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The Forum > Article Comments > Hayne was not the commission the banking sector needed > Comments

Hayne was not the commission the banking sector needed : Comments

By Graham Young, published 13/2/2019

Hayne might have been a High Court judge, but he seems singularly lacking in commercial understanding. And he is a lawyer. Lawyers are better at tearing things down than they are building up, or reconstructing.

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I think I agree with most of this Graham and most of the proffered solutions.

We need to take the casino element out of banking and introduce more competition for your and joe average's custom. Banks do not make or sell products, they lend and or secure money! End of story.

With the casino element removed along with the products, i.e., derivatives and allegedly securitized loans that can be traded or sold, taken off the table. Banks can get back to their (quaint and old fashioned) core business and role!

And with that part fixed, casino banking returned to the merchant bankers who need to stand alone and sink or swim according to the competence and boldness with which they are managed.

For far too long commercial banks (the big four) have enjoyed advantages not also the province of credit unions and co-op
banking. And needs to be addressed so the latter are no longer constrained by different rules.

Moreover, we need to reintroduce a peoples' bank to ensure we have a vehicle (self-terminating, government guaranteed, tax-free 30-year bonds) for our own super funds to reside/earn income in.

And charged with investing in monumental infrastructure projects guaranteed (rapid rail, MSR thorium power plants, deionisation dialysis desalination, low rent, high rise) to earn an income above servicing requirements!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 13 February 2019 11:29:55 AM
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Interesting how quickly questioning of the Royal Commissioner (as a person?) is coming in.

I'm interested in what ways the "Big End of Town" (The Empire) Strikes Back [1].

This is given senior Banker executives (eg. CBA [2]) are still getting $millions or many 100,000s in pay OR severance even if they've lost millions in pay or bonuses. So penalties against them are from a very high senior executive payment base.

Woe betide ordinary bank staff (from any banks) who are sacked in their thousands as part of standard "downsizing" without senior executive Golden Handshakes.


Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 13 February 2019 6:42:50 PM
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If anyone thinks for one second that the banking Royal Commission is going to force any 'real' changes to the banks MO, they are typical of the Australian public.
Out of touch!
This 'show' was for nought.
The Rothschilds and their mates will never stand for ANY tinkering with their self proclaimed God given rights to steal money from the people.
They've been doing it for too long and we have allowed them to get away with it.
They played heavily on this anti-semetic garbage, and they took full advantage and abused it to their own gain.
What was the point of the BRC if we do not get separation of banking and speculation.
We need Glass-Steagal re-instated, before we can sleep again at night knowing our money is safe, because right now we live under the very real threat of 'BAIL-IN', which is our worst nightmare.
Look it up, you won't believe it.
We need it now more than ever, because we are approaching another GFC and this one is coming from a greater height than before.
Haynes may not have been the man for the job, but he was severely restrained on his terms of reference, and to add insult to injury, the govt went and made changes to his report, so what was the point of a BRC?
No the scum sucking group led by the Rothschilds is directly responsible for ALL our woe's and has been for centuries, in fact since the first Rothschild realised how to fleece the people without lifting a finger.
That wasn't enough they had to start scheming of ways to eventually control or 'rule' the world, with his 'one world' order.
That's how sick this bastard of a family are, planning to rule the world, I mean.
The reason Rothschild still has control of govt's is seen clearly in the result of the BRC, in that, if they were serious about cleaning up the banks, they would have forced them to return to their core function as it was in the beginning and made them remove their speculative and investment arm.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 18 February 2019 9:54:27 AM
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