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Scott Morrison's polarising of Australian society : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 29/11/2018

Tragedy, not triumph is the most profound descriptor of the human condition.

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Sells, God was singularly missing at Golgotha. Jesus cry of "God, why hast thou forsaken me" gives a vital clue as to the very non-existence of God and gives a similar lie to the concept that Jesus was the "Son of God". A truly loving father would not not have left his son to die in those circumstances. I would suggest that the Christian Church has got it all wrong. It should just be following the humanitarian teachings of Jesus and discard all the mumbo jumbo of "God the father, Son and Holy Spirit"
Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 29 November 2018 8:10:54 AM
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Excellent stuff, Peter. Yours was the first reading I encountered early this morning, and it has made my day. I am not a Christian (used to be a devout Catholic, but left because of the homophobia), and am now more of a secular Buddhist. Thank you.
Posted by Doug, Thursday, 29 November 2018 8:12:27 AM
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The electorates of Venezuela and Chile fell for the socialist "we will give you everything for free" line Peter, and "slaughtered" their previous arguably responsible governments. And they lived to regret it. The lefties in Russia, North Korea and Cambodia cheered on Stalin, Kim il Sung, and Pol Pot, but they lived to regret that too, Peter.

Don't ask me why the majority of Victorians are so stupid as to vote for a government who is going to cause their electricity system to crash? While telling the Sudanese criminals now running riot in Labor electorates that they have got their backs? And telling kids in school that gender is "fluid". Maybe there is something in the water? It just goes to show just how seductive the socialist message is to people. No matter how many times Socialism fails, there are those who buy it with the same faith they exhibit when they buy their weekly Lotto tickets.

Liberals have made welfare more difficult to access, Peter, because they are economically responsible. They have looked at the graphs of welfare growth and tax income, and figured out that welfare in it's present form is unsustainable. Am I getting through here, Peter? Unsustainable. Something will have to give. Especially since socialists seem to hate the very money making concerns that give them the wealth to buy people's votes. We can start doing something now, Peter, or wait until the crash. 600 billion in dept and Peter sees nothing wrong. Unfortunately, some voters will vote for dishonest politicians who tell them what they want to hear. "Vote for us, we will give you money!"

Lastly, Peter acts out the role of the defender of the poor. It's a nice pose for people who need to believe that they are morally beyond reproach. Especially if they believe to a political ideology that thinks that money is created by money fairies. They can always get somebody to pay for the policies they propose that supposedly reduce poverty. And all so that Peter and his friends can bask in a warm, inner glow of moral sanctity.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 November 2018 8:51:24 AM
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We are instructed not to feed wild animals because it is reasonable to expect that they will become dependent on those handouts. Those animals which have not learned how to feed themselves will therefore be left to die. Is it not reasonable to assume that a similar thing will happen to our human brethren if we follow the principles of the right wing liberals.

Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 29 November 2018 9:24:18 AM
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I'll give this one a tick of approval.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 29 November 2018 10:03:04 AM
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OK, so there is a bloke who calls himself VK3AUU who appear to be a trendy lefty who does not like right wingers.

Now the topic under discussion is whether Scott Morrison is polarising society. So what did VK3AUU add to this discussion? Absolutely nothing. Other than telling everybody how rotten he thinks right wingers are. Classic hit and run, sneery one liners, by a lefty who can not form an argument or discuss premises on a point by point basis. And he wonders why the right is now ascendant? Fox news number 1, CNN number 12 and dropping.

Notice too, how VK3AUU makes the implication that right wingers are heartless people who think that helpless people should be left to die? That is a gross oversimplification of right wing ideology that bears no basis in fact. A half truth is a complete lie. If free market democracies are so selfish and rotten, why is everybody in every sheethole country on earth clamouring to get into our countries?

Free market democracies usually have the best social services on planet Earth, but any person who has any claim to intelligence would have to admit that there is a limit to what the government can provide. There has always been an expectation in western countries that people should stand on their own two feet and look after themselves. That just happened to be the fundamentals of a free and prosperous society.

But who needs an argument when all you have to do is to virtue signal? VK3UAA signals how he is virtuous, and implies that right wingers are just scumbags. Some argument.

Now, as a right winger I would like to say something about the topic under discussion. It is the left which has polarised Australian society, using class, race, ethnicity, gender, non gender, age, and just about anything else they can think up. They invented identity politics, and then play the innocents when they divide their own society so much it becomes almost ungovernable.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:04:29 AM
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Lego, my apology. I should have directed my comments to the extremely right wing Liberals who I don't need to name. We all know who they are.
I have voted Liberal all my life, but like a lot of my fellows I am dismayed by the way the party has headed since Abbott got to be the opposition leader.

Posted by VK3AUU, Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:22:30 AM
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Dear oh dear. Decades of feminism/marxism creating a generation that has never been so self entitled, full of self righteousness and perversion at the same time, virtue signallers and unable to tell that a baby with a penis is a boy and a vagina is a girl. Oh what a 'wonderful' future these god deniers have set up for our grandchildren. A Parliament stacked with self interested marxist/feminist who along with the corrupt fake media demonising anyone with a little decency. The dumb q&a and getup deviants just nod and applaud any kid of deviancy.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 29 November 2018 11:38:39 AM
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Diver Dan. Good call mate. Interestingly, the only time the Christain Master completely lost his cool, was when he whipped the money changers (Bankers?) out of the temple, for defiling his Fathers house, and roaring as he ripped into them, how dare you defile my Father's House.

We think he was socially conscious and opposed to most things conservative, as seen in his many parables and teachings, the good Samaritan, easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven, the do unto others golden rule etc.

It's a long time since progressive conservatives were seen doing stuff we would label Christian? And includes the abolition of slavery, ending child labour, and the emancipation of women.

Mr Mnzie's Liberals were fiscally conservative and socially progressive pragmatists. And now swamped by the alt-right, who think that Mr Menzies Liberals, were all lefties. And only because they are now so far to the right, even moderates seem to be left of them.

They will refuse as they do to acknowledge they got it wrong and will continue to contend, we the people are not listening to them Only an electoral bloodbath a the next election will finally convince some of the brighter ones, we need a change of direction. And boy, how badly does that message need to be heard in coalition ranks!?

Christianity and conservatism are mutually exclusive belief systems or ideologies
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 29 November 2018 4:15:18 PM
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Looks like Scott Morrison (aka ScoMo), with a bit of help from Dutton and Abbott, are unsuccessfully using in-the-gutter Trump methods.

That is ScoMo is choosing overseas issues (Embassy to Jerusalem anybody?) and scapegoats at home to scare, divide, wedge, marginalise and exploit Australians.

ScoMo and his standover henchmen are failing and will be kicked out in May 2019.
Posted by plantagenet, Thursday, 29 November 2018 4:41:15 PM
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But where oh where is the Kingdom of God as taught and demonstrated by Saint Jesus of Galilee?

And what kind of comprehensive psycho-physical Spirit Breathing disciplines does any and every one have to seriously practice to become a self-sacrificial participant in the Kingdom of God as taught and demonstrated by Saint Jesus of Galilee?

Such disciplines being the necessary "price to pay" to enter into the Spirit Breathing Kingdom.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 29 November 2018 7:09:07 PM
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Sorry, Mr Plantagenet, I have no idea by what you mean when you say that Trump and ScoMo use "in the gutter" tactics?

In the contemporary western world's political scene, where Identity Politics rules because our societies are now fractured by multiculturalism, what is wrong with a white president in a still largely white nation appealing to white voters? President Obama was a black American who appealed to blacks and other minorities, would you say that Obama's tactics were "in the gutter?"

It was this curious double standard that always manifests itself among those who claim to be virtuous anti racists, that forced me to rethink my own previous anti racist sympathies. The biggest question for me was, "why do so called anti racists hate white people, who are usually their own race?"

Perhaps you could answer that one for me?

My own answer to this question is along these lines. The older anti racists live in a time warp, and never grew out of their generations flower power ideals. This is usually because they have never held a job outside of the public service, where among other pampered public servants', their views have become inbred.

Among the younger, they have been brainwashed by their left wing teachers and by media such as the ABC (Australian Brainwashing Corporation) to think that leftism is somehow progressive. This is reinforced by the various media organizations directed at a youth audience, who never fail to keep pumping the message that smart young people should embrace every left wing cause imaginable.

Finally, there are a proportion of people in every society who usually possess low social intelligence, and a propensity to think entirely in absolutes. Moral quandaries and moral priorities are incomprehensible to them. Morality must be black and white. Such people seem to have a compulsive need to think that they are better than everybody else, and they posses a puritanical mindset that compels them to spread their particular absolutist ideology through constant evangelism.

Which one are you?
Posted by LEGO, Friday, 30 November 2018 5:57:52 AM
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Those who consider the article to be about politics and social welfare miss its central point, which is:

"In the spiritual life one must go through the darkness, not around it, because only the experience of darkness will humanise us and cleanse us of all personal projects designed to make us happy"

I disagree.

When one is led by the light, then even [the material] darkness is never darkness -

It is unfortunately common among Christians to seek and dare the darkness. The pretext is the wish to be humanised so to rise above the animal in us of which we feel guilty.

But isn't this itself an ego-based "personal project designed to make us happy"?
One cannot but constantly design to become happy - until one is indeed happy!
And this happens once the illusion of being a small, limited, mortal and helpless human-being, finally drops. Darkness can only be overcome
by light!
Jesus was always happy, even in face of the cross - he called himself "son of God" because he did not entertain that human-illusion.

Hinduism teaches that Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, is the consort of Vishnu, the benevolent all-pervading preserving aspect of God.
Of course one should not be greedy and attempt to obtain Lakshmi's favours by force or trickery, but when she does shower Her blessings on us, refusing to accept Her blessings and artificially trying to become meek, is thus an insult to Vishnu!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 30 November 2018 6:14:17 AM
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When God is your father wouldn't anyone be always happy ? When you know you're in good hands & all you have to do is tell people what they should be doing & forgive those who give you a hard time ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 30 November 2018 7:48:07 PM
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Good article Peter, and well said.
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Saturday, 1 December 2018 2:32:52 AM
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Dear Individual,

«When God is your father wouldn't anyone be always happy ?»

Yes, if you know it.

By this I do not mean just having an intellectual understanding of this as an idea, but actually feeling it constantly in your veins, beyond any doubt.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 1 December 2018 9:17:09 PM
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