps, tractors, tinnies and aqualungs, etc-etc.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 30 July 2019 12:30:11 PM
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Alan B is spot-on ! There is a community infiltrated by a handful people from the sub-continent & it appears that the focus is on using small remote communities being used to exploit Visa loopholes & create an immigration racket.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 31 July 2019 8:03:38 AM
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