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In search of a post-political masculinity : Comments
By Mark Christensen, published 21/2/2019Men aren't at their best and there is no returning to the old days when women cut us too much slack.
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Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 21 February 2019 11:07:09 AM
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This is one of those opinion pieces that yearns for days of yore when men and women had boxes they were supposed to fit into!
And so far off course to be completely out of the park! Human beings should be allowed to chose to do what they like and be who they are, end of story. Masculinity is down to chromosomes, hormones and hereditary factors, not the whimsical musings of some sage, wondering where his previous comfortable reality went? Replete with the glass ceiling that kept women in their proper place, in the home or maternity wards!? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 21 February 2019 11:35:46 AM
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Mr Christensen, let's get one thing straight here. It's in the article title. "In search of a post-political masculinity". I know that editors and sub-editors often change the title of articles to attract trigger responses from their audience. I've been there too. Notwithstanding, the title expresses the truth of your narrative. There is a war, but women vs men, isn't all there is to it. I hope you know that. The war is between freedom and liberty on one side and Marxism and socialism on the other side. That's the crux of the post-political definition. That's what post-political means.
So, you've expressed your opinion placing you on the Marxist side. That's OK, you have every right. I'm on the other side. That's OK too. Now you write, "Yet war (between men and women ) we have. An escalating one". This "war" is nothing but feeble minded women (and men?), feminism, acting as pawns (useful idiots) in the disruption of Western civilisation to achieve your side's objectives. You also point out that it's escalating, but no evidence given. I disagree with that. In fact quite the opposite. The war is beginning to go badly for your side. It's contracting. In fact that's why this barrage of "toxic masculinity" rubbish from your lot at this very time. Simply, men aren't changing. Men have dug in and aren't buying your claptrap. Most of us never did. Further you write, "Which brings us to this strange cultural moment and the charge of toxic masculinity." There's nothing strange about it. It's an assault created by your side because men won't change to suit your agenda, therefore your narrative must pathologise masculinity. The American Psychological Association started the attack on men last August with their "Guidelines for Psychological Practice for Boys and Men", which has angered men in it's doctrinal wokeness. APA's objective: "If we can change men, we can change the world." TBC... Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 21 February 2019 2:37:25 PM
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Next you write about the Gillette ad - "Men aren't at their best and there is no returning to the old days when women cut us too much slack." What a load of crap. But the Gillette ad has been beneficial by triggering men who've had a gutful of this sort of rubbish and has awakened a sleeping giant (to steal a phrase). It has bonded men into a "toxic" masculinity brotherhood. Not only that, but it has angered women too, real women who love men as we are. Their uprising in this matter is most refreshing: Refer - Yes your lot are losing ground. Real men and women aren't at war, even though you're trying to create one.
Now I love this bit, "The historical achievements of a Willink-styled patriarchy are worthless if we don't go on to create a kind and benevolent world." A kind and benevolent world is exactly what we had before your lot started ripping it apart and tearing it down. Good masculine men and feminine women built this bloody world and we won't be giving it up without a fight. Remember, your lot started this war - bad juju. Good men and good women everywhere are sick of being derided, pathologised, humiliated and made the brunt of ridicule. Thanks Gillette for raising awareness of who the enemy really is. And now finally, Christensen's ultimatum, "Man must let go unconditionally and in advance." No mate, it's your lot who's going to have to let go unconditionally and in advance. The bloody temerity of this fella to lecture people based on his own privileged white man existence, who's enjoyed the benefits and fortunes of the modern world that our predecessors' toil and courage built, telling men what to do. What he really means here is, if women can't step up, you men must step down. Don't hope for too much here Mark, why not just let us decent men and women live in a kind and benevolent world, which we built and love. Go away please and mind your own business. END Posted by voxUnius, Thursday, 21 February 2019 2:40:24 PM
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Feminism/marxism has certainly overplayed its hand. It has produced lying, dishonest women who don't even know how to blush. Just look at the nasty ones who lied while accusing Kavanaugh. Now lesbians are turning on transexuals and the idiotic rational of denying biology is coming homes to roost. Emasclated males have contibuted greatly to this mess. Many of them having trashed the one they made vows to just nod their head to their latest partner not even realising the harm done to young boys many of whom have to put up with feminism all through schools due to lack of male teachers.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 21 February 2019 2:53:18 PM
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Society didn't give the raising of big families the help financially and physically, that would have sustained big families. Male politicians put all the financial burdens on men and the state paid nothing, until the last few decades. That's also why divorce was illegal. The state and church didn't want to pay for the next generations of society and they failed to treat women as individuals with the right to some personal income for the work they did for the society by Caring for the children.
They failed to think about the fact that without children their is no future society. This didn't worry the greedy elites running our countries, they decided they could just import people cheaply from other countries. Of course there's a very real danger of civil war between the big ethnic groups they bring in as they get big numbers and start to seriously push for their own governance and control, as we can see by the Mexican subversives now high up in every powerful area in America, including owning CNN. They are using the legal system to try and depose a democratically elected president. Why? because they want one of the many Mexican Democrat politicians in America, to be president and preferably to have Mexican politicians in charge everywhere. Hence don't want border wall. Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 27 February 2019 11:59:29 AM
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I'll admit that I'm a bit chauvinistic, and I'm sticking with my views on the men/women business, but I don't blame women for the current mania for putting men down; I blame wet, limp-wristed males, who are probably yearning for a dominatrix to run their boring little lives.