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Trumped by Trump : Comments
By Everald Compton, published 20/7/2018But, the world will not end as there have been buffoons like him since the beginning of time.
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Donald Trump is the best president since Ronald Reagan. And the real “buffoons'” are the people who can’t stop criticising him. Poor old Compton can knock himself out ‘despising’ Donald Trump, but who cares? How many people have ever heard of a sad old blogger called Everald Compton? Certainly not the most powerful man in the world.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 20 July 2018 10:15:50 AM
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Regardless of the anti-Trump rhetoric I see in some of these ax-to-grind insipid answers, I give you what he has achieved
The stock market is at an all-time high. Consumer confidence is at an all-time high. He created more than a million jobs by undoing Obama’s regulations. Mortgage applications for new homes is at a 7 year high. Unemployment rate is at a 16 year low. Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act. Gutted 800 Obama era regulations thus freeing up companies to hire and get the economy moving once again. Ended the war on coal and caused mining to open that will mine clean coal. He also put the miners back to work. Promotes buying and hiring American. Reduced illegal immigration by over 70%. Changed the rules of engagement and helped weaken ISIS. Drafted a plan to defeat ISIS. Imposed a five year anti-lobbying plan. Sanctioned Iran over its’ missile program. Responded to Syria’s use of chemical weapons. Working to simplify tax code and reform tax plan to help bring $$$ back to US He withdrew from the Trans Pacific Partnership thus keeping jobs here. He pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accords thus saving us millions of dollars every year. Created a task force to reduce crime. Signed independence and economic growth law. Signed an executive order to protect police officers and target drug cartels. Signed an executive order for religious freedom. His administration is working on sending education control back to the states. He’s fixing the dept. of Veterans affairs so now vets can choose their own doctors and be covered. This also protects whistle blowers and allows VA to terminate bad employees.. Authorized construction of the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. Food stamp use is the lowest level in seven years. Reduced the White House payroll saving taxpayers millions of dollars. He’s donating his salary to various causes. Cut 600 billion from UN Helped get Gas prices their lowest in more than 12 years. Had meetings with North Korea If the Leftists weren’t fighting every step of every issue we would be a lot further advanced. Posted by kirby483, Friday, 20 July 2018 11:08:44 AM
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Following Donald Trump’s European talks, Russia, the U.S and Israel now have an arrangement that will stop hostilities between Israel and Syria, leading towards the end of the civil war in Syria. Assad will remain, it will have to accepted the West backed the wrong side in Syria. President Trump dropped support for the Islamic ‘rebels’ (terrorists) a month ago. It is expected that a “final onslaught” from the Syrian army and the Russian air force will soon finish them off.
Go Donald Trump! Wherever the man goes; whatever he does, he is a winner. An aside for UN-admirers: after Assad has been hammered for supposedly using chemical weapons, the United Nations now has Syria - yes Syria - as the rotating presidency of the Conference on Disarmament. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 20 July 2018 12:16:29 PM
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I agree with Everard calling the trumpehfuhrer a destroyer. There is nothing remotely positive about what he is doing, and, even worse, there are NO positive cultural or religious phenomenon remaining upon which to build/create a truly humanizing future - zilch.
He represents and is definitely amplifying and even turbo-charging all of the negative or destructive elements of this dark time in what little still remains of human civilization after the cultural devastation caused by the two world wars. A process of cultural and ecological devastation that was especially turbo-charged during the last 30-40 years. A process that was amplified by two factors namely the powerful technologies now available, and the huge increase in the human population. In the mid-eighties there was only 4 billion human beings. This essay is about the cultural devastation wrought by the two world wars, and the now-time collective situation This essay describes the situation we are now in The 100 or so brief summary statements also describe the situation. Under the trumpenfuhrer, all of these negative situations/scenarios are going to be turbo-charged. Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 20 July 2018 1:56:00 PM
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Dear Kirby483,
Your list is pure Cult of Putin's Puppet stuff. Let's address your first claim. “The stock market is at an all-time high”. It has been at a all time high during a presidency for every bloody president since Ford. That is how markets work. What is a better indicator is the percentage growth. This link gives a good summary of the last few presidents. Trump is on par with Obama at 22.2% this far into his term. We will need to revisit it closer to the end of his term to properly assess his influence. Clinton of course was a standout followed closely by Obama. Republicans usually do not fare well in economic terms but Reagan did better than most. But let's cut to the chase. At this stage of his presidency Obama had overseen a 26.7% rise in the Dow while Trump has seen a 22.8%. Trump is hardly a standout. I'm happy to look at another of your claims if you wish. Pick one and let's explore. Posted by SteeleRedux, Friday, 20 July 2018 5:59:58 PM
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Quite an impressive list of alleged Trump achievements above.
Unfortunately most of the economic and employment ones are based on staistics that start from 2010 - years before Trump and based on programmes started under the previous administration, but of course he will always take all the credit for himself but none of the blame. There are many things missing from that list, such as increases in poverty and homelessness due to cuts in welfare and access to health insurance and achieving the highest youth poverty in the whole indistrial world, but that doesn't bother those who like to sit back and fondle themselves over everything he says and does. Keep calling critics "lefties" because there's nobody further to the right than Trump, especially since he has gladly embraced neo-Nazis and White Sumpremacists into the fold of his supporters. His lies over the true cost of NATO were passed over by most of the media and his Korean stunt achieved practically nothing up front for the USA but his diplomatic failures are part of a whole other story. Posted by rache, Friday, 20 July 2018 10:01:32 PM
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Daffy Duck and Rache
Hitler the Fuhrer, came from the socialist left. He was a member of the socialist Left Party in Germany. He did what all left wing revolutionaries do, he became an authoritarian fascist killer of millions, like Stalin and Mao in China. It’s human nature, the left and right can become equally as fascist and murderous, once gaining power. It’s more insidious with the left because they wear the sheeps clothing of humanitarianism and moral superiority, until they have used the masses to gain power then they treat the peasants they promised everything to, with more contempt than the Right Wing dictators do. Posted by CHERFUL, Friday, 20 July 2018 11:49:27 PM
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Also, at the peak of the slavery in the Southern states of the US,
the left(Democrats) were in power, and to be allowed into the Democrat party you had to be a member of the klu klux klan. Again these were left wing politicians. When Hitler drafted the legislation to make it law to persecute the Jews and strip them of their rights, he used word for word, slavery laws that had been used by the democrats to control slaves, Hitler copied it, only changing the word slave, for Jew. So maybe you should think of the atrocities committed also, by the loving, humanitarian, Victim-claiming left. After all, if you are morally superior in your claims and the others are the imagined oppressors, it becomes easy to,kill the others. I read an article tonight. That said, “I believed in the mob, until the mob came for me” A site called Quillette. I think. Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 July 2018 12:19:23 AM
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Also, further to that list and beyond the popular media spin and endless tweets here are some updates -
Out of 183 countries GDP growth in the USA has dropped from 110th to 115th and out of 35 OECD countries, the USA now ranks 19th. (It was 9th during the GFC). Unemployment is now back up to 4%, ranking it 49th in the world and 12th in the OECD. Debt is now $21.25trillion with more than $1.35trillion added just in the year to June with revenue now at 80.7% of spending. Inflation has risen from 1.9% in May last year to 2.9% this year, making the USA 31st of of 35 OECD countries and ahead of only Hungar, Estonia, Mexico and Turkey. Welfare demands are also increasing. Tourism is down 4.7% since last year. The Dow Jones index is down 1,400 points from it's January level. Minimum wage has not changed since 2009. While global trade and exports are up, the domestic economy is in steady decline and workers and the economy were better off before the 2017 tax cuts. Most of this is due to the misguided tax handout which was mostly used to boost profits or on share buy-backs and are the very opposite of things Trump insisted would happen. I suppose that's why many of his personal financial ventures ended in bankruptcy. Posted by rache, Saturday, 21 July 2018 8:36:03 AM
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I think it was, conservative progressive Abe Lincoln who coined the phrase? You can fool all of the people, some o the time, some of the people all of the time. But never all of the people all of the time.
Trump (Putin's man in Washington?) continues to avoid impeachment, retain office and his manifestly moronic moribund support base? Because they are that brain dead group or those whose IQ levels barely hover above the ambient temperature. Or that group Abe, a dyed in the wool conservative, described as being among the number able to be fooled all of the time! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 21 July 2018 11:45:33 AM
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The national socialists (the Nazi party) were socialist in name only and leaned as far right as possible?
With an unprecedented human right abusing doctrine that stands alone today as being inherently and entirely unparalleled, RIGHT WING evil! And speaks absolute volumes about the questionable character and motives of those revisionists posting here, who see no wrong or that the evil that was Nazi is, is in anyway a left-leaning ideology! Not everything you folk disagree with comes from the left or your own, on display for the world to see, lack of NORMAL human empathy!? Only a brain dead Buffon of the first water would think the National Socialist party were a left-leaning bunch of absolute twits, let alone share his numbskull views on any public forum. Even so, and I believe, not quite as bad as some massively mendacious despicably disingenuous, non-progressive conservatives, describing themselves as liberals? Which in my view, a great big fat "mistruth" and quite blatantly so! If you have conservative values as your guiding light and personal philosophy? Don't be afraid to live or die politically standing up for your beliefs and or values! If not, read, "the day Atlas shrugged." [A fanciful if well-argued case, and absorbing reading into the bargain!] And argue your case or values on their perceived merit! Rather than claiming to be something you are not and full of a stream of broken or non-core promises, you/they/them, never been brought to book or true account over/for. Alan B Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 21 July 2018 12:25:25 PM
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You make lots of assertions without the hint of evidence so how about you back up some of your claims. How about these for a start... "highest youth poverty in the whole indistrial world" "cuts in welfare" (what cuts?) " cuts in ...access to health insurance" "Unemployment is now back up to 4%, ranking it 49th in the world and 12th in the OECD." Well that's sort of true but a little nuance would help eg 10th in OECD out of 39 and down from 19th when Trump took over. And 49th in the world...seriously? That'll do for now. rache I don't expect you to provide evidence for your outlandish claims. I'm just pointing out they are outlandish. But I love your fretting over the national debt. The Obamessiah added more debt than all previous presidents combined, but your now fretting that Trump hasn't solved that problem yet. Bonkers doesn't start to describe it. Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 21 July 2018 1:16:23 PM
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Dear Kirby483,
It appears you are reluctant to play. Understandable but not very sporting I must say. Well let's for fun test you the second item on your list. “Consumer confidence is at an all-time high.” Since Putin's Puppet took office consumer confidence has pretty well flatlined, especially in comparison to the Euro countries which have had stellar consumer confidence increases far outweighing the USA. Go to the OECD link below and compare the US with Germany and the Euro19, just enter them into the 'Highlighted countries'. You will see that the US is a very poor third. Why do you think that is? Hopefully I will get a chance to go through a few more for you later. Posted by SteeleRedux, Saturday, 21 July 2018 6:26:05 PM
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Putin’s Puppet, I think not. Non hysterical about the casting of Russia as a demon country, yes. All this demonising of Russia is all about the democrats trying to come up with any Thing they can to discredit President Trump. Fancy the Democrats being in an uproar. How often has the US put puppet leaders in other countries. Ukraine goes back a long way, and it was the Western powers that manipulated things in Ukraine because of their fear of Russian power. Russia’s borders are made of uncrossable mountains and Ukraine is one of the only border areas where the access In and out of Russia is open and easy to cross. The Western powers sought to cut that Ukrainian border access,trying to contain a Russia they feared. You can understand why Russia was never happy about European interference with the non mountainous border of Russia. It seems there ended up being two ethnic groups in Ukraine because of that meddling, Russian bloodline Ukrainians and European bloodline Ukrainians. The Europeans had control of the country until the Russian linked Ukrainians gained enough numbers to vote in a leader who was pro Russia. The European Ukrainians Immediately took to the streets in protest to what was a fair and square democratic election. I watched them demonstrating in the streets on the news for a week,or two. Then they staged a coup and overthrew the voted in leader and put a pro European leader in. The Russian Ukrainians then rebelled and Ukraine was on the verge of a deadly civil war. Putin realising that the European Ukrainians still controlled the army feared the Russian Ukrainians would be genocided and slaughtered and so he went in to protect them. As he said publicly on the world news at the time. “What did I do that America hasn’t done many times?” It’s true! How many times has America picked a side and interfered in other countries? Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 July 2018 7:10:43 PM
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........further to the above
Whenever they state why Russia is such a bad country, the first thing they mention is Ukraine but to my way of thinking, deposing a fairly voted in Leader is what triggered the civil war. So the Ukrainian war is down to the Ukrainian Europeans Also, America’s paranoia fear of Russia. (Too many KGB spy movies) caused them to Side against Russia in the war between Afghanistan and Russia in the late 1970’s Guess whose side they fought on, against the Russians. A group Americans had never heard of back then, the Mujahideen, and guess what young lad was fighting with them Osama Bin Laden. I know this because I saw a reporter talk about actually meeting him and talking to him during that war, he remembered him after the 9/11, event. Now, if America had sided with Russia back then. Osama Bin Laden may well have been killed as an enemy combatant in the war against Russia. But America aided his victory not having a clue that they weren’t doing the people of Afghanistan any good because they had no clue about what was the reality of the situation, just like they didn’t know who to side with in Syria. So if America hadn’t let themselves believe everything they saw about Russia in movies They may have sided with Russia, and the mujahideen would not have won, Osama possibly would have been killed. No 9/11. This hysteria about Russia is misguided and overblown, Posted by CHERFUL, Saturday, 21 July 2018 7:38:20 PM
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Exactly Cherful, just as it was during the Cuban missile crisis as those thoroughly nice and benign Russians tried their very best to make our world a far better place to live in.
Without question, your completely unbiased analysis has the hallmark of sheer genius and without parallel in the known universe! Da? Looking forward to your next episode of mind-blowing enlightenment with riveting attention! While being mindful of an excitement level that could if increases much further result in spontaneous human combustion . So wonderful to know that saint Putin is such a decent fellow with the whole world and its safekeeping in his ever so helpful hands! Makes you feel kinda all warm and fuzzy inside doesn't it? Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 22 July 2018 10:43:43 AM
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Paul B
Why are the anti trump hysterical crowd so black and white and extreme with everything. I always say in my posts, Putin’s is always Pro Russia first, he’s no other country’s best Friend That is true of every country in the world. But you leftist Trump haters know that, you are just pushing Trump hatred. While I say Putin will be loyal to Russia first, he does not need to be an enemy either Dlplomacy is always what’s needed between countries. How many American presidents have shaken his hand. And as I said a lot of what happened in Ukraine was down to the meddling of America and Britain after the war. I’m not saying Putin is a warm fuzzy guy, but the democrats are the ones making a worse enemy of him than needs be. The same baying mob that critiqued Trump for his handling of Kim John Ung because they said he was too harsh in calling him rocket man and calling his bluff with strong words, now want Trump to use strong words with Putin. Well which is that you want.. The President to challenge leaders like Kim Jong which the democrats said was foolish and in danger of plunging the world into war and yet now they say, Trump should have been challenging and accusatory to Putin. Your lot are the ones that are inconsistent and believe me I’m a lot more grounded than the current leftist are with their concept of reality in world politics, because they filter everything through the get Trump lense, at the expense of true perception. And I’ve been a left wing voter all my life, my family was working class and we believed in the left to speak for us and protect us from the excesses of capitalism. But I’m also a believer in finding the truth in any situation and I will anyalize and seek information about an issue to find where the truth lies. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 22 July 2018 12:48:46 PM
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Sorry, should be,Alan B.
I apologise for that. Posted by CHERFUL, Sunday, 22 July 2018 12:50:10 PM
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For a start - Poverty under Trump Welfare cuts I won't bother with the rest because you're obviously dazzled by all the bluster, flag-waving and hollow distractions like "Space Force" and there's simply no point. I don't care if you believe me or if you simply wish to take all his pronouncements at face value and remain wilfully ignorant. Just be aware that not everybody is as naive and most of his "alternative facts" are actually deliberate lies. Oh, and as for Obama debt - he indeed added $8.588 trillion, a 74-percent increase from the $11.657 trillion debt at the end of Bush’s last budget, FY 2009 - party as a result of the GFC bail-outs. Trump already plans to add $8.282 trillion debt, a 41- percent increase from the accumulated $20.245 trillion debt at the end of Obama's last budget for FY 2017. If he spends as he hopes, Trump will add almost as much in his first term as Obama did in two terms. Posted by rache, Monday, 23 July 2018 1:54:24 AM
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OH dear, you really should read past the headline. The 'proof' (such as it is) that poverty is increasing under Trump is based on data from 2016 ie from before the time when Trump took over. As to the claim that homelessness is increasing "due to cuts in welfare" you have no evidence that homelessness is increasing or that there are any actual welfare cuts...just an article that welfare cuts may occur in the future. Logic takes a holiday...or in your case did it ever visit? Seriously, how can homelessness increase due to welfare cuts that haven't even occurred? "I don't care if you believe me ..." I'll start believing you when you start offering views based on the real world. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 23 July 2018 1:15:03 PM