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The Forum > Article Comments > A current mantra and the envy of Jesus > Comments

A current mantra and the envy of Jesus : Comments

By Ray Barraclough, published 18/7/2018

They are repeated like a fundamentalist chorus or mantra: The politics of envy and class warfare.

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Sadly today, any view that is different or difficult, runs the risk of being dispatched by glib one liners or words formulated to deride. The beauty of the Gospels, in part, are their call to the counter-cultural and the uncomfortable. Concepts of justice, fairness and sustainability need a lens of critical 'uncomfortableness' if they are to be addressed and re-calibrated.
Posted by Bruce A, Thursday, 19 July 2018 11:06:15 AM
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Woe to the rich indeed. But there's more to it then just politics and taxes on the wealthy (which is the context I gather "politics of envy" is termed for). Jesus said to be generous, and more so even with debt to not take someone's only coat and not let them have it back in the night. In this way we have done wrong to con society to need a higher education that forces them into debt. Then in collecting it we let most of them go homeless. Lose their car, their house, or any of their savings because of a debt that was almost designed to cripple the masses. After a certian point it almost seems impossible to get out of debt because the rate of intreast is greater then the amount that can be paid off. So the debt grows.

For those of us that are not homeless we are probabley the rich that is being warned. Therefore the taxes the supper rich try to avoid, we should allow in order for helping the supper poor. And let any generousity we have not end with taxes. The politics of envy can be supplied by by generousity.

However there is a counter point worth mentioning. In the face of laziness taking it's toll on the early Christian community that shared it's wealth; Paul gave this advice. To those who don't work, they shouldn't eat. (One assumption is that he meant this only to those who are healthy and able to work, but don't..)
Posted by Not_Now.Soon, Thursday, 19 July 2018 6:51:23 PM
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Jesus made some of the fat cats uncomfortable. The religion founded in his name is dominated by fat cats. Although some Christians are genuinely devoted to the cause of the poor Christianity as a whole seems more concerned with who engages what part of their anatomy with a part of the anatomy of another person or the fate of a fetus as more important than the fate of the pregnant woman that surrounds that fetus. Christianity supplies chaplains to the armed forces euphemistically called defense forces while those Christians who oppose the violence are put in jail. Of course, Jesus was not a Christian so why should Christians share his views, anyway?
Posted by david f, Friday, 20 July 2018 10:50:20 AM
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