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Super Rugby snowflakes : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 1/3/2018

I'd hazard a guess 90 per cent of Super Rugby players consider safety overreach a negative.

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Ever noticed how the deranged dingbats exist in a self-reflecting and self-reinforcing hall of mirrors or echo chamber.
One of them, notably David Brooks is even considered to be a fount of (timeless) wisdom.
I much prefer this assessment him:

Similar descriptions of Brooks can be found on the Crooks and Liars website.
Posted by Daffy Duck, Thursday, 1 March 2018 8:18:17 AM
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Well done Mark. I'm excited someone can actually write coherently aimed critique, lamenting a bygone world of social justice and equality, based on reward for effort and social contribution, now replaced with rainbow flags fluttering over homeless outcasts in the streets below, who have been denied a fair go by the rising tide of a new age vision of equality, totally lost in BS.
Posted by diver dan, Thursday, 1 March 2018 8:24:06 AM
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I bought Peterson's book, but found myself skipping many of the chapters. I took note of his lobster theory, and even found myself standing straighter, shoulders back, particular when someone was walking towards me hogging the whole footpath. But, all in all, I found it a bit tedious and over the heads of the average punter. Psychology is a rather arcane subject, and Jordan does tend to ramble. I remain a fan, though.

We are not subjected to the brutalities of rugby in SA, so I have nothing to say on that. But, men in general need to toughen up, and fight. In particular 'old white men'. While most groups, including aggressive, permanently aggrieved females, are fighting for their own benefit, we are not. And, while I never thought I would say such a thing, we might learn something from the young blokes.

A couple of days ago, a pregnant young journalist was asking if not being offered a seat on the bus because she was clearly expecting was part of the penalty of 'equality'. That extremely sensible example of femininity, Miranda Devine, replied, 'Yes, dear'.

Although this pregnant young lady was young enough to be my granddaughter, and in a lot better physical condition than I am, I would have been out of my seat for her the minute she stepped on the bus. Not so the young fellas in seats, according to her. She was ignored, and eventually a woman gave up her seat: even though young women are always trumpeting that pregnancy is not an illness and they are still perfectly able to do everything they always do right up to the time of confinement.

I learned something from those young blokes I'll never know. The are growing up with this feminista nonsense, and are saying, “OK, lady. You are equal and so on, but there is a price to pay. Get used to it'.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 1 March 2018 9:21:52 AM
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Having played ruby and taken my fair share of low blows, handbaging and deliberate kicks to the head when down. Where I've also been elbowed and shouldered.

Also spent some time in the ring in the manly art of boxing, something almost forced on me, because I was too pretty to be a boy!

After the largest lad (6ft 6" Dullard) spent a few minutes on the flat of his back, the bullying and clever remarks stopped!

Followed later in life with five spinal fracture requiring hammered in, lumber punches, to insert the dye and a plumbing problem requiring catheters on three closely spaced intervals, not pleasant!

And never a peep. While younger contemporaries with less serious injuries were fainting in the shower!

Walked unaid except or a cane, six days after second bout of major spinal surgery.

So, I'm no snowflake! But have to disagree with everything the author espouses for "OTHER MEN"!

Other men, who having been floored once or twice too often while still concussed go on to have debilitating injuries later in adult life directly attributable to thuggery masquerading as ruby.

Key players with organising skills are often targets for special head treatment! As the only strategy less gifted players have to win; and then only against addled players who shoulda been benched! Get that sh!t outa the GAME!

Why!? After all it's only a game, where men pit tactics and skill, in a quasi friendly contest!

It's not jungle warfare! If you want to thump other blokes in the bonce? Take up boxing! We just don't need on it the ruby field, nor the later life, hugely negative consequences!

After all good clean, ball and all tackle is all you need to take a (winded) player out for the few vital minutes you need to gain ascendancy! The bigger they are the harder they fall!

It should be three strikes and you're out, if that's the only way to eliminate this, head high, crap from the GAME!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 1 March 2018 10:37:18 AM
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Rugby Union says it all really, still trying to bore us to death
Posted by John Ryan, Thursday, 1 March 2018 3:22:07 PM
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With a JOHN RYAN I cannot agree.

Rugby union is actually the one remaining sophisticated contact team sport, little changed by time, left for us ageing folk to enjoy: Call it traditional.
Posted by diver dan, Saturday, 3 March 2018 11:52:13 AM
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