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The Forum > Article Comments > We need to empower kids to not fear bullies > Comments

We need to empower kids to not fear bullies : Comments

By Anthony Dillon, published 21/3/2018

Even the Prime Minister has admitted to having been a target as a boy, and Pricewaterhouse Coopers research suggests the problem costs society $2.4 billion per annual school cohort.

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The best examples of preventing bullying I enounted, was in a couple of small country schools that used the tendency of bullies to want to DOMINATE? Was to use that character trait in a very positive way. And saw them promoted to school prefects empowered to protect other kids from potential bullies.

With rewards such as generous praise, when at assembly various parents, theirs, were the invitees. And shared in the praise as exampled model parents, who had raised such civil and socially responsible kids, both a credit to them and the entire community. And as lead by example, often translated to the home and responsible parents.

[With non conformity shown the door or the cold shoulder! I was, as a newbie, invited to a welcome to community and country BBQ, where I was filled in on community expectations!]

With gold star stamp award ceromonies, with as much pomp and circumstance, as it were a medal of honor ceremony. Presided over by Principles, who practiced what they preached, with the complete prohibition and stictly reinfored absence of corporal punshment! And a sacking offence!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 21 March 2018 10:21:54 AM
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I was bullied at school until I got my chance at the bullies when each of them was alone and had no backup.

All attempts at bullying ceased after I did three rounds with the school's best boxer (read, he carried me and made me look good!!).
He was later, around 1953/54 Light Heavy Weight Champion of the Australian Navy.

The system that you mention, Alan, works well and was often used
by Commanding Officers in the Army, by promotion to Lance Corporal of both those who tended to bully and also those who needed a boost in confidence.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 21 March 2018 8:17:17 PM
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That's exactly the way bullies were treated when I was at primary school too, one kid in particular was taken under the headmaster's wing and put in charge of raising and lowering the flag every day and another troublesome pair were put in charge of distributing the school milk.
At high school we had an American teacher, from the mean streets of Brooklyn via the USMC and Vietnam war who took it upon himself to sort out troublemakers. He gave them all sorts of little jobs to do and if they persisted in making a pest of themselves he'd drag them outside and rough them up, carrot and stick, worked like a charm.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 22 March 2018 1:25:29 PM
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