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Two scholars battle it out over the resurrection : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 26/7/2019

Thus the nature of the Resurrection of Jesus is still a burning issue surrounded by vigorous debate. At the risk of misinterpretation, I will call these two views of the Resurrection, the physical and the spiritual.

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A little further with that AC. And more on your theme of conspiracy theories, my favourite is the return of the Nephilim.

But of course, the book of Enoch was removed from the apocrypha five hundred years ago by the Catholics of course. This book should be reinstated. It's the oldest book in the bible.

Effectively, its historically set pre-flood thus pr- Noah .

It's got all the good stuff in it in reference to bad angles and their evil doings on earth.

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 29 July 2019 8:16:46 AM
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This debate seems to me to be akin to fitting a square peg into a round hole. The comments from "Not now.Soon" support this notion by stating that one either accepts the biblical doctrine or one doesn't. There is no half way house, however disconcerting for the believers.
Posted by Pliny of Perth, Monday, 29 July 2019 1:31:26 PM
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<<This debate seems to me to be akin to fitting a square peg into a round hole. The comments from "Not now.Soon" support this notion by stating that one either accepts the biblical doctrine or one doesn't. There is no half way house, however disconcerting for the believers.>>

Are you suggesting a 'half way house' on the interpretation of Jesus' resurrection? If so, based on the biblical data, which transitional position do you advocate?
Posted by OzSpen, Monday, 29 July 2019 1:56:58 PM
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Hey diver dan,
I'm not necessarily against the Christian religion; well not too much;
But I do think there's a danger within all religions for people to lose all sense of themselves and get all twisted up arguing over what did and didn't happen a hundred generations ago and what it all means and how to look at it all in different ways and whether it should be taken literally...
- It all just seems like a pointless recipe for arguing in circles with each other -

I consider skipping all that potentially dangerous stuff that ends up with people doing stupid things and don't clogg up your brain in the first place.

Whats the golden rule? 'Do unto others' right?
Or 'Treat others the way you'd like to be treated' (The non-religious version)

Then just learn ethics.
'Everyone has the right to live however they choose so long as it doesn't have a negative or detrimental impact on others'.
(The difference between morals and ethics is that ethics is knowing the difference between right and wrong and morals is how you act upon that knowledge.)

I've tried to stay away from the weirder conspiracy stuff that included demons and religious stuff, ufo's and paranormal etc;
- But I probably did end up crossing over eventually into religious type beliefs by looking at new world order;
then freemasons, kabbalah, talmud, etc.
There's really no other place to end up at.

I've never really looked at Book of Enoch stuff in depth;
But I think it's about tall Nephilim that used humans as slaves to mine gold or something;
That mated with the female humans or something;

I usually go with global geopolitical issues but lately I've been listening to 'Dogmen Encounters'.
- I've really got to get my TV antenna fixed...
(Not that normal TV is much better)

Here's a 'werewolf' encounter from the Gold Coast.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 29 July 2019 2:56:43 PM
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bankers use to be taught to be able to identify the genuine note by looking at it many times. Most were good at detecting the fraudulent because they knew the genuine article. Similar thing with faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He claimed to be the only way to God. He said that all who came before Him were thieves and robbers (John 10:8). Many study the fraudulent notes of which their are many. In doing so they miss out on Truth personified, the giver of eternal life and their own Saviour and Creator. At the end of the day their will be no excuses for denying the obvious.
Posted by runner, Monday, 29 July 2019 3:07:16 PM
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On the authority of the bible. My observation of fundamentalist attitudes to the bible is that they mistake the sign for the thing signified. The bible is the human witness (sign) to the Word (signified). Scripture does not record that the Word became a book, but became flesh in the body of Jesus. Jesus is the object of faith. The bible is man's attempt to bear witness to this object. It is therefore historically conditioned as well as being conditioned by the place in time and in the world by the various writers. The reason we have four gospels and not only one is that there have been different voices that bear witness, each with their own peculiarities. However, this does not mean that the Gospel is fragmented although witness to it differs between NT writers. I do believe that they are each spirit inspired and that they all witness effectively to the gospel but in different ways.

When we make the bible the object of faith we enter into an idolatrous relationship to it. This is not a free place! We are continually wracked by uncertainty because we have so much detail to accommodate. We are forced to rely on individual quotations to back up our arguments and we miss the main thrust. I have insisted before that one reads the bible through theological lens' and we find what we need to find to back up our theology. This goes to show that the bible is not enough for healthy faith. We must look to the traditions of the Church for that. The bible on its own is a snare to trap the unwary as we have seen in the case of the footballer who made a list of all those who are going to hell.
Posted by Sells, Monday, 29 July 2019 3:12:58 PM
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