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Two scholars battle it out over the resurrection : Comments
By Peter Sellick, published 26/7/2019Thus the nature of the Resurrection of Jesus is still a burning issue surrounded by vigorous debate. At the risk of misinterpretation, I will call these two views of the Resurrection, the physical and the spiritual.
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<<That Wright produces a book that has to resort to made-up concepts>>
You gave not one example while you berate N. T. Wright, an eminent historical Jesus' scholar, with your Ad Hominem (Abusive) Logical Fallacy,
<<[They are concepts] fraught with contradictions and as such is unthinkable, demonstrates the basic weakness of this methodology>>.
Not one example again and it's a red herring fallacy.
<<In other words, this is a prime example of the failure of the Evangelical mind. It is no wonder that our secular society would not be caught dead in a church that insists that our intellect be left at the door. This is why I give you a hard time, because you have mistaken belief for faith and have closed the door to anyone who asks the simplest questions.>>
But you want people to be caught in a dead, liberal Anglican church with attendance plummeting??
Some of the finest contemporary scholars are/were Evangelicals: William Lane Craig, D A Carson, R C H Lenski, Norman Geisler, Australian Anglican ancient historian Dr Paul Barnett, the late Anglican Dr Leon Morris, Alister McGrath, Oxford Professor John Lennox, F F Bruce, Carl F H Henry, Gleason Archer, Craig Blomberg, Anglican theologian Graeme Goldsworthy, Lord George Carey, Wayne Grudem, Kenneth Kitchen, Anglican J I Packer, Ravi Zacharias, etc.
Your claim of Evangelicals kicking the intellect out the door commits a straw man fallacy.
<<BTW you still have not given me an answer to the question "where are the bones of Jesus">>
Ever heard of Jesus' resurrection and ascension?? In your worldview you want Jesus' bones. In my worldview, I accept what the authoritative Scriptures state and you will never find Jesus’ bones on earth - NEVER.