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The Forum > Article Comments > The Espionage Act and Julian Assange: the US Justice Department expands its case > Comments

The Espionage Act and Julian Assange: the US Justice Department expands its case : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 27/5/2019

The standout feature of this angle is that Chelsea Manning, the key source for WikiLeaks as former intelligence analyst for the US Army, is less important than Assange.

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Time for Assange to have a sex change, like 'Chelsea' Manning? This nasty little grub is not worth talking about, and he should be handed over to the U.S, the only place he is likely to receive the justice he deserves.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 27 May 2019 9:01:51 AM
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ttbn. If Assange is not worth talking about, why then are you engaging in the conversation about him?
Please explain.
Posted by VK3AUU, Monday, 27 May 2019 10:44:37 AM
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Julian is not nor ever was a Journalist!

Just a narcissistic grub, who sought shelter in the Ecuadorian Embassy to avoid going to Sweden and face charges of criminal rape. And without a shadow of any perceivable doubt not the action of an innocent man or anything remotely resembling a man.

My sainted mother, bless her, told me if you want to do something, whatever it may be. only go ahead and do it if you're prepared to wear any and all consequences.

Julian Assange is not a journalist nor a man, given a man would have fronted up to face his accusers.

Moreover, a man would not hack into a government agency's secret files for the sole purpose of notoriety and scandal-seeking sensationalism.

This creature is, I believe, little more than a criminal hacker who has betrayed all moral values, his country and its most trust ally. Yes, there was a case for exposing war crimes, but nothing more!

It is the other massive (criminal hacking) espionage that condemns this evil personified, hedonistic narcissistic criminal hacker/Russian operative and spy? Has no redeeming features nor do those who seek to excuse or apologise for or defend the indefensible.
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 May 2019 11:27:58 AM
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The two comments above condemning Julian Assange are obviously from people who have never kept an eye on news and views originating from other than the Western mainstream media, which is largely biased towards what major US government departments want believed. Then note that the most scathing informed criticism of dirty things US organisations get up to largely comes from commentators who originally at least come from the US. Also need to remember that prosecutors sometimes try all sorts if dirty tricks when determined to have targeted people convicted for something. Including if evidence is too flimsy to get them for the reason they want to try and set them up for something else.

As there is obvious political interference to try and have Assange convicted of something, hopefully magistrates and judges appointed to hear charges are not selected because "powers that be" think they are most likely to find him guilty. They should resist covert pressures that will almost certainly be applied to find him guilty of something even if evidence is flimsy and dubious
Posted by mox, Monday, 27 May 2019 12:22:13 PM
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Risible rubbish Mox. Da?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 27 May 2019 2:31:09 PM
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Assange does not seem to be a good person, but that does not mean that he deserves to be trialled by America based on American laws: he is not an American, never been, and whatever he did was not on American soil. Why, should an Australian woman who is arrested in Thailand for a traffic offence be extradited to Saudi Arabia to be charged with marrying against her father's will?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 27 May 2019 4:40:49 PM
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It's a connected world, but by no means on he same level.

The Russian way, is to chase down the enemy on foreign soil and murder them.
That has practical outcomes of speed and cost savings towards resolution.

But in a capitalist world, Lawers have an insatiable appetite for easy money.

Sure, there maybe a long term negative outcome for journalists intent on exposing State secrets, but if it is to be a State secret they wish to expose, think twice would be good advice: It was always that way.

Information has a price!

Posted by diver dan, Monday, 27 May 2019 4:42:20 PM
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You forever remain a challenge to logic...:-))
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 27 May 2019 4:49:07 PM
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Possibly because much of the cache of emails posted by Wikileaks under Assange were American files. Possibly because the publication of those files was illegal. Possibly because American interests were impacted negatively by that illegal publication.

Of course, that may have been the intention of making those files public, but that may be irrelevant in legal terms.

Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 27 May 2019 5:02:30 PM
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Dear Joe,

«Possibly because American interests were impacted negatively by that illegal publication.»

What if I, in Australia, encouraged people [with extreme success] to boycott all American products? This surely would impact on American interests negatively, but is not illegal in Australia. Was Assange breaking any local laws of where he made those publications?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 27 May 2019 6:37:58 PM
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