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The Forum > Article Comments > Freedom of (worthy) opinion and the OLO > Comments

Freedom of (worthy) opinion and the OLO : Comments

By John de Meyrick, published 16/4/2019

Who gave these news-gatherers the special mission of interpreting the facts relating to particular public issues, let alone being self-appointed to represent the public.

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I also wish to congratulate OLO of 20 years online, whereby contributors can "voice their views" and opinions.

Says it all to me that the forum of OLO "congratulations" has less than 10 responders.

And more "possibly" about those political "activists" - and yes we know who they are, who continually use this forum for their political activism.
Posted by SAINTS, Tuesday, 16 April 2019 8:18:31 PM
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Congratulations Graham for 20 years of great work.

For selecting fine articles covering so many subjects.

For tolerating my occasional lapses.

And for keeping me stimulated writing 3,927 comments since 2005.

May there by 20 more years of OLO.

I dedicate this humble song I wrote, about me and my ancestors, including my forebear

King Edward I, to you (something to play LOUD at the office :)


Dynasty de Plantagenet
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 17 April 2019 2:30:32 AM
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Happy 20th anniversary, Graham to you and all those who collaborate with you on OLO.

Freedom of speech is freedom to express one’s opinion. OLO truly is the personification of that very precious individual right which we all share.

OLO is the modern agora in the pure tradition of the ancient Greek city-states.

Congratulations to you all – and many happy returns of the day !

Posted by Banjo Paterson, Wednesday, 17 April 2019 11:24:30 PM
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Congratulations to all who are responsible for OLO, happy 20th.

OLO stands alone both for the freedom which it offers and for its archaic design, which I think works very well, not everyone needs all the 'whistles and bells' that one finds on other sites.

I just checked on myself and I've been around since 2006 (off and on).
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 18 April 2019 11:23:44 AM
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Seems we share more than OLO, the 'Hammer of the Scots' is in my tree as well.
Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 18 April 2019 11:25:20 AM
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I'm not sure but it seems some people are congratulating someone for having something to do with OLO.
As much as I am pleased for it's existence, I'm not sure what all the back-patting and back-slapping is all about.
In fact now I know I am confused.
Why, you say?
Well upon reading the 'header', it was clear in that it stated, 'who gave these news gatherers the special mission of interpreting the facts, let alone being self appointed to represent the public'.
Can you imagine my surprise when I started reading some of the comments, only to find I must have been on the wrong Post.
So in keeping with the OLO policy, I find I agree with the header and it's sentiment.
I have always promoted free speech, no matter if it happens to offend.
It is not a true opinion forum if it is not allowed to hear ALL the opinions.
I am forever incensed by media representatives who give opinions.
Unlike us, they are not supposed to be biased or show favoritism of any kind.
Q&A recently, chaired by some maggot, who was terribly biased in favour of the left, and it did not go un-noticed.
Can't wait for Tony Jones to get back and take charge.
Unfortunately there is more and more of this kind of journalism, and it must not be allowed to continue.
People like Koch, and others are not experts in any of the topics they speak of or interview people over, yet they persist in giving opinions.
They twist the facts to make the story more interesting or controversial, all to get better ratings, to hell with the truth, they actually attack and challenge guests to try to 'catch them out', all for the sake of sensationalizing the story in their favour, and in the hope they might trick the interviewee into saying something bad.
I am buoyed when I see someone being interviewed, 'fight back', by yelling the interviewer down and puts them squarely back in their place, leaving the interviewee with the upper hand and the last word.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 22 April 2019 1:44:16 AM
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