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The Forum > Article Comments > Charisma and banality: Kofi Annan and the UN > Comments

Charisma and banality: Kofi Annan and the UN : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 22/8/2018

Unlike his predecessor, the oft prickly Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who gave the hagiographers little to go on, he cut a fine figure for fandom.

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It's common practice to chunter on about how good people were before they died (all rubbish, of course); but there is no way that anyone mixed up with the corrupt United Nations can be dressed up as a saint.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 22 August 2018 9:41:22 AM
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A fine statesman, but like most of our finest. Made into toothless tigers by the Men in suits, who pull the strings of powerful leaders to get commercial outcomes?

I thought he like Malcolm was genuine and cared. seen nothing to change that opinion.

Thank God for social media, which has lessened the power of men in suits to force an outcome that serves only the profit graph, and individualistic harmful greed!

And were I Malcolm Turnbull staring down the same brand of individualistic nihilistic cronyism and nepotism? I would today be driving to the governor's mansion, to call for a pre-Christmas election!

If only to save the furniture, the real liberal party plus give the voters a chance to remove the wreckers and naysaying denialists!?

And while the worst drought in living memory forces the recalcitrants on the land to just take a good long hard look at their representatives and if they deserve to keep their taxpayer-funded jobs!?

If he or the nation has another choice? I can't tell you what it is! To be sure sitting on his hands waiting for the axe to fall ain't one of them. Not for him, nor the country!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 22 August 2018 10:54:22 AM
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