The Forum > Article Comments > Why suburbs need to be the next frontier for cities policy > Comments
Why suburbs need to be the next frontier for cities policy : Comments
By Ross Elliott, published 5/2/2019Author and urbanist Richard Florida in The Creative Class more or less defined the case for lavish inner urban investment as central to attracting and retaining talent.
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Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 5 February 2019 11:04:45 AM
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[Me first, second and last and if there's anything left over. (Altrave's scumbags) As they piously spout spittle-flecked ("commercial") sermons from the mount!?]
What folk NEED is the quality of life our fathers enjoyed, restored to them as their birthright as it was for their fathers before them! Some of who made the ultimate sacrifice for it and in its expectation for the following generations!
Town planners NEED to serve the people not developers with deep pockets. To that end, we NEED endlessly deferred rapid rail, not endless eternal excuses, preferably before the cost doubles yet again!
And affordable, unlimited, potable water supplies guaranteed by deionisation dialysis desalination. Rather than even more dams entirely reliant on the vagaries of entirely unreliable, reduced rainfall numbers.
Alan B.