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An open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu : Comments

By Alon Ben-Meir, published 8/6/2018

Not a single Israeli or Palestinian should die in a blood-soaked conflict that has not and will never yield any tangible or lasting gain for either side.

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Yet another article about Israel and the Palestinians, these are becoming as regular as Alan B(bollocks) posts about thorium.

Let's just face up to the fact and acknowledge that there will never be peace in the middle east in our lifetimes. But most importantly let's admit that all the talking in the world by people like us who don't live there and have nothing of consequence that we can actually do about it won't change a thing.

This issue has gone beyond boring, give it a rest.
Posted by thinkabit, Friday, 8 June 2018 9:11:50 AM
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Israel is the classic example of the ridiculous outcomes, from taking the easy way out to appease minorities.

Creating the state of Israel was a cop-out for the West from word go. How could the creation of a religious enclave, diametrically opposed to its surrounding neighbours in mentality and concept ever be successful.

Worse, it has been used as a tool by the US from day one, to in enhance its power in negotiations over oil, with ME suppliers.
Contrary to common belief, relations between Israel and the US, have been fraught with sell out, treachery and distrust.

The US is on its own side in the ME entirely. In its thirst for oil supplied by the Saudis, there are no friends but them. As a consequence, Israel stands apart from the West.

Israel is constantly a failed State about to happen.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 8 June 2018 9:38:28 AM
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Dear Alon,

You certainly have an idea that needs to be listened to, but if you want others to hear it, then you need to present it in a constructive, non-offending and non-exaggerating manner.

Most of the first page of your article, from the third paragraph ("These leaders may well be far more extremist") up until and including the paragraph starting with "You are a fearmonger, hungry for power", was written in blind anger: this would be sufficient to fail your English-essay-writing matriculation and I doubt that many would want to read any further and that's a pity because after that you calmed down and your words began to make sense.

I recommend for everyone to ignore the first part and start reading this letter from the paragraph beginning with "It is time for reckoning, time to face the bitter reality-the reality of Hamas".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 8 June 2018 12:25:25 PM
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Israel doesn't by have accept anything. Hamas has to accept Israel's right to exist. This bloke is an anti-Israel bigot, not to mention a bore.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 June 2018 2:05:15 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

The author is himself an Israeli, who like many other Israelis that remember the good-old Israel they once had, mourns the corruption of his country due to its prolonged 1967 occupation.

Yes, he sometimes goes into extremes, including justifying terrorist enemies of Israel, and like in the first part of this article, he sometimes exaggerates the facts and misrepresents the truth, but you should understand that he does so in genuine pain and anguish over what his country has become.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 8 June 2018 2:46:48 PM
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He is anti-Israel in the same way many Australians are anti-Australian. I have no time for people like that.
Posted by ttbn, Friday, 8 June 2018 4:10:38 PM
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OH PULEEZE....give us a break with your postulations based on what you want it to be rather than what it is.'re so full of it!
Posted by Special Delivery, Friday, 8 June 2018 4:40:55 PM
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Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Friday, 8 June 2018 5:42:01 PM
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Thankyou THINKABIT, for introducing the topic of thorium to this thread!
My interest was first ignited by Professor, Robert Hargreaves and his peer-reviewed book, thorium cheaper than coal, and verified in form and substance by the work of prize-winning Journalist Richard Martin and his peer-reviewed book Thorium, Super fuel, subtitled green energy.
Ivy league Professor (retired) economist Robert Hargreaves, the source of the estimate of reticulated power, from PRIVATE ENTERPRISE of as little a 2.98 cents PKH, or as we would put it Per KwH.
Kick Sorensen NASA scientist and nuclear technologist A further fully informed source that I, unlike you, chose not to disbelieve.
And because as a sufferer, my search into possible cures for brain cancer, is where my research led me.

Brain cancer remission rate has hardly moved in the last thirty years and the death toll is higher than the national road, kill death toll. With an average lifespan from diagnosis to death of just fourteen months. And 98% not making it past five years. And just as justice deferred is justice denied! So also is a remedy deferred a remedy (the only one) denied

Thorium is fertile, not fissile and therefore cannot be compressed to create a thermonuclear explosion.
But can be converted over time, around two weeks? Into U233. U233 decays into other also fissile products and useful isotopes, one of which is Bismuth 213.
Bismuth 213 is an alpha particle isotope, with a half-life of just 45 minutes.
Only MSR allows it to be removed without time wasting delay of interminable shutdowns.
And is attached to an antibody which targets cancer cells like a snipers rifle target ferals.
And to date has produced complete remission in death sentence cancers like myeloid leukaemia. pancreatic cancer and some very nasty brain cancers! TICK, TICK, TICK!
The only bollocks on display here is that THINKABIT actually does as his nom de plume describes!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Saturday, 9 June 2018 10:46:10 AM
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Trust you to make every post a winner:). There was no need for thinkabit to make the thorium comment, which has nothing to do with the topic. He'll probably think twice before he has another go at you.

However, I do agree with him that there will never be peace in the Middle East, thanks to Islam and Palestinian terrorists.
Posted by ttbn, Saturday, 9 June 2018 11:05:25 AM
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The real problem is that the Palestinian leadership and a large number of their supporters want to kill all Jews anywhere west of The River Jordan while the Jews would prefer not to die.

Until the Jews are prepared to compromise on this totally unreasonable negotiating position, nothing will be resolved.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 9 June 2018 3:03:11 PM
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Dear Mhaze,

When it comes to the Middle-East, one thing that may help to calm things down is to stop referring to Israelis as "Jews".

Only 75.6% of Israelis are Jews and there are varied views and little agreement among them about what it means to be a 'Jew'. Regardless, no Israeli (well, perhaps a handful, we also had our David Goodall) prefers to die.

There was a time when all the Arab states, including Egypt and Jordan, referred to Israelis as 'Jews'. Their intent was derogatory, but this is no longer the case - as relations thawed, officially or otherwise, Arab countries, in fact even Iran, now use 'Israelis' (they still use "Jewish settlers" to refer to Israelis who live in the West Bank, but it is distinct from the general Israeli population). It's mainly only Islamic extremists who still call Israelis 'Jews'. Please don't give them more ammunition.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 9 June 2018 9:47:07 PM
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While you are writing to this maniac would you please ask if he intends to celebrate the 51st anniversary of the deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty and the deaths of 34 US sailors and the wounding of 174 more crew? This of course was covered up by the US government and the murderous Israeli government. Appropriate bedfellows if you ask me.

While you are at it, perhaps you could ask about all the othe war crimes, crimes against humanity, blatant disregard for international law and too many other unspeakable atrocities which has represented the history of Israel since its inception.

No country is perfect, but Israel represents all that is wrong in the world, yet any mention of these crimes makes one a pariah and of course that other ridiculous label, you know the one, the anti-Semitic one.
Posted by Galen, Sunday, 10 June 2018 1:40:46 AM
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“Only” 75.6% of Israelis are Jews. That's a hell of a lot of Jews. Do you think Muslims would hate Israel as much if most of the population wasn't Jewish.

Israel is a Jewish state. That's why it is constantly under siege by Muslims. Talk about 'territory’ and 'homelands’ is just a cover for hatred of Jews. 'Anti-Semitism’ is far too nice a description for describing Muslim hatred of Jews and the Jewish state.


What an outburst! The leader of Israel is doing what he is required to do to protect his country and people and this makes him a “maniac”? Israel does not represent “all that is wrong in the world”; that description is the preserve of ranters like you and your Muslim mates. You are certainly guilty of anti-Semitism and hatred
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 June 2018 9:47:48 AM
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Ttbn, typical of you to respond in that way, blind hatred is your style. Not all Muslims are terrorists, neither are all the Palestinians, but you can’t see that with your myopic glasses on.

Israel is not a democracy, and could only be described as an Apartheid state.

One day an Arab nation is going to get the ‘bomb’, when that day happens, hopefully Israel will be turned into a molten glass parking lot, it’s what this horrible nation deserves.

Now that again makes me an anti-you know what!
Posted by Galen, Sunday, 10 June 2018 11:38:05 AM
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"One day an Arab nation is going to get the ‘bomb’, when that day happens, hopefully Israel will be turned into a molten glass parking lot, it’s what this horrible nation deserves".

You can say that and accuse me of "blind hatred"? You need to take self-awareness course.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 10 June 2018 1:52:25 PM
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Dear Ttbn,

«That's a hell of a lot of Jews.»

And a hell of a lot of Muslims/Christians/Druze too, whom Galen wants to turn into molten glass (soap being less in demand nowadays?).

«Do you think Muslims would hate Israel as much if most of the population wasn't Jewish.»

Good question.

First, it's difficult to generalise: many Muslims don't hate Israel to begin with. Some Muslims are Israelis themselves and yes, a portion of them are disloyal, but many of them are loyal and even serve in the Israeli army, some even gave their life in defence of Israel.

Even with those who loudly claim to hate Israel, you never know whether they mean it, or just say so to become popular internally.

They have a violent bullying culture in the Middle-East where they seek weak people to ride on thus "prove" their own adolescent "maleness": Israel is a symbol of strength but 'Jews' are a symbol of weakness.

So some Muslims, I think, would be affected if most of Israel's population wasn't Jewish, then they would need to go and seek other victims to demonstrate their masculinity on. However, this trend already occurs anyway, where more Muslims respect Israel because it's strong, so they no longer call it 'Jewish'.

Nothing demographically needs to actually change on the ground, but I think that TALKING less of Israel as 'Jewish' can help.

«Israel is a Jewish state»

This is the official and grandiose statement, expressed in Israel's 1948 declaration of independence, but the Israelis themselves are not in agreement over what this means. The discussion over "who is a Jew?" is raging ever since Israel's inception, so as the discussion whether Israel is a "Jewish state" or a "Hebrew state".

Some claim that Judaism is a religion and Israel cannot be a Jewish state unless all the 613 biblical commandments become state law.
Others claim that Judaism is an ethnicity and religion is not needed.
Some claim that it's a mix, so others can join the nation, yet there is complete disagreement and in-fighting over how it may be done.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 10 June 2018 2:19:20 PM
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