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Rescuing secular democracy : Comments
By Pablo Jiménez Lobeira, published 1/5/2019A stunning phenomenon has overturned the way in which we in the West regard the public sphere in particular, and democracy in general, in the twenty-first century: the re-emergence of religion.
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Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 7 May 2019 2:31:24 AM
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As for the better model of ethics, here is what I mean. It is easy to rationalize breaking an ethical precept depending on the situation, but this is often because the ethics don't hold a foundation for each other. Ethical models usually are about many seperate rules, instead of a foundation that one rule is a support beam for another. In Christianity, there are many precepts that take in our weaknesses as well as ether support another rule, or strengthens and remind us by saying the rule in a different manner. A better model of ethics would be one where the ethical code is supported by it's other precepts so that breaking them is less a temptation. You would be going against more then one ethical rule at that point. For example. One thing in the bible is a verse that says "as iron strengthens armor, one man strengthens another." This alone can address strengthening each other against the harms and difficulties of the world, as well as note our weakness to deal with it on our own. However when the verse is paired with the verses to correct each-other, forgive each-other, and to edify one another, then this verse of iron strengthening iron is a support brace for the other elements of ethical precepts. From what I've read and studied in the bible, there are many ethical supports for other ethical positions. Helping us stay grounded in better following them. The criticism I hear is that these would be circular thinking, but the fault in that criticism is that people need support in their ethics and holding onto them. These are good things that other ethical models should not ignore. When it comes to ethics and following through, people are weak. Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Tuesday, 7 May 2019 2:35:53 AM
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"People aren't that good at being ethical on their own so we need help."
You make a valid point, people are very often their own worst enemies. "Even if a person doesn't believe in God, this should be a visible observation that often, we need either a better model of ethics, or need outside help to rein us in." Yes, a lot of us do need help to prevent from making bad choices; - And a lot don't have any kind of support mechanisms and its a downward spiral for them. I may be a fence sitter, but the reason I'll generally support Christians is because I think some kind of ethical ideology in society is better than none; But that doesn't mean I'll support them in every situation. I've been known to hold harsh criticisms as well. I say it how I see it; If I think they're in the right I'll support them, if I don't I won't. How hard can it be not to lie, cheat, steal or deceive? Whilst I'm guilty of doing all of those things when I was younger; I don't generally do any of those things anymore; I honestly can't remember the last time I did. That's not to say I won't if I situation arises where there's a need to. - But I'd have to need a pretty good reason. I'm not perfect however, sometimes I do treat people unfairly if I'm irritable and short-tempered. I want to finish by sharing another video. I posted it on another thread as well but it's appropriate here too. This contains a summary of 3000yr history of Israel and the Middle East including Jesus shown with the help of google maps. It contains some great history and some interesting bible stories. Even if you've heard them before there great facts and details in Jake's telling. (FYI he's a Christian) Free Speech, the Latest from Gaza & the Good Samaritan Start at 44:44 or watch the whole thing, it's worth the time. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2019 9:58:05 PM
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SANHEDRIN | Prepare to Build Third Temple This is interesting. Its clear that some Jews wish to overthrow the UN and rule over mankind from Jerusalem based on their religious texts, and these are the same people that crucified Jesus. How do you feel about the threat of jail for Anti-Semitism just because you don't want to be ruled over by religious Rabbis in Sanhedrin Court in Jerusalem? Freedom of religion is a double edged sword. It just means some are free to promote authoritarian views. If we allow Israel Folau to say what he thinks; Then under 'equality' we'd have to let the others openly have their religious views as well. Australia has 25 million stakeholders who are the owners of this nation. This does not include the UN and does not include foreigners. I don't want Australia ruled over by foreigners, whomever they may be. We are the stakeholders of this nation and we should decide our own future ourselves. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2019 10:37:40 PM
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So there you have it. New World Order looks like the Jew World Order. Anti-Semitism legislation globally is a ploy so no nations citizens can speak out about what's being planned. Anti-Semitic? This stuff is anti-everyone-else. Apparently all Christians will die for idol worship under the 7 Noahide Laws. Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 7 May 2019 11:41:18 PM
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To ArmChair Critic.
When I was a teen (and younger) I heard my uncle give simular theories of one world government and conspiracies that there is an agenda by powerfuk oeople to weaken the country and the world so that tgey can influence them easier. His theories were not about the Jewish agenda, but about the Rockerfellers and bankers. having a monoply on money and debt that bankers have on the people and tge ability to just make more money out of nothing. As a kid I thought it was just conspircy theories. However, as I'vevgrown up I've seen social movementsvget more crazy, divided, and weakening from the tge things held them together before. It can give credit to many posible conspircy theories. Regarding the links you've provided against jewish influence, I don't know. That a different take, and I don't know many in the Jewish faith to test the conspericy theory through their character. I will say this though. There seems to be some kind of movement that is leading in a worrisome direction by the leaders in the world and the leaders and movements in many countries around the world. regardless who is to blame if anyone for these things it is a worrisome trend, that makes many conspricy theories sound right. which conspricy theory though, that's something I don't know. possibly multiple scheems battkingbit out through the rich and powerful who have the means to plan and play out these power plays on the world. (Continued) Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Wednesday, 8 May 2019 3:27:59 AM
With that said, one point I want to address is the second common subject matter in conversations about Christianity. The ethics that I see; both in the Christian world and the non-Christian world. Because this is one of the reasons we need God.
From what I've seen most of the world revolves around a sense of ethics for handling a situation until they are in that situation themselves. Then after that it's a toss up whether the person will actually follow through on their ethics they would demand on others and do it themselves, or if they will make excuses, that this situation is "complicated." The first observation is that ethically, people are weak to hold to their own voiced morals. We need God on this merit because we are often weak and fail into a trap of doing the wrong thing because we don't think we have a choice, even though we see it's wrong and is not agreeing with our ethics.
Even if a person doesn't believe in God, this should be a visible observation that often, we need either a better model of ethics, or need outside help to rein us in. People aren't that good at being ethical on their own so we need help. (That reasoning is also in support for laws and culture to support individuals so that they have a foundation outside of themselves to keep them grounded and ethical. It's for our benefit that laws are made and our actions aren't dependent only on our individual ethical standards).