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The Forum > Article Comments > Orson Welles, broadcasts and fake news > Comments

Orson Welles, broadcasts and fake news : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 11/10/2018

He seems to be exerting a continuing influence, with his film, The Other Side of the Wind making its debut after 48 torrid years.

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Fake news, fake people and fake world, to complete the compendium on fake society!
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 11 October 2018 9:18:23 AM
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There's a lot of fake news hitting the airwaves these days.

One is that there's nothing cheaper than coal as energy supply. And truth-telling like the most energy dense material in the world is thorium, always seems to be accompanied by digital trolls saying it just isn't so!

Then so much is just withheld for fear of political consequences? Even though the public has every right to know! Before they cast their votes!

Like, bismuth 213 is a proven miracle cancer cure. As shown in myriad reported/peer-reviewed trials over half a century.

Yet when our rolling in it, cancer industry is informed, comes back with un-adultered rubbish like, we are not interested in alternative or complementary medicine. As if radioisotope oncological medicine was part of the alternative medical scene?

Whereas, if the truth be known? Their real goal is to protect the rivers of gold they're currently swimming in?

For mine, we need to deploy covertly placed space age lie detectors, so some of this BS can be exposed for what it is. Preferably, before we melt our kids, or see, yet one more unnecessary funeral procession, or weeping rallies standing beside a coffin!

Not for nothing is it often said, it's almost as if the inmates have taken over and are running the asylum!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 11 October 2018 10:31:25 AM
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Do you guys get paid for your hatred of Trump Binoy or is it mandatory for you to get a job. Get a life.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 11 October 2018 11:00:17 AM
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Hey runner, do you guys get paid for hating the truth and truth-telling. Get a life or even just normal eyesight and a logical reasoning brain of your own!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 11 October 2018 11:06:52 AM
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thanks Alan I must admit you leave me confused along with many others.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 11 October 2018 11:14:11 AM
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Hi Alan & Runner,

I'm sure that you would both actually agree that the truth is all-important, and that it relies on evidence. Lies, even in a good cause (?!), destroy that cause. The truth may be objectionable, inconvenient, uncomfortable, unwelcome, but it IS the truth. That's what we have to go on. There's nothing else.

Any argument or debate or criticism or discussion has to hinge on working with the truth. If someone can't find evidence for his or her argument, then they stay silent and keep looking. Passion can't take the place of integrity, or principle, or - starkly - the search for truth. We can argue about whether or not some piece of evidence contributes to 'the truth', one way or the other, but that's what any argument or discussion needs. Lies and baseless assertions don't cut it.

Those who rely on passion and virtue, the essential rightness of their point of view, despite the lack of evidence, can shove it up their hairy arses. That's my carefully considered conclusion.

Jesus, I'm in trouble if anybody finds that I've breached that principle myself, aren't I ?


Posted by Loudmouth, Friday, 12 October 2018 4:06:09 PM
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