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Liberalism: a joke, literally : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 15/6/2018

It's dangerously naïve to believe more-of-the-same secular liberalism, with or without Donald Trump, will eventually win out.

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Politicians! Tell people what they want to hear and BS shovelled by the shipload or propaganda pieces like this one? And because all too often there are vested or conflicting interests or a hidden or very different agenda?

Some of the most vocal self-confessed libertarians are or were libertarian only at home or for themselves! Names and pack drill? Putin, Stalin, Netanyahu, Hitler, Ergodan, Theresa May, Himmler and that well-known philandrist, Donald Trump? Who is the finest example of the expression, charity begins at home! And I know you know what I mean!

Time to start telling it like it is and what's actually possible, rather than this or that heaping helping of BS. And the reason for the energy crisis and the destruction/dismantling of our ultra critical manufacturing sector.

Without which we are virtually defenceless! And could be so different if our "Leaders" weren't welded to coal!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 15 June 2018 11:00:03 AM
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Meanwhile a comment based on Mcluhan's famous phrase "the medium is the message"
What kind of powerful in-your-face, bodily smithereening communication do BOMBS make?

As at July 31st 2017 under herr trumpenfuhrer the USA had dropped 20,650 bombs on Islamic countries in 2017. Since then the number of bombs is most probably much much higher. And some dreadfully sane "conservative" dingbats think that the trumpenfuhrer should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Under the O-bomber the USA only managed a total of 26,000 in all of 2016. He should of course be stripped of his peace prize.
And of course peace-loving Amerika has been bombing one or more Islamic countries almost every day for the past 20 years or so, ever since the first Gulf war.

Dreadfully sane Americans then wonder why the citizens of these forever traumatized countries hate the USA government.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 15 June 2018 3:13:18 PM
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Although they pretend otherwise ALL of the usual "conservative" and back-to-the-past "traditionalists" suspects are just as much trapped within the now world dominant secular-materialist paradigm as the dreaded "liberals" as described in Mark's essay. And by extension their mooted politics are just as (potentially) dreadful - even more so.

Secular-materialist culture is the extension/projection of the now world-dominant paradigm of scientism, in which we all trapped with NO exceptions.

ALL of conventional politics and culture invites (and limits) us toward enthusiastic participation in a mortal lifetime displayed within a scheme of dreadfully indifferent powers, laws and forms - even if they prattle on about their naive childish, even infantile creator-"God", the Bible and "Jesus".

The universe of science is a mighty pool of senseless rocks, winding like clockwork, shedding a soup of poor beings cited with the demand for yes and yes, until, in some terminal collision, they are made soundless or snuffed out in the indifferent molecular roar. Yet, if human beings or their politics act in the manner like the universe they suppose, there are cries against barbarism, totalitarianism, and unlove.
How can we justify and demand superior behavior on the part of humankind if we conceive of humankind merely in terms of the mortal ego and the secular cosmos?
Without a total psycho-physical "grounding" in a Higher Sacred and Transcendental view of self and world and Reality, then there is NO alternative to the mad gleefulness of conventional exoteric religiosity and the sorry result of angry secular mortals.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 15 June 2018 4:00:42 PM
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Interesting choice of words "trump hating American's" - quite typical of how right-wingers frame the culture wars shouting matches.

How many left-wing or progressive GUN-TOTING militias and hate groups with their associated websites appeared in America when Trump was elected?

By contrast how many GUN-TOTING militias and hate groups with their associated websites appeared in America when Obama was elected and during his time in office? As far as I know there was well over a thousand.

Furthermore hasnt Trump actually empowered many of these outfits.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 15 June 2018 5:18:45 PM
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" As far as I know there was well over a thousand."

There are two types of statistics - those you look up and those you make up. This is the latter.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 15 June 2018 6:21:23 PM
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Daffy Duck.

*...Meanwhile a comment based on Mcluhan's famous phrase "the medium is the message"
What kind of powerful in-your-face, bodily smithereening communication do BOMBS make?...*

Simple answer; bombs secure oil supplies, and further, and probably more importantly, bombs secure profits. Ask Israel!
Currently, bombs are not enforcing ideology at all. They are actually annealing in the furnace of grief, a formidable opposition to secularism of the West.

I could dissect and proffer answers to the other eloquences of your post if you wish; but I don't think you do!
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 15 June 2018 10:20:29 PM
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