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Why Trump's problems in Washington mean problems for Australia. : Comments
By Daniel Steedman, published 23/4/2018A distracted president has the potential to leave power vacuums which will be filled by others. This is not in Australia's interest.
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Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 23 April 2018 9:27:26 AM
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“Unpredictable President”? He seems to be the first President for a long time who has laid out what he intends to do, then does it. That's one of the main problems the bed-wetters have with Trump: they are used to lying politicians, and they can't comprehend honesty any more. Trump is certainly “fighting fires on many fronts” because he has to, after what he was left by Obama, and he is doing a damn good job of it.
“However, in Trump's case it is different”. Everything about Trump is different. He was elected to be different. Rather than concerning ourselves with whatever actions of the U.S President's are “not in Australia's interest”, we should be thinking about what the man currently masquerading as our own leader is doing in Australia's interest. And those obsessed with Trump and everything he does should think about charging the President rent for living in their heads. Yuyutsu, Australia does not have all the resources it needs to sustain itself indefinitely. We don't even have the recommended storage of fuel; and our military is more interested in gender reassignment and its troops wearing “aggressive” symbols than it is in defending us. Posted by ttbn, Monday, 23 April 2018 10:23:17 AM
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Strange thing that regressives hate leaders who do what they say they will do. Abbott got rid of the idiotic breathing tax and then stopped the illegal boat business. Every regressive ended with egg all over their face. Now Trump acts on his promises by putting America first (horror horror) and the Hilary supporters hate him more. Go figure! Trumps unpredictability makes the regressive predictable hate refreshing.
Posted by runner, Monday, 23 April 2018 11:23:09 AM
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Meanwhile once again this reference describes the on-the-ground situation in Amerika. Whatever the totally regressive insane clown president and all of his equally regressive supporters do will only accelerate this inevitable decline. 100 per cent guaranteed! Posted by Daffy Duck, Monday, 23 April 2018 2:29:58 PM
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partly agree with you daffy. At least his not feeding the trough for the gw fraudist. Certainly a highlight of his presidency to date was giving the Paris cheats the finger.
Posted by runner, Monday, 23 April 2018 2:53:02 PM
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Another "let's think of something, anything, article to stick it to Donald Trump.
Daniel Steedman seems to be yet another scribe suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. The claim that Trump is somehow in trouble because the Ivans spent a few roubles posting a few Youtube posts supporting him, is too ridiculous for words. The Left and Right establishment in the USA spent hundreds of millions on media campaigns trying to destroy Trump's connection with the majority if Americans, and they failed miserably. Trump won, Daniel, because most people no longer trusted the US political establishment or the media hacks like yourself, and they looked for somebody who represented them. There are significant issues facing the world and Trump did not create them. Unlike Obama who did nothing except make kumbaya statements and smile for the camera, Trump at least is trying to do something. That includes trade protections against China which for twenty years has used every underhanded trick there is to increase their share of global trade, including keeping their currency artificially low, stealing everybody else's patents, and stealing manufacturing secrets. Thank heaven the Americans finally got a president with the cojones to kick back. As for his foreign policy "being all over the place" he warned the Syrian regime not to use chemical weapons, especially on civilians, and he acted firmly on his warnings twice when Syria went ahead and used chemical weapons anyway. He even stared down Putin who was threatening a third world war. Guess who blinked Daniel? The US can cream the Ivans and the Putin knows it. Keep dreaming up some more drivel to display your hatred of a man who is running a government which is putting Americans first. That is exactly what Australian politicians should be doing. If you really want no borders and one world government, Daniel, then please immigrate to Europe where they think just like you do and their communities are is coming apart. And if you do go, buy a prayer mat and start bowing to Mecca while it is still voluntary. Posted by LEGO, Monday, 23 April 2018 6:03:05 PM
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"Trump may seek to bolster his position, and electoral chances, by pursuing foreign policy successes." (from the article)
Well it would certainly be a new approach to look for foreign policy successes. The impression is that the previous incumbent had priorities other than success as his aim. There is no evidence that the DJT is 'distracted' by the domestic efforts to overturn the election. His foreign policy successes to date are impressive and should he pull off a North Korean peace treaty, his place in the pantheon of diplomats will be cemented. Australia has a problem due to our reliance on China. Governments since Keating have been pushing us in this direction. It will not end well. Pivoting to India ought to be a high priority. Posted by mhaze, Monday, 23 April 2018 6:10:18 PM
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Dear Ttbn,
«Australia does not have all the resources it needs to sustain itself indefinitely. We don't even have the recommended storage of fuel; and our military is more interested in...» I was referring to the continent of Australia, rather than to the state called "Australia". The continent of Australia has everything necessary to sustain its inhabitants indefinitely on a nice, decent and wholesome lifestyle, without any corrupting outside influences from this crazy world. Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 24 April 2018 1:06:12 AM
American Indian tribes were bought off with trinkets of shiny glass - the only thing that Australia cannot produce on its own is the top-end highly miniaturised digital electronic gadgets - do without them and you don't need to care what Americans and Chinese do between themselves.