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Tomorrow's grim, global, green dictatorship : Comments
By Viv Forbes, published 9/3/2018The key slogan of the Green religion is
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Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 14 March 2018 10:42:01 PM
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Oh Ant, perhaps you mean that the result of the case would mean the
companies would have to compensate the public. Same result, the financial impact would mean that the companies would have to be wound up. Posted by Bazz, Wednesday, 14 March 2018 10:44:32 PM
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You wrote: "Ant, I wouldn't have a clue about the author you mentioned." That is the nub of the issue; I gave a reference and suggested how you might reach it. The film is about the ignition of coal by molten magna in the Permian period. Dr Burger took numerous rock samples and identified chemical processes that had occurred during the mass extinction event. Here is reference: Being critical of the author or source doesn't cut it; watch the film by Dr Burger, it displays a step by step process of taking samples through to analysing their chemical composition and drawing conclusions. In relation to fossil fuel companies, they have been aware of the impact of using their product for 50+ years, their own research showed the dangers. Companies have made no attempt to research alternative energy and diversify. References have been provided. Posted by ant, Thursday, 15 March 2018 7:19:11 PM
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The flea continually trawls the net for material produced by fraud promoters, which he inflicts on this site to waste the time of sensible people.
Dr. Hamburger is his latest find, and this extract from the referenced site is a fair sample: ” the increase in atmospheric carbon levels is due entirely to humans burning fossil fuels” This is an indication of Hamburger’s “science” His motivation is political, and anti coal. His grasp of science is as tenuous as the flea. His own wording shows that it is all guesswork, with no relible scientific basis. Thank the flea for another time wasting consideration of what the flea considers “science” from a fraud promoter. Posted by Leo Lane, Thursday, 15 March 2018 9:11:04 PM
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The flea says:” fossil fuel companies, they have been aware of the impact of using their product for 50+ years, their own research showed the dangers. Companies have made no attempt to research alternative energy and diversify. References have been provided.”
Who said they have been aware, and of what they were aware? What does your garbled nonsense mean in your confused mind. Who saw the research of the companies?Whose assertion is it that they knew? Words are to convey information, flea. You seem to lack any understanding of this fact, so your words only result in irritation at their meaningless content. Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 16 March 2018 1:08:37 AM
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When answers are not available to anthropognic climate change science by contrarians, the abuse and flaming follows. It gets hard not to have answers to some of the references provided such as a Report to the American Petroleum Institute, the mega CSSR reference ( with numerous references) and a reference to Dr Burger's geology and chemistry. Dr Burger has submitted a manuscript to be published, in his manuscript Dr Burger provides the data he obtained, it took only a few seconds to obtain access to his paper. In his Preface, Dr Burger relates his findings to whats occurring now. Report from CIEL which draws together a case against fossil fuel companies; once again it draws on many references, see Endnotes. An email received today displayed articles appropriate to climate change, so I don't need to google much to obtain references. An example, The Washington Post has an article about research of AMOC, over a number of years observations have been carried out on the overturning of waters in the Northern Atlantic Ocean which have slowed down by melt water: Out of interest did a google scholar search of "AMOC slowdown" it displayed many references. Posted by ant, Friday, 16 March 2018 12:45:51 PM
What I was pointed out was that if they won their cases and the judge
ordered all oil & coal be banned from being burnt, by the time the
judge closed the court they would have to walk down to the ground
floor by the stairs and the supermarkets would be being emptied.
That is why they just cannot do such a thing or millions would starve.