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John Brennan's Trump problem : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 21/3/2018It is worth noting that such frothing indignation came from the same individual whose tenure saw a generous, keen deployment of drone warfare.
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Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 22 March 2018 5:05:12 AM
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But it is not only the left who despises Trump. Most people in the conservative establishment despise Trump because he is a threat to their own pecuniary interests.
Binoy's left believes in continued immigration from third world countries, multiculturalism, Human Induced Global Warming, minority privilege, selective human rights, gender neutral toilets, and the suppression of free speech.
The anti Trump conservative establishment is only concerned with power, the bottom line, and their own hip pockets.
Which is why the largely white, productive, working class and middle class voted for Trump.
Binoy hates that. His own job as an extremely well paid minority advocate on sundry government sinecures promoting minority privilege is under threat. So he has to think up something, anything, to bang on about that will discredit Trump.
His subject of choice is drone strikes. And while this topic may spark some sort of selective outrage within the lefty magazines which Binoy contributes to, it would only create an outbreak of yawning from the Trump voting (or supporting) demographic group.
Dear Binoy. Terrorising terrorists seems like a wonderful idea to me. If you support the terrorists in their desire to avoid retribution, then that's why I oppose you and everything you stand for. Pakistan screamed bloody murder about the US drone strikes on Pakistani citizens, while allowing the drones to be based on PAF airfields and begging the USA to sell them some drones.
As for the drones killing US citizens, most the people in my demographic understand why that is fair and reasonable. If you go to war against your own country you are a traitor. And if you are closely associating with a self declared enemy of your own people in a war zone, you are fair game.
Trying to take a legalistic approach to a military problem is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500.