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The Forum > Article Comments > Australia has sound reasons to support the US against authoritarian China > Comments

Australia has sound reasons to support the US against authoritarian China : Comments

By Chris Lewis, published 12/7/2019

US grievances are justified given China’s intellectual property theft, industrial subsidies, forced technology transfer and digital rules with regard to e-commerce.

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Dear Mr. Opinion,

I see no problem with Chinese people, only with the Chinese communist regime.

I do understand that it can at times be difficult to distinguish between the Chinese-looking who support the communist regime and those who do not, including those who came to Australia for refuge from that terrible regime and will fight with us tooth-and-nail when China tries to invade Australia.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 13 July 2019 8:10:32 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in 1941 there were 140,000 Japanese living Hawaii out of a total population of 420,000. That's one third of the population. The US government asked these Japanese to join the US armed services to fight against Japan. 2,000 of them volunteered to serve with the US and 20,000 of them went to Japan to fight against the US. The remainder were interned in the islands for the duration of the Pacific War.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck! The Chinese of the diaspora have a long and binding connection to their ancient roots and I doubt very much that they would be racing to enlist to fight against their ancestral homeland. You, along with most people in Australia, are just naive on this matter. The Chinese have come to Australia to take everything they can get their hands on and not to give!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 14 July 2019 9:41:49 AM
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China, the Central Kingdom believes that only China is a sovereign country,
all other peripheral countries are vassal states.
These other states must pay tribute.
This principle is known as "tianxia".
President Xi recently made the point that the United States is NOT a
sovereign country.
They do not recognise the 1648 Westphalian Treaty which defined what
a sovereign country means, borders government etc.

This means that they can demand whatever rescorces they need.
Tianxia preceeds the Westphalian Treaty and China was not a party to
that treaty. You can see Tianxia in operation in the Sth China Sea
and in China's defiance of the International Court on that matter.
It explains how they can do things like shine lasers into they eyes
of US military aircraft pilots. They do not consider it to be a
criminal act. Likewise they can breach internation patents agreements
as they tianxia overrules such international agreements.

Quote President Xi to Australian PM;
"We will burn all our coal, then we will burn all yours".

That raises the question, what if we want to keep some for ourselves ?
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 14 July 2019 12:28:14 PM
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Someone made a comment about Chinese looking people.
I watched a video item about the Chinese use of video cameras
everywhere and the monitoring of all Chinese citizens, and awarding
them points on their behavior such as walking against red lights,
throwing rubbish down, all sorts of anti civic behaviour.
If they have too many points against them they cannot buy a train
ticket to their home province, or travel internationally.
They are penalised in rental accommodation and all other sorts of privilege.

So they must have a significant advancement in facial recognition
software to tell them apart !
I have heard that they think we all look alike !
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 14 July 2019 12:39:04 PM
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Dear Bazz,

Kudos! You are starting to think like a sociologist. Good work, keep it up.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 14 July 2019 2:04:25 PM
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Mr O,

"When we show overseas visitors around Sydney they always ask the same question: 'What are all these Chinese doing here? Where are all the white people?'"

Given that only 5% of Sydney's population is Chinese born ( a further 5% has at least one Chinese born parent), then its a little hard to understand why your guests only see Chinese people. Perhaps you need to get them to remove the yellow tinted glasses.

" 2,000 of them volunteered to serve with the US and 20,000 of them went to Japan to fight against the US. The remainder were interned in the islands for the duration of the Pacific War."

That's just rubbish. Almost none of the Japanese on Hawaii were interned. None returned to Japan - how would they even do that after war was declared? More than 2000 Japanese who'd already volunteered before 7/12/41 were used to man Hawaii's defences in the event of a Japanese landing although they were later moved to the mainland.

Do you just make this stuff up?
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 14 July 2019 2:50:40 PM
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