The Forum > Article Comments > The death of the investigative journalist: Channel Nine’s takeover of Fairfax > Comments
The death of the investigative journalist: Channel Nine’s takeover of Fairfax : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 2/8/2018Marks, in slanting the emphasis towards generating revenue, ignores the actual practice of meaningful, investigative journalism.
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Like official corruption or outright incompetence in civic officialdom?
Or the shameful negligence that literally allows annual hundreds to die horrible deaths from curable cancer, sent home to die because of an official boycott or prohibition, of Thorium>bismuth213!
Arguably that one remaining hope is radioisotope oncology, i.e., Alpha particle isotope Bismuth 213.
Attached to an antibody that sends it straight to the cancer cells without as demonstrated in numerous trails, any significant damage to the healthy cells! The cancer cells destroyed in literal minutes!
Including death sentence myeloid leukaemia, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, and some very nasty brain cancers, where the average lifespan from diagnoses to death, averaging just 14 months, only 2% surviving past five years!
Stage four ovarian cancer cured with Bismuth213 as demonstrated by clinical trials in Europe as far back as 2006!
Yet we here in this country still send hundreds home to die annually in absolute devastating misery and grief, who otherwise would be sent into, complete remission!
The annual preventable death toll from this one cancer is, I'm informed, greater than the annual road toll! Ditto brain cancer which similarly has remained stubbornly incurable for over three decades here!
Even though the world has had thorium and its' derivative, Bismuth for over fifty years!
Not so much as a peep out of alleged investigate Journalism who instead look for rapacious scandal or sensationalism sometimes so far away from here and real bread and butter issues!?
That it makes one wonder WHF's wrong with these folk and their, I believe, asinine or channelled priorities, or quite distinct lack or normal human empathy, Binroy.
Why is it left to social media and too few voices in the journalistic wilderness, to break these shameful facts and against an absolute mountainous misinformation tide of obtuse or Quite deliberate, demonstrably mendacious antinuclear activism!?
Genuine Investigative Journalism, I believe, died many years ago.
RIP investigative and courageous investigative Journalism!
Alan B.