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Tomorrow's grim, global, green dictatorship : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 9/3/2018

The key slogan of the Green religion is

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In 1968, the American Petroleum Institute was made aware of the impact of CO2 on climate.
The Greens did not exist in 1968, hence my view that science is divorced from Green ideology in relation to whats happening with climate.


"In 1968, Stanford Reseach Institute (SRI) scientists Elmer Robinson and R.C. Robbins produced a Final Report to the American Petroleum Institute (API) on SRI’s research in the sources, abundance, and fate of gaseous pollutants in the atmosphere."


"They reserved their starkest warnings to industry leaders for carbon dioxide. Robinson observed that, among the pollutants reviewed, carbon dioxide "is the only air pollutant which has been proven to be global importance to man's environment on the basis of a long period of scientific investigation." "

The Petroleum Industry had been warned about CO2 emissions 50 years ago; where were the people denying the impact of CO2 then?

Even earlier:


"Major oil and gas companies were on notice of potential climate change risks of their products by no later than the 1950s, and were repeatedly warned of those risks from the 1960s onward."

So while Greens might be blamed for contemporary situations; as happens in politics anyway, they can not be blamed for the science of the 1950s and 1960s, or the science that preceded the 20th Century.
Posted by ant, Sunday, 11 March 2018 10:34:12 AM
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Bazz, absolutely agree with your comment on electricity!

We are not likely to be locked out of the American steel market by new imposed tariff barriers, and we can also enact anti dumping laws here at home to prevent those being effectively locked out of the American market? Dumping their surplus production here.

What we can't ever prevent is, the affected dumping their surplus production on our other traditional markets. Unless we can seriously bring the price of locally made steel down.

We have just two options.

#1/ Put this production in the hands of Government facilitated and financed employee/working shareholder co-ops. And very doable as an off budget initiative!

#2/ quite massively reduce input costs. And when you are using huge amperage to run the direct reduction, single step, massive arc furnaces?

The only option actually available is much, much cheaper electricity and that is never ever going to be coal fired power, replete with all; and I do mean all its cost structures!

Any of which are not related to mining, transportation or washing then burning coal in coal fired power stations. But, artificially created debt burdens created for the sole purpose of avoiding tax.

Obscene executive salary entitlements and massively over rewarded boards/ludicrous golden hand shakes?

Plus the often unrealistic parasitic expectations of foreign shareholders/vultures.

Imagine if our steel smelting co-ops, Which would essentially run by the same working cohort! Minus the fully imported boards and CEOs; had their electricity supplied by, genuinely competing for your business, employee/working shareholder co-ops, and enabled with MSR thorium?

Prices just a fraction or one sixth of current charges, would be the new norm. Moreover, the only thing that prevents that reality is diabolically disingenuous anti nuke anti development, green ideological imperatives/BS!

Just that and the obvious vested interest by some really powerful players and their political puppets, in yesterday's coal/coal fired power? Bring down the cost of smelt as described and we can dominate the world's steel market that even the dumpers can't compete with.

A hell of a lot better than sitting hands, prevaricating and blame shifting!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 11 March 2018 11:03:25 AM
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DD: Absolutely disagree with you!

It has long since been almost exclusively GREEN POLICY to replace traditional blue collar industry with tourism!

No question of that and backed by speech after speech, Where Bob Brown and his equally, bald faced balderdash, successors, waxed lyrical on the virtues of tourism.

The very argument used to save THEIR old growth forests and wilderness areas, stored in various electronic archives as video and audio recordings.

And as we all now know, their enacted ideological imperatives came with a whole host of predictable, foreseeable negative consequences!

They or their kindred spirits routinely flout the law. Trespass and ride roughshod over the rights of others!

Thankfully stored on CDs and DVDs, where it can't be lost? And it is increased Tasmanian tourism that has forced renters out of once affordable homes! Absolutely no question, exclusively down to lame brain, errant green policies!

"Come on down and see our fabulous old growth forests and fascinating wilderness areas".

The most affected would seem to be elderly women, pensioners, the poor and downtrodden!

Tent city and extreme enduring poverty, here we come!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 11 March 2018 11:26:18 AM
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Our elderly and poor live in far worse conditions, in our own tent cities! Than anything the free loaders on Manus or Nauru currently experience!

Yet the greens are forever evocating, on how cruel and unjust is our treatment of these illegal arrivals is.

Illegal, because they'd already found reasonable refuge in transition countries! Then to a generic man destroyed their identifying documentation.

Plus paid people smugglers a years salary or more for a comparatively short trip from there to Christmas Island or other Australian territory; and in rotting hulks that could go down to the bottom, if the passage was prevented by inclement weather or routine border patrols!

Am I the only one seeing the huge hypocrisy here!?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 11 March 2018 11:41:48 AM
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Thanks, Viv, for a helpful summary of the damage done to our community by the green scourge.
Labor/Green is a filthy disease of our political system. The greens could not do the damage they inflict on us without Labor’s help.
Remember how Labor kept our minerals in the ground, and the mining boom could not happen until they were out of office?
Posted by Leo Lane, Sunday, 11 March 2018 1:11:22 PM
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There's a solid case for leaving some minerals in the ground, given in an over supplied market the prices fall as do the royalties and our share of tax!

These things are one offs! When they are gone they are gone and our astute leaders haven't done anything to replace our dependence on them or our main trading partner!

And that has now left us in a parlous position as the world slides closer and closer to armageddon and the climate change tipping point from where we cannot recover, just run headlong into an impending extinction event!

I mean, our energy policy, is the energy policy you have, when you're not having an energy policy!

So, what's their action? Close the eyes and hope it all goes away? Prevaricate and strenuously blame shift or when asked to account for their actions?

Treat us to an absolute diatribe/risible rant, of what labor did or didn't do while in office! And ditto every time they are asked to account for their actions or lack thereof!

While they count the millions mounting in various offshore accounts?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Sunday, 11 March 2018 7:02:08 PM
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