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The Forum > Article Comments > Will the Berejiklian Government be the next to go? > Comments

Will the Berejiklian Government be the next to go? : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 19/3/2019

The factors at play federally and in NSW are not entirely the same. The BerejiklianCoalition Government has in fact had a lot of things going for it.

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Well, it is theirs to lose! And ably assisted by a premier without anything much positive to say, except bag the opposition/open mouth to change socks.

That endless blame game has been used so much before it has completely lost its impact!? And the current government was the one that sold our poles and wires etc after promising they wouldn't?

Moreover, the rage over the entirely unexplainable sacking of a moderate Malcolm hasn't gone away nor the right-wing opposition to SSM!?

People are supposed to have short memories and twitch only when the hip pocket nerve is touched and it has not only been touched but massaged to hell and back by the right-wing/big business/Murdoch media/backflip side of politics unable or unwilling to promote our past hard-won egalitarian values.

Values this nation and that of every state was built on.

Every election is won in the middle! And the premier is not helped by the RIGHT-WING reactionary shock jocks and the entirely heartless EXTREME right which has all but MINDLESSLY destroyed a once great liberal party.

However, don't believe that Labor can win given their history and corrupt politicians? A hung parliament is, therefore, I believe, very much in real prospect?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 19 March 2019 10:55:33 AM
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seems like the Labour leader does not like Asians. He thinks they are taking Aussie jobs. Poor old Pauline got hammered for saying this 25 years ago. Oh well the Greens and Labour will still be in bed with Obeid and all the other racist while virtue signalling their tolerance. But they do believe in global warming. What a joke that our population has been so dumbed down.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 19 March 2019 3:04:03 PM
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On elections I go for the follow-the-money trend.

ie. how the bookies are settind the odds.

A or THE major bookie (which does more than sports...)
for NSW "2019 State Election Winning Party" is increasingly expecting:

The Berejiklian Government to win at __________________ 1.78

and Labor to lose at ________________________________ 2.05

So, its close, but as at 19 March 2019 a major bookie is expecting Berejiklian to win.

But watch how the odds change each day, expecially just before 23 March.
Posted by plantagenet, Tuesday, 19 March 2019 4:47:16 PM
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The current Government in NSW doesn't give two hoots about peoples' welfare, they are only interested in votes and as the majority of votes that count are in the cities that's where the attention goes.

For example, over three years ago the Govt. was informed that a local road had 19 major danger spots in the first 20 kilometres, these are mainly blind corners and crests that the broken centre line goes around or over, nary a double line in sight.

The Gwydir Highway where it passes through the western side of Glen Innes also has had the broken line going over two very distinct crests within the town, last week the line marking crew were remarking the road after resurfacing, the new lines are the same danger trap as the old ones.

The New England Highway has a conspicuous dip and a blind corner, just south of Glen Innes and no double lines.

These are just a few examples, there are over a hundred more that I know of.
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 19 March 2019 5:14:01 PM
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If our Gladys thinks that people are more important than the Environment then she is an idiot and deserves to get thrown out.
It`s the Environment that keeps people alive, stupid......
Sadly wasted in many cases.
Posted by ateday, Tuesday, 19 March 2019 8:33:21 PM
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Now that Daley has been exposed as an anti asian racist, it looks like his goose is cooked.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:04:44 AM
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