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Kim Jong-Un’s survival strategy : Comments

By Felix Imonti, published 21/5/2018

North and South Korea had to convince Donald Trump that a small achievement is a grand victory.

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As I've said on more than one occasion, North Korea is just a stalking horse for an absolutely and completely duplicitous sabre rattling China. As long as the west remains preoccupied as completely as it is, with North Korea, China will continue to trample the human rights and sovereignty of other nations at will? And we're lead by, it would seem, by escapees from the mad hatter's tea party and are almost welded to the Chinese economically. Why? Because we swallowed other folks BS and allowed our manufacturing base to be exported by failure to comprehend the warm and comfortable spot we found ourselves in would eventually lead to the death of a once robust and dependable manufacturing sector. And those who currently lead us haven't, in my humble opinion the wit or the will to turn it around but like the geniuses, they indubitably are continuing with the same policies, while expecting entirely different outcomes. At no time should a nuclear armed or nuclear-capable North Korea be allowed to boost her current imports of oil. If they want Nuclear power? Let them power their current fleet of ships, subs, tanks, bombers, fighter planes and IBM's with it! Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 21 May 2018 10:45:01 AM
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As a footnote: The other day when China landed some long-range bombers on an island that they claimed as their territory! Taken from other nations now too weak and too poor to effectively resist! And with that landing, China sent a message that could hardly be mistaken. It has intentions for expansion far beyond its current borders, with the juiciest prize of all being a very large resource-rich and very poorly defended Island continent to its south! I've been in crosshairs before and understand why the hair on the back of the neck stands up for no apparent other reason. Only fools would believe we're protected by The U.S. of A' nuclear umbrella. And need one of our own! with one or two tests that send another message back the other way? And ridiculously easy, if its fusion bombs, created from isotopes we know how to make and possess the means. Whats more important self-sufficient self-reliance and a robust self-defence backed local industry or a coal industry that benefits foreigners more than us and just helps make a sabre rattling, possible future adversary far stronger every which way. And a bit reminiscent of pig iron Bob selling scrap metal to a prewar Japan, who sent it back as bullets and bombs! The lessons of history are worthless when nobody learns from them or allow commercial interests to take precedence over self-serving and even more essential than ever, patriotism! And indeed our own more important survival strategy! Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 21 May 2018 1:45:46 PM
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Interesting article, a change in perspective is always interesting.

Yes, I've often wondered what the main game is, probably a possible war between the US and China. One of the myths about China is that it doesn't have a history of expansion, it does. Its neighbors have long memories, so do the Chinese. The current regime seems determined to restore the Middle Kingdom, so we all should be nervous, particularly the Russians, there's plenty of valuable real estate just north of China.
Posted by mac, Tuesday, 22 May 2018 5:58:07 PM
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Hi Mac,

And valuable real estate just to the West of China. And the seas just south of China. With imperialism, there's no real limit.

Yes, I think that North Korea and China ARE playing Trump. I suspect that, instead of a meeting between Trump and Kim, there will be (if they haven't happened already) meetings between North and South Korea, China and Japan, with maybe (or maybe not) Russia and Vietnam playing subsidiary roles. They'd be discussing something constructive, like joint economic ventures in North Korea.

Trump's tactics - of demanding this and that, complete de-nuclearisation, etc., otherwise he'll bomb the crap out of North Korea - probably don't work so well in the more sophisticated world of international politics, although they may go down well in Hicksville, USA. He might have to wait a bit longer for his Nobel Peace Prize, or even have to share it with, I don't know - Kim ? Xi Jin-Ping ?

When I was a kid, there was a big bully boy in the school, the headmaster's son. His mode of operation included more violence and arrogance than usual with bullies. Nor was he all that bright. When I think of him now, I see Trump's orange face and hear his bully-voice.

Less than three years to go, folks.

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 23 May 2018 12:40:20 PM
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Hi Loudmouth,

Agreed, North Korea is just a minor player in the game. When we most need the US to use its power diplomatically and to have a coherent agenda it's governed by a vulgarian bully who will probably hasten its relative decline. Even a crook like Nixon would be preferable to Trump.

Will America recover from 4 or even 8 years of Trump?
Posted by mac, Wednesday, 23 May 2018 5:34:03 PM
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President Trump has a few very powerful, cards, but it seems he does not know how to play them; one big trouble is that he presumes he is a formidable player. Kim does not have any good cards in his hands, but he knows how to play much better.

Michael Green is an American expert on East Asia. I found his article, Deciphering Kim Jong Un's Motives, very instructive.

Loudmouth says, "There will be meetings between China and Japan." I wonder if he can read Jennifer Lynd/Japan, the Never Normal.

I should be pleased if any readers here read my two comments, one on Hamilton Fish/FDR, the other side of the coin: How we were tricked into World War II and one on Charles Beard/President Roosevelt and the Coming of the War,1941: Appearances and Realities, amazon usa.
Posted by Michi, Wednesday, 23 May 2018 7:54:50 PM
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