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The Forum > Article Comments > Is this a gamechanger for the lithium industry? > Comments

Is this a gamechanger for the lithium industry? : Comments

By Charles Kennedy, published 3/5/2019

The crucial battery metal, also known as 'white petroleum', struggled through a 50 percent price correction as supply soared and demand fears spread like wildfire.

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Read recently about the lithium battery on a bike going up and burning a house down. Lithium seems to be more dangerous than uranium.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 May 2019 10:20:59 AM
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Interesting article. And quite conclusive in my opinion. Been saying for years we need to get out of mining more coal and instead, get busy mining lithium and its indicator mineral, thorium.

We have three interesting lithium provinces and ought to be processing it here, plus building our own batteries.

The real game changer here is a product, which we are also blessed with a commercial large and high-quality reserve of graphene. Graphene is far and away, the real game changer.

This carbon-based mineral is reportedly the strongest mineral on the planet. Allegedly 100 times stronger than steel.

So strong in fact, it can be spread as an atom thick film that can be wrapped around carbon beams to confer enormous load-bearing capacities, or put under bitumen/concrete roads to make them endure for decades. Consequently, massively reducing maintenance expenditure,

It is also a magnificent superconductor that would allow such highways to transmit our entire national electrical energy grid.

Plus doubling as an on the go charging pad for all manner of electric vehicles charging as the ply our highways and byways.

It also lends itself to laminates of carbon fibre and graphene in hulls and plane bodies/wings to among a number of things, produce lighter than air aircraft and marine vessels. Plus lightweight bulletproof body armour.

The new goal ought to be to synthesise this material from other carbon sources, say cooked coal? That has had all the methane cooked out of it!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 3 May 2019 10:32:25 AM
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I've heard of other things inappropriately used or overcharged creating problems. This is where magnetic induction comes into its own, given this non-contactual method of charging seems to top out with the battery only charged to around 80% of capacity?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 6 May 2019 10:17:41 AM
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